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Totally Disgusted (NOT FOR THE KIDS)

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Originally posted by Warm Fuzzies - Fuzzy:

Seems to me you're either nude or you're wearing (at least some) clothes. Not a lot of gray areas there.

UHG! I SOOOO do not want to think of any possible gray areas he might have! icon_eek.gif


Tae-Kwon-Leap is not a path to a door, but a road leading forever towards the horizon.

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Whatever turns your crank and get's your motor running I guess.


I have no problem with it, as long as he is prepared to watch me rolling around on the ground laughing at him if we should ever meet on the trail.


But, I can think of a few caches I would be willing to send him to that would change his mine about going nude. Stickers and thorns and stinging nettles so thick the hogs won't even go in.


And can you just envision the poison oak problem? Skeeters? No-See-Um's?


Yellow Jackets popping UP out of their nest in the ground?


But you would not have to worry about ticks hiding, as they would be out there for all to see.


But it also RAISES the question(s): How is he dressed (undressed) to get to-from the cache starting point? Where does he keep his spare writing stick? Trading loot? Spare GPSR pills?


And what about sudden hail storms? OUCH!!


What was the commercial on TV? Inquiring minds want to know.


Oh, and I agree with keeping the photos and the agenda off the website and cache logs.




PS. Is that better Dru?


[This message was edited by logscaler on July 10, 2003 at 12:52 PM.]

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Originally posted by logscaler:

But it also begs the question(s): How is he dressed (undressed) to get to-from the cache starting point?


That doesn't sound like the definition of begging the question I learned in school.


Begging the question is not doing something that 'begs' you to ask another question...


It is...

The truth of the conclusion is assumed by the premises. Often, the conclusion is simply restated in the premises in a slightly different form. In more difficult cases, the premise is a consequence of the conclusion.


Basically, in order to believe that the premises are true we must already agree that the conclusion is true.



* Since I'm not lying, it follows that I'm telling the truth.


* We know that God exists, since the Bible says God exists. What the Bible says must be true, since God wrote it and God never lies. (Here, we must agree that God exists in order to believe that God wrote the Bible.)



from Logical Fallacies


Also see logic links


stealyourcache.gif Ever notice how anyone that caches more than you do is a maniac, while anyone that caches less than you do is an idiot? -Dru Morgan

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Woodster...I will answer you...


After the naked woman had her picture snapped, the story made the local paper. ( I work in a really small old Texas Town...for you geos type in zip 77301!)


We all had a good laugh. A few days later a guy in the office building brought over a print out of the web site. I was SURE it was a photoshop job. I went to the website off work , at home, and sure enough...


Some of the pics were actually very artsy and beautiful. Not like porno or fake chick websites. But real life women ( not many men) in outdoors settings.


Whatever floats your boat...I prefer privacy! And no nudie cachers...

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Someone brought up the point of it being illegal. Yes in more jurisdictions than others it definitely is. There are some places that allow, but I wouldn't really consider those places public. I think he had clothes with him and removed them just for the picture. I can not envison (and don't to) him driving his car naked to this place and getting out and walking to the cache like that. He would of been seen by someone somewhere and reported I'm sure. I think that he possibly enjoys being nude when he can and believes in nudism and naturism. Which is fine. I think that the photos were just for the "shock" value though. I agree that the propaganda factor is more a bigger issue. I agree with gpssaxaphone about placing the info in his profile. If don't want to here about his "hobbies" then don't click on his profile name as it is a forewarning... icon_cool.gif




As long as you're going to think anyway, think big. -Donald Trump

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Originally posted by Woodsters Outdoors:

I can not envison (and don't to) him driving his car naked to this place and getting out and walking to the cache like that. He would of been seen by someone somewhere and reported I'm sure.

You mean you don't drive around nude? When it's 100 degrees and your A/C doesn't work too well there aren't many other options than going nude. Besides, my truck sits higher than most cars, so noone else can see in. Stopping at the drive-thru window is another matter...


