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a thought worth thinking about


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Hmmm...Lets hope the local hoodlums don't key in on the valubles we carry into the wilds. We might become fodder for the beetles.


Do you folks pack some form of deterrant such as bear spray for adjusting attitudes?

I carry everything from a long reach hiking pole to bear spray and up to a Kimber as well if I'm out in the boonies.


Oh yeah...I almost forgot...I work for the Post Office.


Any episodes you wondered if you might get mugged?


Quantum materiae materietur marmota monax si marmota monax materiam possit materiari?




[This message was edited by amishangel on September 30, 2003 at 11:37 AM.]

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As clueless as most thugs are about geocaching, it's highly doubtful that anyone would be targeted because they are a geocacher.


But that's not to say you wouldn't be targeted just because you seem to be alone and unaware of your surroundings. You act like a victim and sooner or later you become a victim. You act like you shouldn't be messed with, it's not likely you will be messed with.


With that said, yeah I carry protection.


~ Is that banjos I hear? ~

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The hiking staff I carry gives me a feeling of security and would make a person of ill intentions think twice.


Unless he had a gun...who would bring a hiking staff to a gun fight? I have all these visions of breaking into martial arts moves...you know, twirling the staff at blurring speeds... thrusting and parring...until eventually knocking myself out with it, so the mugger could just lift my wallet and GPS without having to shoot me first! icon_rolleyes.gif


El Diablo


Everything you do in life...will impact someone,for better or for worse.


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El Diablo,


Makes me think of Indian Jones where the guy comes out with his swords swirling putting on a great show...then Indy shoots him icon_smile.gif.


Ice Age Travelers,


People in Santa Cruz d othings like that everyday downtown; that's why a cacher - even urban- doesn't stick out at all here!

I swear the other day I walked by a guy who said something like "The Seamonkey owes me money!" icon_confused.gif

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Originally posted by the Ice Age Travelers:

Picture this ... You walk past the mugger carrying a 50 caliber ammo can - holding some electronic gizmo in your hand - looking up into outer space muttering "I've got a lock on you now"


I think they'll leave you alone ...







Random quote:


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Originally posted by Snoogans:

Predators go where the easy pickins are. That excludes at least 90% of the caches that I have been to.



The South Georgia caches are so far off the beaten path that the only Predators I have come across are the four legged type.


Bob ~

Early bird gets the worm, but the second mouse gets the cheese...

Isn't the best way to save face to keep the lower part shut?...Stephen Wright

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Originally posted by amishangel:

I carry everything from a long reach hiking pole to bear spray and up to a Kimber as well if I'm out in the boonies.


A Kimber?? Wow, let's not be cheap about this!

...but I'm curious... I saw the movie "Witness", with Harrison Ford and Kelly McGillis. Her being Amish wouldn't even allow the police (Ford) to possess his gun while in the Amish compound. I take it you really aren't Amish?


-=Jerry A. Goodson=- W5BFF aka hydrashok407 smile.gif KoolAid Drinker smile.gif


"Real peace is not just the absence of conflict, it's the presence of justice" - http://www.hydrashok.com

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Originally posted by El Diablo:

I have all these visions of breaking into martial arts moves...you know, twirling the staff at blurring speeds... thrusting and parring...until eventually knocking myself out with it, so the mugger could just lift my wallet and GPS without having to shoot me first!

Hey! You could be the Star Wars Kid! icon_smile.gif


-=Jerry A. Goodson=- W5BFF aka hydrashok407 smile.gif KoolAid Drinker smile.gif


"Real peace is not just the absence of conflict, it's the presence of justice" - http://www.hydrashok.com

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I am a mennonite brethren and not amish. Thou the branches of the family tree I'd be alot closer to amish even if it were a root sprout.


BTW, you have any idea what your avatar means to a deaf person, it's a sign indicating lesbian and is considered a dirogatory sign.






it is for educational ideals only...thought you should know.




Originally posted by hydrashok407:

Originally posted by amishangel:

I carry everything from a long reach hiking pole to bear spray and up to a Kimber as well if I'm out in the boonies.


A Kimber?? Wow, let's not be cheap about this!

...but I'm curious... I saw the movie "Witness", with Harrison Ford and Kelly McGillis. Her being Amish wouldn't even allow the police (Ford) to possess his gun while in the Amish compound. I take it you really aren't Amish?


-=Jerry A. Goodson=- W5BFF aka hydrashok407 smile.gif KoolAid Drinker smile.gif


"Real peace is not just the absence of conflict, it's the presence of justice" - http://www.hydrashok.com


Quantum materiae materietur marmota monax si marmota monax materiam possit materiari?



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This calls for 'kacher karate', which is easy to learn and comes quite naturally to some. It is basically a defensive move, especially for males. It has to be done suddenly and with conviction, half heartedly and whimpering won't cut it. Upon confrontation with the muggler, make a quick leap and let out a loud yell (think Bruce Lee). Land with the legs apart in a solid stance and at the same time cover your eyes with one hand and your crotch with the other hand. They will either be scared off or die laughing. icon_eek.gif

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Originally posted by amishangel:

I am a mennonite brethren and not amish. Thou the branches of the family tree I'd be alot closer to amish even if it were a root sprout.

...well, anybody who packs a Kimber is alright with me! icon_smile.gif



BTW, you have any idea what your avatar means to a deaf person, it's a sign indicating lesbian and is considered a dirogatory sign.


I just knew Jeremy would get me in trouble. First, I get fired for taking too long for lunch to nab as many "lunchtime" caches as I can squeeze into my stretched out lunch hours, now I'm making derogatory lesbian signs with my avatar. Whew! I better lay off the koolaid! icon_smile.gif


Disclaimer: I quit my job, I didn't get fired. The post was a mild attempt at a little humore at 4am.


-=Jerry A. Goodson=- W5BFF aka hydrashok407 smile.gif KoolAid Drinker smile.gif


"Real peace is not just the absence of conflict, it's the presence of justice" - http://www.hydrashok.com

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Originally posted by amishangel:

BTW, you have any idea what your avatar means to a deaf person, it's a sign indicating lesbian and is considered a dirogatory sign.


tongue.giftongue.gifYes, but aren't all REAL men lesbians at heart?tongue.giftongue.gifbad_boy_a.gif



texasgeocaching_sm.gif Sacred cows make the best hamburger....Mark Twain.

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Originally posted by Snoogans:

tongue.giftongue.gifYes, but aren't all REAL men lesbians at heart?tongue.giftongue.gifbad_boy_a.gif




...which, of course, makes me think of a favorite joke. What's the status of that joke thread?


Joel (joefrog)


"Do not meddle in the affairs of dragons, for ye are crunchy and taste good with ketchup!"

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