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HTML Cache Report Help

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I'm a little perplexed by the new forums, so bear with me if I didn't search for this.


When I have posted my cache pages in the past I've just typed in the text, and let it lie. I'd like to explore HTML to make my cache pages a little more spicey.


I haven't used HTML in a while though. Is there a thread, or a web page that will help me on my way?


Thanks icon_biggrin.gif




Cachito ergo sum. I Geocache, therefore I am.

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Okay. So, I've made my first venture into HTML, but now I have an additional questions. When I view it with Explorer, it looks fine. Just the way I want. But now that I'm back to work, and looking at it through the eyes of AOL, it looks all messed up. The font appears bigger, which makes the lines break in the wrong places... how do I make sure it looks correct on all services?




Cachito ergo sum. I Geocache, therefore I am.

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Originally posted by Pantalaimon:

Okay. So, I've made my first venture into HTML, but now I have an additional questions. When I view it with Explorer, it looks fine. Just the way I want. But now that I'm back to work, and looking at it through the eyes of AOL, it looks all messed up. The font appears bigger, which makes the lines break in the wrong places... how do I make sure it looks correct on all services?


I'm guessing that this means you're specifying the fonts in relative sizes, with the (deprecated) <FONT SIZE="+2"> tag or something like it. You should use styles for new HTML work, like so:


<span style="font-size:12pt">Bigger text here</span>


In general, however, you just shouldn't expect different clients to render your text in exactly the same way. For one thing, you can't guarantee the size of the window someone is using to view your cache. For another, you can't guarantee that the person viewing your cache hasn't overridden your stylesheet to use larger fonts because they're nearsighted.


If you want line breaks at specific places, put hard line breaks there with the <BR> tag. If you don't want line breaks at specific places, use the   (non-breaking space) entity instead of a space:


Always One LineAlways<br>Three<br>Lines



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icon_mad.gifO.K. I guess there are too many moving parts for me or I'm too dense to figure this out. All I want to do is change the border around my cache pages (I WAS smart enough to figure out how to fill out a cache page). I have entered the following information in the "short information" section and then the "long information" section with no results:


1. <html><body bgcolor="red"></html> and <html><body background="red"></html>

2. <html><body bgcolor="red"></body></html> and <html><body background="red"></body></html>

3. <body bgcolor="red"></body> and <body background="red"></body>

4. <html><body bgcolor="red"> and <html><body background="red">

5. <html><body background="Http://img.Groundspeak.com/cache/56379_600.jpg"></html> I SAVED MY BACKGROUND AS AN IMAGE ON THE CACHE PAGE.

6. <body background="Http://img.Groundspeak.com/cache/56379_600.jpg">

7. <html><img src="Http://img.Groundspeak.com/cache/56379_600.jpg"></html>

8. <img src="Http://img.Groundspeak.com/cache/56379_600.jpg">


These are the varients that I have tried and none work. What am I doing wrong!!


Thanks, Dave

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