Took sun from sky, left world in eternal darkness bandbass.gif

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Originally posted by Team GPSaxophone:

...When it's 100 degrees and your A/C doesn't work too well there aren't many other options than going nude...

I sure hope you're obeying all traffic rules; I'd hate for you to get pulled over by a trooper.


Trooper: Get out of the truck, boy, and put your hands on the... Whoa! Stay in the truck, boy, and put your hands on the wheel... Hey!Is that a derringer you're packin'?... Oops, my mistake; Nevermind. On second thought, put your hands back in your lap. You're in a heap of trouble, boy. You got any I-Dee?


TGPS: 'Bout whut?




[This message was edited by worldtraveler on July 10, 2003 at 04:45 PM.]

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The guidelines clearly state that pornography is not alowed. I believe it is up to the viewer to decide if a nude image is pornogrphic. Since some people might consider any nude photograph pornography, I think that nudity (no matter what you think of it) has no place in a family oriented sport. If you want to cache nude, go ahead, it's your right. But you shold be prepared to clothe yourself before some children see you on the trail. I also don't think cache logs should contain nude photography. As to personal profiles, your hobbies are your hobbies. I don't see any problem listing nudity as a hobby.



"Chock full of essential vitamins and waypoints"

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All I got to say is that I am glad I live in the land of 100 billion skeeters. Like to see that guy try and get to one of my caches without any clothes. icon_wink.gif


As for the law, he had better be careful where he walks around nude. If he were to be in an area with children he could end up in a heap of trouble. Indecent exposure is one thing, exposing yourself to a minor is another.


Personally I feel that if you wish to walk around nude, there are beaches and camps and such for that. There is even an airline and cruises from what I hear. Keep it out of public parks where you might run into families who do not share your views on public nudity.


If you really must cache nude, place a few caches at the local nude beach. Just be sure and post warnings on your cache page. Would be interesting to see if it would get approved.



I have never been lost. Been awful confused for a few days, but never lost!

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Originally posted by Nude Cacher:

We only want opinions that agree with our narrow world view. Nude recreation is family oriented but has been hidden behind large gates in the past. I've included some of my interests, just as others have theirs. I am a member of two national organizations that support the rights of clothes free recreation and explain the rules at http://www.naturistsociety.com/ and http://www.aanr.com/ . Major news organizations such as the New York Times have mentioned Nude Recreation Week. I've tried to keep my postings educational and in the spirit of geocachine.com. The discussion here seems to represent the mix of reactions that nudists encounter.


I respect your right to nudism. In fact, I have been to a number of nude beaches myself as a kid AND as an adult and I think naturism/nudism is healthy and not at all a bad thing.


However, if you read the guidelines of one of the very sites you refer to:


"Naturists are not exhibitionists. They do not wish to offend those who fear nakedness, and therefore work for designated public and private areas at which people have the option to wear clothes or not. They prefer such areas to be well-marked so people who may be offended can easily avoid them."

Source: http://www.naturistsociety.com/utilities/faq.htm


Now, knowing that Naturists/Nudists are in a minority in the US, and a good portion of the world, you are not only violating the terms of GeoCaching (which discourages pushing of any agenda, political or otherwise), but you are also violating the terms of the Naturists site by posting naturist photos in a non-naturist setting.


I respectfully submit that you are causing far more harm to your cause than any possible good, even ignoring Jeremy's rule (which would not be a wise thing to do in the first place).


People with a clothes hang-up are going to look at your photos and be set even harder in their ways against naturism, and that just makes it that much harder for any form of acceptance. Just look at some of the reaction you have gotten here. People who were not thinking either way about the issue are now thinking strongly and clearly AGAINST you.

