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Booby Traps?

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I just read a post in the forum that said something about booby trapped caches. Has anyone ever heard of this happening? I hadn't thought about that (I had my kids open 4 today) but if it's something I need to worry about, maybe Geocaching isn't our bag...


Thanks, Jon.




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The closest thing to a booby trapped cache I've heard of was one where someone sprayed some pepper spray inside. Ya figure, 50,000+ caches out there with hundreds of thousands of finds (conservatively) and only one instance of a booby trapped cache (if you can even call it booby trappped). I'll take those odds.


"An appeaser is one who keeps feeding a crocodile-hoping it will eat him last" -Winston Churchill


Just under 200 caches and have never had a case of foul play !! I guess if your not really carefull you could probably get your booby trapped in the lid of an ammo can!! Cache On!! Seeker BP icon_biggrin.gificon_biggrin.gif


I read those posts also and they seem to be in areas where there are meth labs and certain agricultural endevers that are not legal. I've never heard of that beeing a problem here in MI. (We have 4 finds here now! icon_biggrin.gif we are hot!) Our first cache, and I've never mentioned this in public before, there was a giant (8 inch) Big Ben alarm clock OUTSIDE the cache but right smack next to it. My son reached for it before I saw it. When I saw it I FREAKED out icon_eek.gif thinking bomb! 'Back away from the cache!' I poked it with a looooooong stick, then when we didn't blow up we proceeded. And took the clock! LOL

You could post on www.mi-geocaching.org and see if any other of us Michiganders have had an incident. We are a fun group.....come on over! icon_biggrin.gif


Someone mentioned a toy snake with a spring coiled in the cache box so that it would bounce at the cacher's face when (s)he opens the container. Sounds a bit booby trap-ish to me. Fun though.icon_wink.gif


- All you need is a sick mind and a healthy body. -


Originally posted by 3Bees:

Our first cache, and I've never mentioned this in public before, there was a giant (8 inch) Big Ben alarm clock OUTSIDE the cache but right smack next to it. My son reached for it before I saw it. When I saw it I FREAKED out icon_eek.gif thinking bomb! 'Back away from the cache!' I poked it with a looooooong stick, then when we didn't blow up we proceeded.


Wait a minute, you "FREAKED out thinking bomb" and then POKED IT WITH A STICK????????


I don't even have the words necessary to express what I feel about that..... icon_eek.gificon_frown.gificon_eek.gificon_mad.gificon_rolleyes.gificon_eek.gif



"Trade up, trade even, or don't trade!!!" My philosophy of life.


there was a cache in provo canyon that the lid of the ammo can was messed up and cut a guys hand....

but that 's been fixed, that's the only thing i've heard about that is even close to booby trap, but it's still not..


I doubt there is much, if any booby trapped caches. People worry to much. If we would just re-instate the death penalty....that would take care of the 10% that do 90% of the bad stuff. Ooops...now I've done it....I expressed a political opinion....bombs away!!!


We're going on a treasure hunt...we're not quite sure just where...but with our trusty GPS, we'll find a cache stashed there!!

By Daughter Cheryl


I booby trapped one. I stuck a big rubber spider inside of one that moved when you opened the lip. Another I did the same except with a rubber mouse. Fun stuff.


I've been injured geocaching though. Nothing is totally safe. I had a tree fall on me while out in the woods. Or maybe it was Mitey Mite pushing it over on me? Naw, that would mean she isn't happy with me.


I hear voices.....and they don't like you!


The closest I been to a booby trap is a multi that was MIA before it was ever found, right after I posted the not found the owner check and then archived the cache on the ground of a poor choice of hiding spot with the neighborhood kids.


Car37 & Shnde


I think it is only a matter of time till some one makes this a reality (every one saying this won't happen, so I will make it happen-there is allot of sickos in the world), like the woman who microwaved her baby because of the urban legend. This in sense made the legend come true.


Wyatt W.

only a though.


The probability of someone watching you is directly proportional to the stupidity of your actions.


This thread got me thinking . . and searching . . found this link . . pretty cool animation . . I just haven't figured out what the point is yet.


Booby Trap




"The kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field.

When a man found it, he hid it again." Mt. 13:44

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