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Two people both claiming a find on a one person per "location" cache


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Please read the recent logs on this cache and tell me what you think. I am really interested in know other peoples opinions on this matter.

**link deleted, thanks for all your advice**


The Mountain Bike Guy.


Long Live Long Rides!


[This message was edited by MTBguy on June 13, 2002 at 01:57 PM.]

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My grandma would tell you both to play nice, and that "A little bit of courtesy goes a long way".


(But, then again, she dipps snuff and smeels like boisenberries...)


I am just glad that neither of you have wasted such space and effort on a cache page of mine, IMHO.


Whatever happened to mutual respect and "manners"?




Always trade UP in both quantity and quality and Geocaches will be both self-sustaining and self-improving!



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Been in the one in Orlando. It certainly is big and is certainly is a Mcdonalds.


That's always the trouble with these kind of things, one will be the biggest until someone makes a bigger one. The first one isn't going to take all its signs down and have some new "World's Second Biggest" T shirts printed.


Anyway, it's not that important. You can both claim the find, I would think.


So who has the World's Biggest Twine Ball?? - now THAT'S an argument.




[This message was edited by Slytherin formerly known as kimRobin on June 13, 2002 at 12:22 PM.]

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After reading all the logs on this page I must say to the two of you "Take it down a few points"!



This is supposed to be fun. Work is where you argue like kids.



As always, the above statements are just MHO.


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Just for the record, I would like to point out that the website Doombot uses as a reference is not an official documenting (sp?) website, but instead a promotional tool and without any documentation to prove its claim to largest, and is thereby unreliable.


I do agree that the bickering should have taken place in private email and you probably shouldn't even have brought it up here as that just instigates more animosity.


It is a game/sport. The owner of the cache has made his/her/their decision. I think the point has been made. Move on.

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Originally posted by MTBguy:

Please read the recent logs on this cache and tell me what you think. I am really interested in know other peoples opinions on this matter. http://www.geocaching.com/seek/cache_details.asp?ID=21958&logs=y&decrypt=


The Mountain Bike Guy.


Long Live Long Rides!


I think you need to call your local congressman and have them debate this in the next session right after they vote on whether to extend the now expired anti ballistic missile treaty. (Don't get mad just funning a bit. My advice is to forget it and keep on having fun.)



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Originally posted by The GeoGadgets Team:


It is a game/sport. The owner of the cache has made his/her/their decision. I think the point has been made. Move on.


The cache owner hasn't contacted anybody yet. And I just posted this to find out what others thought.

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Another reason to eliminate locationless caches ...


But if you really want my opinion, you're initial post was a bit uncalled for. He should have cited his source for declaring the largest McDonalds and you should have had that conversation before posting.


I guess in the end all agreed that he found the largest "McDonalds & Playhouse" (or whatever) and you found the largest "McDonalds". If I were you, and someone had already posted the largest "McDonalds & Playhouse", I'd have passed on the largest Mcdonalds. Aren't there a zillion other large things to locate near you?

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