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Caching Christmas song....

Wander Lost

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We were standing around making dinner tonight when Lost One started singing, "Feliz Navidad". We of course broke in to the twisted version, "Police stop my car". Then it digressed into, "Police nabbed my cache".


Needless to say we had to post it here to get help finishing the song. So please do your worst! icon_wink.gif


smile02.gif If ignorance is bliss, why aren't there more happy people??




Caching through the snow . . .


You finish it icon_razz.gif




"The kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field.

When a man found it, he hid it again." Mt. 13:44


Caching in the snow


Caching in the snow

And hoping to find our way

To the treasure trove

Bushwhaking all the way...

Whak! Whak! Whak!


We can't feel our toes

And we've lost our flashlight

But what fun it is to slip and slide

By GPS glow at night!



Jingle Bells, Caching Tales

"It'll be fun", they said

Found the spot, and now we're lost

Our batteries went dead.




(Loosely based on a recent caching adventure)




Silent night,

caching tonight,

all is calm

my backlight's bright.


An ammo box virgin,

it's not been defiled

to be first to find it,

I'll stumble for miles.


Sleep in heavenly peace,

Just one more smiley face please.



Next time, instead of getting married, I think I'll just find a woman I don't like and buy her a house.


'Twas the night before Christmas, when all through the house

not a cacher was stirring, especially my spouse.

And though we had decorated the household with care,

It turns out that none of us would surely be there.

The children were nestled all snug in their beds,

While visions of McToys danced in their heads.

And mamma in her camelback, and I with my stash,

Had readied ourselves for a Christmas day cache.

When out on the lawn there arose such a clatter,

I sprang from the bed to see what was the matter.

Away to the window I flew like a flash,

Since outside was drying a new ammo cache.

The moon on the breast of the new-fallen snow

Was enhanced with the crack of glo-stick's new glow.

When, what to my wondering eyes should flicker,

But a miniature car, with a Geocache sticker.

With a driver so frisky and sporting a mane,

I knew of his moniker - ClarJar by name.

He rounded the corner with reckless abandon,

as if he were racing to Bruce Lee and Brandon.

"Now, Etrex! now, Maggie! now, Sportrak and Garmin!

On, Legend! on Meridian! Move it, you vermin!

Find me the cache, I'm having a ball!

Now cache away! cache away! cache away all!"

He was dressed all in camo, with hiking boots and a slicker,

And the mud on his boots was 2 inches thicker.

A bundle of toys he had flung on his back,

And he looked like a peddler just opening his pack.

A little compass he pulled out of his sharings

To help when his GPS lost all its bearings.

He had a slim face and his hair was part gelled,

Had I seen him before, I needed to be markwelled.

He spoke not a word, but went straight to his work,

And found my ammo box - pre-released! the big jerk.

He placed in a travel bug, and his face shone with glee,

"Let's see if it can make all the way back to me!"

He sprang to his car, and started it up,

And downed an espresso (a 20 OZ CUP!!!)

But I heard him exclaim, ere he drove out of sight,





Chicago Geocaching


(tune of "O Christmas Tree")

O hollow tree, O hollow tree,

The perfect place for caches


An ammo box, or tupperware,

And passers-by won't know it's there


O hollow tree, O hollow tree,

The perfect place for caches


(tune of "Christmas is Coming")

This geocaching is such an awesome game!

Please trade an item that is worth the same.

If you don't like the selection

Just sign the log, and then

If you haven't got a trade item



vlip2.gif Now cache away, cache away, cache away all!


[This message was edited by Dinoprophet on December 13, 2002 at 05:49 AM.]


[This message was edited by Dinoprophet on December 13, 2002 at 05:56 AM.]


Police nabbed my cache (x3)

And told me where I could go pick it up


Police nabbed my cache (x3)

They didn't tell me what the problem was


It wasn't placed in a national park

It wasn't placed near the railroad tracks

It wasn't placed in somebody's backyard

Or inside a restauraaaaant!


It wasn't anywhere near an airport

It wasn't close to the highway shoulder

It wasn't near anybody's deer blind

Or the bottom of a hooooole!


Police nabbed my cache (x3)

Now you have to log in just to look it up


Police nabbed my cache (x3)

At least the bomb squad didn't blow it up


(repeat chorus)



vlip2.gif Now cache away, cache away, cache away all!


