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Who is this "Mitsu..." I hear about?

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So who is this "Mitsu..." I hear about? I never see the full name, just "Mitsu..." and when I do a search on just that all I get is the thread that mentioned the name but nothing about what it is all about.


icon_confused.gif Someone enlighten me please! I want details.


Cache On!


'She who must not be named' was perhaps one of the forums most famous sock puppets a while back. A real cutie. Incidentally, Rygel is correct. She even spawned a travel bug in her name. If you REALLY want to know the whole story, you can find her with a TB search. But I WARN YOU!! Never, ever utter her name! Those of us who remember her best have sworn never to say it or type it again!




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[This message was edited by pater47 on April 07, 2003 at 07:16 PM.]


[This message was edited by pater47 on April 07, 2003 at 07:21 PM.]


Ever since the wedding, there's been a lot less talk in the forums about "HER." JamieZ, you sure broke a lot of hearts. We all hope you're happy.


[Edited to remove the name of She-who-must-not-be-named. Sorry, Pater.]




I still don't get it, whats the history behind this whole MITSUKO thing? (ya, I said the name, because I am not one of "Those of us who remember her best")


MISTUKO's profile????




The Mountain Bike Guy from Joplin MO


Long Live Long Rides


Never mind, Markwell posted that link while I was typing my message.


The Mountain Bike Guy from Joplin MO


Long Live Long Rides


Here's a sub-link on the TB page that Markwell posted that details the Tragedy. (the tragedy being that she is not real <sniffle>..)


Although She may have bit me on the ear once, I'm not sure.




I watched a Japanese show on public TV last night with subtitles and I swear I thought I saw her on it. Don't know the name of the movie. It had something to do with a Japanese father and his three girls and him looking for a wife. It's hard to keep up with the subtitles when you're trying to figure out if one of them is "Mits-she-who-must-not-be-named-uko" with an acting job.


Cache you later,



I feel much more like I do now than when I first got here.


No movie or TV credits listed for her, although she did "star" in a 1/2 dozen videos that are basically just her and other auto race models posing for an hour.


Tae-Kwon-Leap is not a path to a door, but a road leading forever towards the horizon.


No one really knows the correct pronunciation of her name, much less the spelling. The first photo on this thread is probably a good likeness, but there are no known photos. Her son was a French-Canadian. She is depicted on the latest American dollar coin. I would vote for her as the 'first lady' of geocaching. frog.gif


Beach Park, Il USA


Originally posted by Cholo:

No one really knows the correct pronunciation of her name, much less the spelling. The first photo on this thread is probably a good likeness, but there are no known photos. Her son was a French-Canadian. She is depicted on the latest American dollar coin. I would vote for her as the 'first lady' of geocaching. frog.gif


I have no idea what most of your message means, but having spoken at length with Choberiba/Eric_O about his Mitsuko (there, I said it!) sock puppet, I have heard him with my own ears as he pronounced her name. He says it "mits-ih-koh"



Becky Davis

San Jose, CA

Buy Tupperware for cache containers.


Ah yes. Sock Puppets. Alter Egos.


You never really know what you are getting on the internet. Amazingly enough I missed out on the whole Mitsuko thing. When all was said and done I didn't miss a thing.



Wherever you go there you are.


First, I'd like to thank everyone for the links to the explanation of this whole thing.


Second, what this person did by creating the Mitsu person was an interesting way of revealing the male of the species.


Men on the internet tend to jump all over an female they see in a forum that would typically not see alot of women. These men act all nice to the women with hopes that she will "like" them or that perhaps some of the "I was nice to a woman" karma will rub off on them for the next girl.


I've seen it here and many other places.


This whole Mitsu thing gives a good idea into what women must endure all the time. Sure he led people on but they same thing would have happened with less encouragement.


Lack of planning on your part does not constitute an emergency on mine.


Originally posted by The Leprechauns:

Ever since the wedding, there's been a lot less talk in the forums about "HER." JamieZ, you sure broke a lot of hearts. We all hope you're happy.

Wow! If that were the case, I'd be happy. I sure wouldn't be in here talking to you chumps!


I thought it was you, Lep, who won the heart of my dream girl.




Originally posted by beckerbuns:

I have no idea what most of your message means, but having spoken at length with Choberiba/Eric_O about his Mitsuko (there, I said it!) sock puppet, I have heard him with my own ears as he pronounced her name. He says it "mits-ih-koh"


I don't know who you were talking to, however the name Mitsuko is definitely Japanese.

A=ah I=ee U=oo E=eh O=o

So Mitsuko would be pronounced Mee-Tsoo-Ko. icon_biggrin.gif



I am the result of genetic manipulation of superior Geocacher DNA. Faster, stronger with superior reasoning and logic.


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