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I was wondering...............


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You unemployed IT techies scare me. I'm a wannabe network administrator persueing that career change by taking classes.


Learn Assembler, COBOL and mainframe OS and the world will beating a path to your door in about 6 years. Unfortunately, I don't have 6 years to wait icon_rolleyes.gif


I shoulda been a cop. My brother and I took the test on the same day. He came out a few places higher than me. He was 18 and I was 20. He got the job and when they asked me, I turned it down. Heck, I was 20 and saw him working nights and weekends. I didn't want to deal with that crap.


Now, the joke's on me. He can retire next year at 3/4 salary, w/full benefits and I'm looking for a job icon_redface.gif He'll be 43 when he retires.


Ya know what, Lone Duck. Get a gvt. job!


"Give a man a fish, he'll eat for a day. Teach a man to fish, he'll sit in a boat and drink beer all day" - Dave Barry


[This message was edited by BrianSnat on August 20, 2003 at 07:30 PM.]

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Originally posted by BrianSnat:

You unemployed IT techies scare me. I'm a wannabe network administrator persueing that career change by taking classes.


Learn Assembler, COBOL and mainframe OS and the world will beating a path to your door in about 6 years. Unfortunately, I don't have 6 years to wait icon_rolleyes.gif


I shoulda been a cop. My brother and I took the test on the same day. He came out a few places higher than me. He was 18 and I was 20. He got the job and when they asked me, I turned it down. Heck, I was 20 and saw him working nights and weekends. I didn't want to deal with that crap.


Now, the joke's on me. He can retire next year at 3/4 salary, w/full benefits and I'm looking for a job icon_redface.gif He'll be 43 when he retires.


Ya know what, Lone Duck. Get a gvt. job!


_"Give a man a fish, he'll eat for a day. Teach a man to fish, he'll sit in a boat and drink beer all day" - Dave Barry_


[This message was edited by BrianSnat on August 20, 2003 at 07:30 PM.]


Well ... think of 'nights and weekends' over 25 years, the hazards and such and weigh that against coding COBOL ... you're right, COBOL's worse icon_smile.gif ... you get my point though.


But you're correct in your guidance ... the Assembler/COBOL/Mainframe folks are retiring ... a young guy that knows that stuff (and the new stuff) can probably today (and moreso in the future) name his/her price ...

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I work in the Service Planning Department of the Central Ohio Transit Authority (COTA). If anybody in the previous/or future responses is a bus operator, you know that we are inherently evil people that are only happy when we are making the lives of others miserable icon_wink.gif.


I schedule service for one of our divisions, administer many of our production Transit Information Systems and our GIS basemap using ArcView and get to play with an $8 million AVL/CAD system from Orbital icon_smile.gif.

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I'm just a high school kid. I'll be a senior this year. After high school I'm looking into an education in computer engineering or something like that. Along the lines of computers in any case...


Dan: Animator on video games. Our latest one is wrapping this week!
I'm so jealous... That would be so awesome.
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Until I saw T-Mac GH and GroundClutter's responses, I thought I was the only accounting-type person answering this thread. I'm a payroll accountant for a rapidly-growing service company. Never a dull moment.


I HAVE to get out in the real world after sitting behind a desk in artificial light all day. This hobby is helping to keep me sane! icon_smile.gif



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34 Years Aerospace Last twenty worked as a "QE" (quality engineer), Bailed out of the corporate world August 25 1989 ~~~ for the last 14 years I've been doing what ever ~ 3 years in Africa with the Peace Corps, Relief / Developmental work (water sector) in Mexico and Central America And just all around enjoying my self. icon_smile.gif


Mzee ~~~ "And now where"


[This message was edited by Mzee & Associates on August 22, 2003 at 01:36 PM.]

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Freelance Slacker available for hire.


Current domain: Retail/Service Slave


Most formerly: Sandwich Artist Extraordinaire


Schooled in: Retail Marketing


Future: Entrepreneur


Puppy is also well-versed in slack-ese. "Retired" jazz student, who plays trumpet and bass, former labour/retail slave.


Both unemployed. Both have recently returned to mooching from parents. (Ugh.)


A great serial killer once said, "Beauty is only skin deep. Trust me, I've looked..."

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G1: Technology Coordinator for a private elementary school part time and Technology Integration Specialist for a public school district full time (manage the ATM facility and community outreach program). Do consulting, networking and computer repair on the side.

G2: Ed Tech for a Third Grade class

G3: Fifth grade student


"It is an old maxim of mine that when you have excluded the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth."--Sherlock Holmes

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Hate it when people ask, because before I get 30 seconds into explaining, their eyes start to glaze over.


Paying job: I'm a project manager and editor for a firm that handles a lot of educational data. Much of my work is in administering evaluations of teacher training and educational initiatives. In other words, is what we're doing to all those poor little kids (and their teachers) having any impact?


Past lives: newspaper editor, high school English teacher.


Not paid: volunteer doing birding tours.

Not paid but most important: mediator, psychiatrist, chef, housekeeper, general manager, janitor, carpenter, gardener, handyman -- I'm a dad.


Just because you're paranoid doesn't mean someone really isn't out to get you.

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Me - unemployed (since 02/03) IT Manager with 35 years experience. Trying to convince they government they should retrain me as a woods product worker or commercial fisherman...


She - professional landscape artist at www.thenorwoodstudio.com


Together - working on year 36 as a team. Finally getting the hang of it. I think. But then the guy is the last to know.....



What are you looking for?

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Howie who started thread...you sound like Homer Simpson.


Me...I have worked 18 years in the Financial Industry at one of the largest investment firms. I love it...everyday is new.I have worked for 10 years for the best boss ever and I drive over 40 miles just so I can be his employee. My job has helped me raise my great kids, pay for college and put some away in the 401k.


As much as I would like to be a stay at home mom, I don't like the jobs of the stay at home mom. I hate laundry, dishes, housework. My amazing husband helps me with those things!


Dream job: Park ranger in the Guadelupe Mountains. But I do not have a college degree. Girls did not go to college in my family.

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