By Planet


Satellites searched.

Are you cachin'?

We're hiding things,

in a fashion.

A beautiful park,

we'll hunt on a lark,

Cachin in a winter wonderland.


Gone on it's way has the Where's George,

Here for a stay is the Travel Bug,

He'll tell you his goal,

his mission unfolds,

Cachin' in a winter wonderland.


In the meadow we get good reception,

And we yell out when the cache is found!

Hope the hider asked somone's permission

before he placed his cache upon the ground.


Later on, we'll conspire,

as we sit by the fire,

About where we'll hide,

the next cache with pride,

Cachin' in a winter wonderland.


Doot doot doot, doot doot doo doo,

deet deet deet! dee dee de dee

doh! doh! doh! doh! doh!

dot dit dot dit dot

Cachin' in a winter wonderland!


Thank you, thank you very much!


Planet has left the building.


Cache you later,



"To err is human, to forgive....$5.00"


I found it on a midnight clear

That glorious box of tin

hid carefully under some piled rocks

with all its treasures within.


Peace to the hider--goodwill, too

from me, who found its site.

My GPS points right at it,

the cache lit by flashlight.




Wendy Chatley Green


Let us Go, Let us Go, Let us Go


Oh the weather outside is frightful,

And there's hunters out there with rifles,

But since there's a new cache placed by "RubberToe",

Let us go, let us go, let us go!


It says it's in the middle of nowhere,

inhabited by wolves, ticks, and black bears,

But I want to be the first to find it, you know,

Let us go, let us go, let us go!


Well, I've got a golfball to put in the cache,

and the poison oak has given me quite a rash,

But I really want that jar of Play-doh,

Let us go, let us go, let us go!


I've been looking for hours with no luck,

feeling like a total schmuck,

been looking high, been looking low,

let us go, let us go, let us go!


I finally decyper the encrypted clue,

hoping it would tell me which way to persue,

but instead it said, "No hint, you dodo.."

Let us go, let us go, let us go!


Well, I finally find the cache under a tree,

and I jump around yelling, "Yippie!",

"That wasn't too tough, you know,"

Let us go, through the snow, 8 more to go!




Hard work pays off in the future, laziness pays off now.


(tune of "Silver Bells")


Got a package, straight from Groundspeak

Off the UPS truck

In the box are my new travel bug tags

Just need something to attach to

And a goofy nickname

Oh, I hope that they don't disappear


Silver tags, silver tags

Don't lose the serial number

Log the goal, let it go

Soon it will be on its way



vlip2.gif Now cache away, cache away, cache away all!


[This message was edited by Dinoprophet on December 13, 2002 at 11:29 AM.]


Deck the fields with loads of caches

GPS along along along

Tis the time to find more caches

GPS along along along

Don we now our Garmin Vistas

GPS GPS along along

Troll for hidden box we seek

GPS along along along




by Planet


I cached upon a midnight clear, that glorious moon so bold.

With satellites orbiting 'round the earth, my reception would never grow cold.

Caches on the earth, hidden far from men, and women and children too.

The world in solemn stillness lay, While I tried to get first finder from you.


I searched through rocks and leaves and snow,

looking for the elusive cache.

I looked up above, around, and below, to find where it had been stashed.

A piece of cake, I told myself, I really must find this thing.

So I poke the ground with my hiking staff, until I hear ammo can ring!


Cache you later,



"To err is human, to forgive....$5.00"


(tune of "The First Noel")


I'm a newwww-bie to this game

And I don't know too much

About GPS, topo maps,

caches and such.


So I started a new thread

And before I could blink

Someone answered my question

By posting a link.


Markwell, Markwell

Markwell, Markwell

It's been discussed,

Just use this URL.



vlip2.gif Now cache away, cache away, cache away all!


The first geocache

was placed on May 3rd

by a guy named Mike Teague,

it's not so absurd.

It was visited two times,

within three days,

and since then this game's

grown in so many ways


Chorus: Geocache, Geocache,

Geocache, Geocache

Born is the sport where

you're search engine.


In July 2-0-0-0

A man who's named Jeremy

found the web site started

by the guy named Mike Teague.

Presenting him with a site design,

he called it geocaching,

What they didn't expect

was the growth of this thing.