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The discussion in this thread has been quite complete on the issues of nudity in public except for one point. There is no research that shows that children are harmed by exposure to nudity. In fact, exactly the opposite is true. According to a definitive 18 year long study, children exposed to nudity had delayed onset of adolescent sex and less adolescent sex. Boys were less likely to steal or use drugs. The study was done by the UCLA Family Lifestyles Project in the Department of Psychology at UCLA (complete citation: "Early Childhood Exposure ..." by Paul Okami Ph.D., et al. in Archives of Sexual Behavior Vol. 27, No. 4, 1998, pp. 361-384).

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I don't think there'd be much interest in nude caching down here where you have to hike through the briar patches and thorny vines!


And if I want to see nude pics - I'll buy a magazine! I don't want to accidentally run across it while reading about a cache! I'm all for keeping nudity private - not public.


Geocaching expands your horizons - not your butt!

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Originally posted by Warm Fuzzies - Fuzzy:There are degrees of nudity?

I worded it that way on purpose, and now you've made me read about "gray areas". ugh.



Well the mountain was so beautiful that this guy built a mall and a pizza shack

Yeah he built an ugly city because he wanted the mountain to love him back -- Dar Williams

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According to a definitive 18 year long study, children exposed to nudity had delayed onset of adolescent sex and less adolescent sex. Boys were less likely to steal or use drugs.


I will go by my own study of raising three great kids for 18 years. NOT exposing them to nudity, except their own, has caused my kids to not steal, use drugs or have early sex.


Do your nudie deal but not near kids, please! And please stop promoting kids and nudity...you are stating to sound like pedofile.

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Truthfully Dru Morgan, I would NEVER presume to force my opinions upon anyone! I was merely voicing my own opinion in a simple statement. I thought that was what this forum was for? I'm sorry if I came off as forceful, that was not my intention. After all, my two cents is only worth two cents to me and me alone! icon_wink.gif


To WorldTraveler, I am after all just human, with human faults, as are we all! I try to be a good person, to grow and learn by my mistakes. I live my life as if each day were the last, I openly express love and treat others with respect and dignity. Sometimes though, it gets very difficult.


There are a few things that I do find intolerable. Narrow-mindedness for instance! Also predjudice and injustice.

Of course there's the obvious stuff, like torture, murder, rape, war & other types of mindless distruction! Aren't those the things that we SHOULD find intolerable??!! Those and many others!


I also find that people who enjoy ripping other people to shreds in online forums quite distasteful and on the verge of being intolerable!!

I notice that people do that a lot here in these forums. Unfortunate.


Dogs Have Owners....Cats Have Staff!!

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Thank you for all the replies. Although only a small number of the folks registered actually use the forums I think it has been made more than clear that.


1) The photos posted were not the kind of thing we do here.




2) The agenda needs to be dropped.


I was going to handle this directly through TPTB but I thought it would be a good thing for nude cacher to see directly how others felt about this issue.

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I think the nude dude (Nude Cacher) understands the viewpoint from Jeremy on it. I also believe he understands that the nude pictures were not to the liking of others here.


I do have to agree with Pet Posse somewhat though. People do like to put others down on here when it comes to something they don't believe in or like. Then there are others that jump the band wagon for fear that they will be one of the people as posse said, ripped to shreds. Many people on here agree that is was not apporpriate to have that kind of stuff on the website here. That's fine. But does putting the links to it for everyone to see make it any better? Ok, so lets say you don't want your kids seeing that. Imagine how many kids that logged on to the forums saw it and went to the link and saw the pics while they were still up? Not picking on Yeam 5-oh! at all, because this happens all the time in the forums. It seems to be a point when something is discussed, especially something negatively against someone, that someone posts the link to that specific cache. And just like anywhere else, that persons rep is ruined. We can all try to act like goody 2 shoes and say we are offended by such things. But I guarantee that there are things that you do that others would be appalled at themselves. "Do not cast stones in a glass house". As stated I think we agree that a nude photo is not appropriate. Posting propaganda is not appropriate. Let's leave it at that. No one is trying to influence others. People only let others influence them.




