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Originally posted by DeerChaser & Poni:

well as I said. My signature box is empty.





Rino 110

MeriGreen 128

Have you tried totally logging out of the the forums? make sure you close all other open browser windows, then log out using the link at the top of this page. I thought that would do it. icon_confused.gif


Tae-Kwon-Leap is not a path to a door, but a road leading forever towards the horizon.

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Personally I'm kinda partial to this one:



I do appreciate that your removed the hoofprints, as they made it annoying trying to read any messages that you had posted to. The prints themselves would be fine, in a smaller string, like the one someone else posted as an example for you to use.


Just because you're paranoid DOESN'T mean they're not ALL out to get you.

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Originally posted by SIDEWINDER:

I like it but don't know if I like it better than the tracks. You shouldn't have to worry about the tracks you had before being too long as if it is to inconvient for some lazy people to scroll across the screen then TOO BAD.




DeerChaser & Poni. I have to say, I appreciate you changing your sig. gif.

I don't consider myself lazy (well maybe a little), but it really is rather inconvenient to have to scroll sideways to read every line in a post. Especially when you hit a topic where there's like 20 or more. All that scrolling can make a fellows' mouse hand tired. icon_smile.gif


I swear I have my screen resolution set to 800x600 so I'm average in that department.


I've been reading through these forums for a few days now and I swore that I'd refrain from posting anything 'til I had a chance to know what I was talking about but what the heck.......


I have a grand total of 3 (count ‘em 3) finds and I expect by the end of this year I’ll have probably doubled that! icon_wink.gif


Who’s jealous?




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