Chorus: repeat chorus


And since that very first time

it's spread from this country

to over 150 more

and the best is it's free.

You can join up if you want,

you don't have to, if you don't

But you'll show your support

or else you won't


Repeat Chorus 2X and end


Cache you later,



"To err is human, to forgive....$5.00"


by Planet


We wish you a five cache weekend,

We wish you a five cache weekend,

We wish you a five cache weekend,

And more though the year!


So bring me the lat. and longitude,

So bring me the lat. and longitude,

So bring me the lat. and longitude,

I'll mark it right here.


We won't leave unitl we find it,

We won't leave unitl we find it,

We won't leave unitl we find it,

and celebrate with a beer.


We wish you a five cache weekend,

We wish you a five cache weekend,

We wish you a five cache weekend,

And more though the year!


Cache you later,



"To err is human, to forgive....$5.00"


by Planet


O come all ye cachers

Joyful and triumphant

Come ye, O come ye

To our cache event!

Come! And play some games.

Bring the spouse and children!


Oh please come to our party!

Oh please come to our party!

Oh please come to our party!

We'll let you know when!


Capture the flag,

Deep fat fry a turkey,

Place a few caches,

for the children to find.

Come have some fun,

meet some other cachers!


Oh please come to our party!

Oh please come to our party!

Oh please come to our party!

We'll let you know when!


Central Kentucky Cachers!

Who's bringing the Eggnog?

The MGS December meet,

We'll all sign the log!

Come and let us see,

What kind of GPS you use.


Oh please come to our party!

Oh please come to our party!

Oh please come to our party!

We'll let you know when!


Cache you later,



"To err is human, to forgive....$5.00"


We've three caches in this park

You can't hunt them after dark

When you find them, we ask that you log in,

and remember your car to mark.


OOoh, Songs From the Woods, Fox Treasure,

Wish You Were Here, Part 2 for sure!

Westward leading still proceeding

guided by my GPS-er.


We three caches in this open space,

we count as a multi, Cache hunters will race,

To find it first and sign in the log

And therefore, they're in first place.


OOh, No Paine No Gaine,

Squantz Rock, I've found,

Cathedral in the Pines is mine, on the ground,

Westward leading, still proceeding,

guided by my GPS all around.



pant, pant, pant, I'm on a roll.....


Cache you later,



"To err is human, to forgive....$5.00"


By Planet


What cache is this upon the ground?

With all of it's contents strew around.

It looks like teeth marks, it's ben gnawed,

I found the log book I'll see what's flawed.


Food! Food! Food in the cache!

This type of act always give me a rash!

Food! Food! Food in the cache!

This cache will now have to be archived.


What cache is this that's not maintained?

It's filled with golf balls and things not named!

There's a McToy or too and not much else.

I think the owner has moved somewhere else!


Junk! Junk! Junk in the cache!

Trde up or trade even or leave some cash

Junk! Junk! Junk in the cache,

This cache must now be adopted.



I'm running out of carols!


Cache you later,



"To err is human, to forgive....$5.00"


While cachers hid their caches

O'er silent fields by night,

Behold throughout the lands

was the glimmer of GPs backlight


Go hide it on the mountain,

over the hills and everywhere.

Go hide it on the mountain,

and give us a little hint.


The cachers deared and trembled

When waiting for someone to find

The cache they hid oh so well

Oh who, oh who would be first?




Down in a low lying valley

Or on a Moutain top,

ond hope Stayfloopy will find it

or maybe Dboggny, the cop.




When I was a seeker

I sought both night and day

I sought the GPS to help me

And it showed me the way.


Cache you later,



"To err is human, to forgive....$5.00"


Originally posted by Markwell:

Originally posted by Planet:

The first geocache

was placed on May 3rd

by a guy named Mike Teague,

it's not so absurd.


Ooops. It was http://opentopic.Groundspeak.com/0/OpenTopic?a=tpc&s=1750973553&f=3000917383&m=7380954935&r=8260964935.





I used poetic license and info from the about geocaching page to make it rhyme as much as I could. But thanks for the Markwell, that felt good! I think that was my first!