As long as you're going to think anyway, think big. -Donald Trump

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oh, wow.


i think nude caching is funny in the same way that i think it's funny for people to set up furniture and live in a public elevator.


we have a cache up here near a nude beach wherein finders keep referring to "the nude problem".. oy. when i ran into the naked guy, i made polite chitchat and moved on. there was nothing gross or scary or even vaguely titillating about it.


i do however feel that people have a right to make informed decisions and that those who might be offended should have an opportunity to absent themselves gracefully. it's polite, and it's part of the social grease that lets us live together without killing each other.


if i hold a view or engage in an activity that i know to be offensive to a great many people, i can spare them discomfort in pulic arenas in most cases. it doesn't pay to upset people if you don't have to.


it doesn't matter if you get to camp at one or at six. dinner is still at six.

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This from a person who drives at 115 Mph endagering Other peoples lives as well as your own to get to a cache, but does Not appreciate the beauty of a naked body!?! The news is biggoted like this, they will show a dead 9year old soldier but censor a pic of someones breast or etrccccc,,,, This is only one problem with todays society, Death and Killing is acceptable but making love to someone you know and care for is ONLY done behind closed doors. When was the last time YOU showed your spouse some affection in public and was made to feel embaresd by passers-by!?!

Enough ranting from me, I will just move on as you will still be aphauled,,,



"If you're not the lead dog, The view is always the same"

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Originally posted by yummykaz:

.... woman jumped out of her car across the street from my office. Butt naked. She stood in front of a gun store.


Personal pet peeve of mine. The correct phrase is "buck naked". I know I have issues.


"Wise men talk because they have something to say. Fools talk because they have to say something."

-- Plato

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Originally posted by Geo Quest:

Originally posted by yummykaz:

.... woman jumped out of her car across the street from my office. _Butt naked_. She stood in front of a gun store.


Personal pet peeve of mine. The correct phrase is "buck naked". I know I have issues.


Maybe she was wearing those pajamas with the trap door in the back, and the door had fallen open.

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Originally posted by Geo Quest:

Originally posted by yummykaz:

.... woman jumped out of her car across the street from my office. _Butt naked_. She stood in front of a gun store.


Personal pet peeve of mine. The correct phrase is "buck naked". I know I have issues.


"Wise men talk because they have something to say. Fools talk because they have to say something."

-- Plato


What's a naked "Buck"? icon_biggrin.gif A naked male deer(or other animal species)? A naked George Washington? Just kidding... icon_wink.gif


Team Bernie, while I agree that you should show some affection to your spouse and the thing of censorship, I believe there is a difference between being nude and having sex. Just as others have stated on here.




As long as you're going to think anyway, think big. -Donald Trump

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The news is biggoted like this, they will show a dead 9year old soldier but censor a pic of someones breast or etrccccc,,,, This is only one problem with todays society, Death and Killing is acceptable but making love to someone you know and care for is ONLY done behind closed doors.


So I guess you're in favor of having sex in public? Hmmmm, the more I think of it, the more I like it. It certainly would make a day at the beach more interesting.


"Give a man a fish, he'll eat for a day. Teach a man to fish, he'll sit in a boat and drink beer all day" - Dave Barry

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Originally posted by Team Kaz:

Sorry...I don't go by the constitution on my cache page. I deleted it.


Actually, the constitution also gives you a right not to be exposed to indecent material.


Indecent is defined (legally) by community standards.


Also, the constitution gives you the right not to display anything you don't want to on property (including electronic) you own.


If you were a mamber of NAMBLA, I wouldn't want your literature in the caches, even if you were 100% sincere in the belief that what they espouse is morally okay.


Also, if I accidentally open a picture at work when surfing the internet (at luch & breaks, of course) that has "inappropriate" amterial, I can get into quite a hassle.


