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If we shouldn't bury them, why are burried ones approved??

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I dropped a 5 gallon drum full of cache goodies down an old abandoned mine shaft. (I think it is almost verticle and about a thousand foot deep.)


I then used a backhoe and filled in the hole (it only took a couple of days, and now there is a very large pit centered on the old mine shaft.)


I posted it as a 1/5 (it's in the middle of a large freeway interchange) but I figure it's gonna be a tough find / retrieve.


Strange, no one has attempted it yet... humm??


Must be they need more of a challenge.




(Always trade UP in both quantity and quality and Geocaches will be both self-sustaining and self-improving!)

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Originally posted by Rockdoctors:

Not a very realistic scenario is it.

I'm thinking about taking a cache and dumping it in the ocean and then marking the waypoints.


If you look at the map, the first part of our cache is actually in the Pacific Ocean. (http://www.geocaching.com/seek/cache_details.asp?ID=19253)


People are getting a little unreasonable in this topic. We all seem to agree that there are times/places that you CAN have a buried cache and there are times/places that you really SHOULDN'T bury a cache. Be smart about it people, I swear, it's not that hard to use common sense....it's worth a try.


buneatg.gifI am the Rabbit King, I can do anything

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Thank you White Rabbit. SOme of us are taking this quite seriously. Sarcasm takes away from the point that some of us are trying to make, leading the thread down the wrong path.

When I stated "technical" in my previous posts, I clearly wasn't refering to the equiptment that you would require to digging up the cache. You should be able to use your hands. "Technical" equiptment I'm refering to involves a compass, a tape measure, and maybe pacing off distances thats all. Simple - not aasking much. I'd be very surprised if most geocachers didn't have a compass. icon_smile.gif If you don't want to use this stuff, just your GPS, then don't hunt for a buried cache. Its up to you. Your choice. icon_smile.gif

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Thank you White Rabbit. SOme of us are taking this quite seriously. Sarcasm takes away from the point that some of us are trying to make, leading the thread down the wrong path.

When I stated "technical" in my previous posts, I clearly wasn't refering to the equiptment that you would require to digging up the cache. You should be able to use your hands. "Technical" equiptment I'm refering to involves a compass, a tape measure, and maybe pacing off distances thats all. Simple - not aasking much. I'd be very surprised if most geocachers didn't have a compass. icon_smile.gif If you don't want to use this stuff, just your GPS, then don't hunt for a buried cache. Its up to you. Your choice. icon_smile.gif

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