And if we want to be really specific and historic:

Update! - Even earlier, Nuuksion Metsäsissit, initially Metsäsissit, had been hunting locations in the Greater Helsinki, Finland, area based on coordinates since the 1980s. Although they used 1:20,000 maps and half-a-millimeter measurement accuracy which gives 10-meter accuracy for the location, they started to use GPS in the early 1990's to determine accuracy. In many ways this was a precursor to geocaching icon_smile.gif (Information provided by Mesu)


Cache you later,



"To err is human, to forgive....$5.00"


O caching night! The satellites are shining.

It is the night of the Geo-caching hunt!

Long lay the world in map and compass pointing

Till he appear'd and the soul felt His worth.

A thrill of hope the caching world rejoices,

For yonder breaks a new and 4-star cache!

Fall on your knees, Oh look for the treasure;

Oh night divine,

Oh night when cache was found,

Oh where flashlight, Oh where , Oh where's my car? icon_confused.gif


And you try rhyming Nuuksion Metsäsissit icon_biggrin.gif


Cache you later,



"To err is human, to forgive....$5.00"


[This message was edited by Planet on December 13, 2002 at 11:22 AM.]


(tune of "The Holly and the Ivy")

The sumac and the ivy

Can cause a nasty rash

Don't touch these plants when you're in the wood,

Looking for a geocache.


(I tried to write more verses, but I wasn't getting anywhere)



(tune of "Do You Hear What I Hear?")


Said the geocacher driving in his car,

"The map says it should be here (it says it should be here)

Entrance to the park can't be seen.

The parking lot should be here (parking lot should be here).

I'll have to park

A mile down the road.

I just hope my car won't get towed.

I just hope my car won't get towed.


Said the geocacher looking at his screen

"It says it should be here (it says it should be here)

Zeroes out at this mighty tree.

The geocache should be here (geocache should be here).

It's gone, it's gone

It was here, now it's not.

Guess this wasn't a very good spot.

Guess this wasn't a very good spot."


Said the geocacher wand'ring in the dark

"I thought it would be here (I thought it would be here)

I forgot to waypoint my car.

I swore it would be here (I thought it would be here)

My signal's weak

And I have no light.

Guess I'm camping out for the night.

Guess I'm camping out for the night."



vlip2.gif Now cache away, cache away, cache away all!


[This message was edited by Dinoprophet on December 13, 2002 at 11:34 AM.]


by Planet


Let There Be Caches on Earth and let it begin with me.

Let There Be Caches on Earth, the Caches that were meant to be!

With Jeremy as our Leader, cachers all are we.

Let me hide all my caches in perfect camouflagy.


Let caches begin with me. Let this be the moment now.

With ev'ry cache I hide, let this be my solemn vow;

To take each park and treat each park ecologically!

Let there be caches on earth and let it begin with me!


Cache you later,



"To err is human, to forgive....$5.00"


Well, reading this thread has been extremely entertaining....LOL. I was trying to eat my chili supper and I had to keep stopping to laugh out loud, this stuff is really good. It is inspired actually. I do this sort of stuff myself and I'm impressed, and I wouldn't dream of trying to improve on what's already been written here, bravo...


On the other hand...... somebody has waaaaaaaaay too much time on their hands...LOL. icon_biggrin.gificon_biggrin.gificon_biggrin.gificon_biggrin.gif


"Trade up, trade even, or don't trade!!!" My philosophy of life.


What did I start?? icon_biggrin.gif


This is wonderful stuff. Now can anybody actually sing??? It would be fun to put these to music and post them for all to hear.


smile02.gif If ignorance is bliss, why aren't there more happy people??




First, I must say that I was planning to do "A Night Before Christmas" but Markwell beat me to it, and well done!


Next, Dinoprophet, and the originator of the thread, you can't possibly know how Feliz Navidad ends up going through my head at this time of year. It tends to stick from around November to Feburary and I try to rid myself of it! This year, it is alternating with "And you'll be with Totoro totoro" (Japanese children's song). Anyway Dino, now I have your version going through my head (alternating with totoro)!




Yes actually,

I know Jose Feliciano. He's let me fish in his backyard. He plays once in a while at the restaurant I used to work in. but actually I don't think I could ask him to do this to his own song. LOL.

I have also sung Christmas Carols with Richie Blackmoor (of Deep Purple) when he lived around here. He's very much into the renaissance and loves Christmas Carols.

