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The New Geocache Lexicon!


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My vocabulary has geekily grown to include new words based on geocaching and this site. Pretty soon I will be able to amaze my friends with a whole new language!!



Markwell: No longer a name but a verb to describe a reply post which links back to a previous thread which talked about the same subject. As in: "I feel this thread on new geocache words could be markwelled any minute".


GPSr food: Batteries as in "I took nothing, left GPSr food"


I'm sure there are many more I havent even heard yet so post a word and lets get them out! I'm Geo-itching for your replies!

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You mean something like this could be Markwelled to this or this? icon_wink.gif


TFTC: Thanks for the Cache


Chromes: combination of "Crow Miles" as in "the GPS says the cache is .45 chromes, but this is going to be a 2 mile walk on the trail."


Others in the older threads specifically related to caching:


FTF First to Find

yapidka-yet another park I didn't know about

RASH - Recreational activity sport or hobby

Neocacher - newbie

Loose Bearings

The Force


Geomuggles - those poor humans not "in the know" that we encounter on the trail.


My favorite non-cache-specific terminology that has definite implications on our hobby:


SWMBO: pronounced "Swim-bo" - She Who Must Be Obeyed.

Usage: I'd love to go caching this weekend, but SWMBO has some puttering for me to do around the house.



Chicago Geocaching

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My favorite non-cache-specific terminology that has definite implications on our hobby:


http://wood.bigelowsite.com/aracnetlive/wood/SWMBO_Explanation.htm: pronounced "Swim-bo" - She Who Must Be Obeyed.

Usage: I'd love to go caching this weekend, but SWMBO has some puttering for me to do around the house.





I just tried to use it on my Bfriend who announced he is playing all night poker this weekend at the card club. "But I'm SWMBO!", I say. There was silence and then..."huh?" Then I gave him permission. More silence. He fears the rules are a-changing...


Also liked

Geolurker- a single male stealthily lurking in bushes and trees at a park with lots of children.


There's No Lettuce Nearby was hilarious- I suspect Snazz's brain is uniquely wired.

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heh, one that hasn't been mentioned yet.




The Powers That Be. Those who rule Geocaching.com




So far so good, somewhat new owner of a second/new Garmin GPS V 20 plus finds so far with little to no problem. We'll see what happens when there are leaves on the trees again.

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I thought TNLN meant The Nice Log Nest relating to the sticks and bark that the cache is hidden under.




So far so good, somewhat new owner of a second/new Garmin GPS V 20 plus finds so far with little to no problem. We'll see what happens when there are leaves on the trees again.

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Originally posted by Mr. Snazz:

Doot: Trail mix, similar to GORP


Odd definition for doot, not the usual one I seen here. Then why would someone be concerned about a bag of Trail Mix hanging from a tree?


Hard work often pays off after time,

but laziness always pays off now!


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1. Geocard (Noun) A business card type card that is specific for geocaching left behind after a find.


2. Geochip (Noun) A poker chip labelled with the appropriate geocaching logo left as a trade item or as a signature item.


3. Signature item (Noun) Some item made unique (by labelling or other means) to the cacher that is left behind after a find.


4. De Geo Vu (Noun) The condition of confusion one finds themselves in when opening a new cache and finding one's signature item in side already.


By appointment to the Court of HRM Queen Mikki I.

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An established term that I may have missed, even after reading this and the earlier threads:


"DriveBy" or "Park 'n Grab": A cache easily find-able without leaving your car (virtual) or within sight of your car (traditional).


A couple I'd like to add:


First, we need a term for people who hang out in ClayJar's Geocaching Chatroom on IRC. Possible terms include the bland "GeoChatters" to something a bit more creative, like "JarJunkies" or "mIRCtoys".


How about "Bug Zapper" to describe a person who maliciously or ignorantly derails a travel bug from reaching its goal, or simply takes it and doesn't release it into another cache?


And "ROTwhiler" could be the term for a person who decodes the ROT-13 encrypted clues manually while out in the woods. In the dark. In the rain.


And finally, how about "being a Princess" for that particular subset of trolls who derail forum threads by criticizing persons, rather than opinions?



If there's no accounting for stupidity, then why do I need to file a tax return?

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Originally posted by Lyra:



Took nothing, left nothing, took picture (film almost out) travel bug missing, nice cache, thanks for the hide!



Reminds me of a sign in a bar at the Army National Gaurd training grounds in Wyoming.

All it said was:




On the second night there, we got curious enough to send one of us up to the bartender to find out what it meant.

He came back and said:

"Your curiousity just cost you a dollar for the juke-box".

"What? Why?"

"No, thats what it means, Your Curiousity Just Cost You A Dollar For The Juke-Box"

"oh...here ya go"

Thought it was funny, but then again we were drinking, so....





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And "ROTwhiler" could be the term for a person who decodes the ROT-13 encrypted clues manually while out in the woods. In the dark. In the rain


There's another way??


...how about "being a Princess" for that particular subset of trolls who derail forum threads by criticizing persons, rather than opinions?


Nope, sorry, no can do. As a representative of the Princess class I cannot let the actions of one supposed royal gump besmirch the good (if somewhat girly and demanding) name of princesses everywhere.


Let's call a troll a troll. That's the only way to defeat them. (If you must have a geocaching term for a troll how about "golf ball"? Something that takes up room and contributes little or nothing to the group.)

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