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Charter member benefits


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I have just become employed with a fast growing “Travel, Recreation and Leisure” website (which will remain nameless as to avoid SPAMING this newsgroup). I should also say that I have been an active Geocacher for almost a year now.


I approached my new employer with an idea that I believe would greatly benefit Charter Member Geocachers. I thought I would post it to this forum for discussion.


Our site would offer discounts relating to travel to Charter Geocache Members (lodging rates, car rental, etc.). The details are still very much in the beginning stages. The only cost to the member would be the Geocaching Charter Membership to the Geocaching website.


I believe this would create several benefits for all involved.


1. Charter Members would save money when traveling great distances to Geocache.

2. This would add to the benefits offered to Charter Membership causing an increase in membership participation and increasing the income of the Geocaching website greatly.

3. It would add another element to our site.


This post is my attempt to add validly to my presentation.





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Open (at least until we know the details). When two businesses, offering differing products, have a common client base, this type of arrangement can be very worthwhile, usually resulting in a win, win, win, situation.


You may not agree with what I say, but I will defend, to your death, my right to say it!

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I'm open to the idea, but real cautious about the implementation. I for one would not want Geocaching.com to hand over a list of it's charter members to anyone, and that is what your company will want. How else would they be able to verify my Charter Membership? That has the potential of opening the SPAM flood gates to the email account I use for this site.


Before you flame me for that last statement, I'm not saying the SPAM would come from your company. But once the info is out of Jeremy's hands he has no control of how it is used/protected. Jeremy is pretty careful when it comes to keeping our info private now. Giving up that control may not be something he'd be willing to do.


Now if this was a benefit of being a charter member that I had to sign-up for, that might not be so bad. That gives me the choice of sharing my personal information with your company if I think I would use the service.


Just my thoughts....


smile02.gif Why be normal!!!!

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I would like to thank everyone who has and who will vote on this topic! I knew most would be open to the idea of saving a little $$ while caching. Who knows, I might even be able to pull in an airline to "sponsor" the sport in some fashion. Just throwing out some ideas.


If any of you have any suggestions/wants/desires I would love to hear them. Because this is still in the discussion stages, comments are much welcomed.


Happy Hunting!!



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The ONLY way that I would be in favor of this is if the travel outfit were to announce their discounts via a banner ad or (topical, infrequent) announcement here.


I do NOT want my personal information sold or otherwise provided to a third party. Nor do I particularly want the forums polluted with advertisements from everyone and their brother with something to sell.


It could work, if Jeremy were to have a page only accessible to charter members linking to those offering discounts. Charter members could visit the page and click through to the merchant of their choice. Opening the possibility of spam is a bad idea, and commercials in the discussion boards is a bad idea.


Don't start down the slippery slope.

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Originally posted by Jukin Jay:

It could work, if Jeremy were to have a page only accessible to charter members linking to those offering discounts. Charter members could visit the page and click through to the merchant of their choice. Opening the possibility of spam is a bad idea, and commercials in the discussion boards is a bad idea.


Don't start down the slippery slope.


A page that charter members could click to woul d not be a sell out to advertisers and I could support something along that line. That would allow an outlet for sponsorship without the blatant commercialism that nobody wants.






Rusty & Libby's Geocache Page

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Because of the ever changing aspect of active "Charter Members" I believe control should be left up to Groundspeak.


Because I have been a Geocacher for much longer than I have been with this company I feel it my duty to hold the Geocache community interests in high regard. This is one reason I have not mentioned the name of the company I work for. I will not Spam this forum. This is another reason I have opened this topic up for discussion in this forum. Your comments are vital to the success of any type of cooperative effort.


I agree that the a page on the Geocaching web site should be used as a portal to redeem any benefits offered. This will keep the experience true and accurate. Keep in mind that these offers will be given exclusively to "Charter Members" and not to the general public. I believe, if done correctly, this could be a benefit for all involved.





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Originally posted by Hipp:

Because of the ever changing aspect of active "Charter Members" I believe control should be left up to Groundspeak.


You have nothing to worry about. Control of this site will ALWAYS be left up to Groundspeak.

(Of course in most cases it is in their best interests to give consideration to our ideas and input)


You may not agree with what I say, but I will defend, to your death, my right to say it!

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Originally posted by seneca:

..._You may not agree with what I say, but I will defend, to your death, my right to say it!_


Seneca ... something about your photo (avatar) has been bugging me ... I just realized what it was ... you look sort of like IMUS ... as in IMUS IN THE MORNING ... at least from that angle! Nothing implied ... just figured out what it was that looked so familiar.



Co-founder of the "NC/VA GEO-HOG ASSOCIATION"

... when you absolutely have to find it first!

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Originally posted by Hawk-eye:

Seneca ... something about your photo (avatar) has been bugging me ... I just realized what it was ... you look sort of like IMUS ... as in IMUS IN THE MORNING ...


I'm not too sure how to take that? I will tell you one thing, that photo (which my 13 yr. old daughter took) is quite uncharacteristic of me - usually I look quite goofy in a photograph. I guess the only time I look stern and deep in concentration is when I'm flying. BTW - my signature line (which you quoted) was intended to be funny - I hope no one is taking it too seriously. (if they are I will remove it... NOT!)


You may not agree with what I say, but I will defend, to your death, my right to say it!

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