I used to be in a band (we played together for 3 years but only played two parties, it was just for fun) and my boyfriend and my best friend are going to be working in Vermont on an estate and the architect has a something like 38 track recording studio. I wonder if this could be put together? I don't know the architect well enough yet to ask, yet, but maybe before Xmas of next year it could be ready. I'll run it by him, next time I go up. Wow, this could be fun!


Cache you later,



"To err is human, to forgive....$5.00"


Markwell your song was good. It made us laugh.

Dinoprophet you did real good also.

Planet - I dont know your line of work but you may want to change. Yours kicked butt!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Too bad I cannot sing as good as my wife.



Thanks to ALL!!!




by Planet


I saw BRDAD hide his "Battleship"

Underneath a Pine tree in the woods.

He didn't see me creep

Down the path to have a peep;

He thought that I was tucked up in my bedroom fast asleep.

Then, I saw BRDAD hide his "Battleship"

Underneath his pine tree in the woods;

Oh, what a laugh it would have been

If Brdaddy had only seen

Me hiding in the forest last night.


Cache you later,



"To err is human, to forgive....$5.00"


You know the tune.....


Here we go caching!

Here we go caching!

Right down a wintry lane!


The GPSr and all the gear

are loaded for the game!


Wheels are spinning, gears are singing,

we are a scary sight!


Coords are in an' we've checked them twice.

We're gonna find the cache tonight!


Here we go caching!

Here we go caching!

Right down a wintry lane!


The cache is a box that's filled with toys,

Hey, we're all just kids again!


Grab your coat, put on your gloves.

Don't forget the flashlight!


The pointer's turning, we're almost there,

We're gonna find the cache tonight!


umc the cacher

umc the cacher was a jolly happy soul,

with a wife we know he never sees,

cuz he's always on the post

umc the cacher is a good looking man, he says

He makes so many posts, but the cachers

know how he must get out and cache one day.

There must have been some toys in that

Old cache that he had found.

For when he opened it on his lap,

He began to dance around.


O, umc the cacher

Was alive as he could be,

And the cachers say that he could post

The pants off of you and me.

Thumpetty thump thump,

Thumpety thump thump,

Look at his fingers go.

Thumpetty thump thump,

Thumpety thump thump,

Over the keyboard as they go.


Cache you later,



"To err is human, to forgive....$5.00"


Silent Night

Silent night, moonlit night,

All is calm, all is bright

Round that hill there is cache.

Don't bushwhack don't be so rash,

Keep a moderate pace.

Keep a moderate pace.


Silent night, moonlit night,

GPS points to the right,

Satellites beam from heaven afar,

Clouds are few and it's not far;

The Cache is soon to be found!

The Cache is soon to be found!


Silent night, Moonlit night,

Son of a gun, this can't be right

Slingshot effect has sent me too far,

I left the darn cache page in the car,

Geez, I wish I had a hint.

Geez, I wish I had a hint.


Cache you later,



"To err is human, to forgive....$5.00"


[This message was edited by Planet on December 20, 2002 at 08:24 PM.]


In today's high-tech world, I began to think, "what would Santa Claus be using for navigation if his sleigh hit some bad winter weather?" Then I wrote this:


There was Markwell and Fuzzy and Web-ling and Mopar,

Brdad and Planet and Jamie and ClayJar.

But do you recall...

the newest geocacher of all?


Rudolph, the red-faced newbie

had a brand new GPS

and when he went out caching

the tracklog was a friggin' mess.


All of the other cachers

laughed at him in forum flames.

They didn't think poor Rudolph

could play the geocaching game!


Then one foggy Christmas eve,

Santa came to say:

"Your Garmin has a bright back light,

so won't you lead my sleigh tonight?"


Now all the cachers loved him,

as they shouted out with glee,

"Rudolph the red-faced newbie

made geocaching history!"



Next time, instead of getting married, I think I'll just find a woman I don't like and buy her a house.


These three things I orientar, Tried to find some treasure from afar. Westward leading still proceeding, Geocacher star of light, Lead me to the treasure tonight. My new E-Trex readings in hand, Take us to that promised land. Out today and took a few turnies, Oh what a place Geocaching journies. I Must end with this great line, Get out there tomarrow and have a good time.