If you want people to respect your opinion, don't force it on them. Whether it's your Religion, na alternate lifestyle, or the notion that Mopar makes the best cars.


What you think is okay for your kids may not be the same as what others want their kids exposed to... respect their rights as parents.


Also, some adults feel that viewing others naked is not the right thing to do except among married couples. Respect their beliefs.


You wouldn't want them planting poison oak at your nudist colony, would you?


Hukt un fonix werkt fur mee

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Originally posted by Mark 42:

Actually, the constitution also gives you a right not to be exposed to indecent material.


Actually, that's an interpretation of the US Constitution.



Indecent is defined (legally) by community standards.


I LOVE when people presume their own standards are shared by their neighbors.



Also, if I accidentally open a picture at work when surfing the internet (at luch & breaks, of course) that has "inappropriate" amterial, I can get into quite a hassle.


I would never work for a company with such draconian behaviour.



If you want people to respect your opinion, don't force it on them.


Back atcha'! {Smile}



What you think is okay for your kids may not be the same as what others want their kids exposed to... respect their rights as parents.


Teach your own kids! If you censor them, they won't learn and will grow to be ignorance biased adults. If my kids see public violence, I'd explain it's inappropriate, socially unacceptable behaviour. If my kids see public nudity, that certainly doesn't need explanation, it's clothing that needs explanation. If my kids witness PDA's, I'd be more than happy to explain love to them!



Also, some adults feel that viewing others naked is not the right thing to do except among married couples. Respect their beliefs.


Again, and vise-versa. Don't travel in areas one would expect to see nudity (and now you are enlightened that those areas are greater than you previously believed.) Respect their beliefs.



You wouldn't want them planting poison oak at your nudist colony, would you?


Yeesh! That's awfully vindictive and violent isn't it? How about practicing some acceptance, love and compassion?





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Originally posted by RJFerret:

Again, and vise-versa. Don't travel in areas one would expect to see nudity (and now you are enlightened that those areas are greater than you previously believed.) Respect their beliefs.



So by your definition, leaving nudist-oriented stuff (perhaps even pictures?) in a cache is appropriate and respectful of others? How about religious tracts? How about pro- or anti-war propoganda? Pro- or anti-abortion literature? Pro- or anti-suidcide law pampthlets? Bumper sickers extolling the virtues or Republican or Democrat politicians? Pro-hemp or D.A.R.E. stuff? White Pride stuff?


Yes, some people are ultra-sensitive about ridiculous things. I can just imagine that there are those who complain about McToys soley on the grounds that we shouldn't be supporting the WTO, eating beef, blah blah blah. It's just a toy! There is no agenda being pushed! (aside from the whole "cheap" aspect to iticon_wink.gif ) Nudism, political, religious stuff or other "Life Choice" garbage is agenda. I'd rather "Trash Out" that stuff anyway, no matter who's agenda it is. It seems to me that just leaving items that don't pursue one's personal agendas meets the spirit of the activity without creating a lot of bulls*** drama.


Unless of course Trollish drama is what floats your boat?



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Nudity isn't a problem it's what people think about it.


Babies are born rather naked and nobody thinks about it. A baby butt on TV is ok but a mans hairy butt isn't (Those stars WAX...).


A person in a hosptital gown might as well be butt naked, that same person in a magazine dressed with about as much Sexy clothes is another thing entirely. It's perception.


Good or bad, perception is the issue. Nudity should be no big deal otherwise that perception will get skewed and then you have problems.


Having said all that Abusing nudity by knowing how it's perceieved and taking advantage of that is a problem also. Raincoat flashers vs. Nude at a clothing optional hot springs.

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Originally posted by SLCDave:

Boys were less likely to steal or use drugs.....


That's because there's no place to stash the loot/contraband when confronted! icon_biggrin.gif


"I'm 35 Years old, I am divorced, and I live in van down by the river!" - Matt Foley


Well speaking of stashes.... read this one



Black holes are where God divided by zero.

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