When all else fails Geotry again.


The Garmin was dead: to begin with. There is no doubt whatever about that. The batteries had been thrown out, the circuit board was kerputz and the page button had worn away to a whisper of rubber. Scrooge knew it. His Garmin was as dead as a door-nail.


Scrooge knew it was dead? Of course he did. How could it be otherwise? Scrooge and his Garmin were partners for I don't know how many years. Scrooge was its sole owner, its sole user, its sole mourner. And even Scrooge was not so dreadfully cut up by the sad event, but that he was an excellent man of geocaching on the very day of the funeral, and solemnised it with an undoubted first-find.


The mention of the Garmin’s death brings me back to the point I started from. There is no doubt that the Garmin was dead. This must be distinctly understood, or nothing wonderful can come of the story I am going to relate.


Scrooge never threw out the Old Garmin. There it sat, years afterwards, beside the warehouse door: as Scrooge sought other caches with a compass and topo maps. His caching name was ScrooogNMarley. Sometimes newbies called Scrooge Scrooge, and sometimes Marley, but he never answered to either name: he was out Taking Something and Leaving Nothing.


Oh! But he was a tight-fisted hand at the cache, Scrooge! a squeezing, wrenching, grasping, scraping, clutching, covetous, old sinner! Hard and sharp as flint, and often leaving flint when he could be bothered to leave anything at all and simply marking the log book with an “M”; secret, and self-contained, and solitary as an oyster. The cold within him froze water bottles, nipped his pointed nose, and left a frosty rime was on every geocache he touched.


Nobody ever addressed him on the ‘boards to say, with gladsome emoticons, "My dear Scrooge, how are you? When will you post again?" No cache owners implored him to bestow a trifle, no newbies asked him what was a waypoint, no man or woman ever once in all his life inquired the way to such and such a cache, of Scrooge. Even the blind men's GPSrs appeared to know him; and when they saw him coming on, would direct their owners into doorways and up courts; and then would wag their arrows as though they said, "No eye at all is better than an evil eye, dark master!"


Caching through the snow, E-Trex in my hand. Oe'r the fields we go, Caching all the way,HO HO HO Bells and whistles galore, Makes my spirit bright. Oh what fun it is when you see a cache come in sight. ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Topotrails,Geomails,Mapblast all the way, Oh what fun it is to find a cache along the way. OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHTopotrails


When all else fails Geotry again.


[This message was edited by Trailblazer # 1 on December 22, 2002 at 08:28 PM.]

Posted (edited)
wow didnt realize the date on his til almost done, Planet it's next year where is the record contract, can I get mine on CD yet?

You know what? My cousin's son made a recording with my mom and her brother and sisters all singing the old French folk tunes for the next generation, so they don't lose that big part of our heritage. It sounded great, recorded in a log cabin in the Adirondacks, but you'd swear they were in a cathedral when you listen to it on head phones. Add all you want and I'll see about gettting a hold of him and some of my cousins to sing them. We are a big singing family. I'll send out some e-mails in the morning and see what I can do. I'll probably have to plan another trip to Maine, oh darn! Too much caching, and not enough remembering what I posted last year I guess. Time flies when you're having fun! I can't talk to that architect guy, he got fired.

Edited by Planet

I couldn't find this thread earlier (a few days back) and I posted a marginally Christmas song in a new thread. This thread should be back at the top, for a while at least (IMHO) so I am taking the liberty of re-posting my effort to get it back up there.....


Ruddy-Bob the red-neck-cacher,

Was invited on the Springer show.

What the subject of the show was,

Ruddy-Bob just didn't know


(chorus) He just wanted his Jerry Beads,

And he would do his part.

He would let it all hang out,

(Ruddy-Bob was none too smart!)


Finally the show got started,

Everyone was sitting there.

Jerry and the usual audience,

And Steve, (the guy in black - no hair)




All of the folks were waiting,

Sitting there with breath on hold.

Wondering just what would happen,

What caching secrets would unfold.




Slowly then the tale unraveled,

And WOWZERS what a tale it was.

It seems that Ruddy-Bob went caching,

With his Wife and BOTH of his In Laws.




Then finally the show was over,

And the audience had filled their needs.

But you know, I have to wonder,

Did our hero ever get his beads?

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