husqui Posted December 31, 2002 Posted December 31, 2002 I was reading the latest logs and came upon this. I can see how it happened but I wonder if it was deliberate on the newbie's part. In either case, it certainly seems to have ticked off the other guy as he posted the same note in at least 9 other caches.... Quote
umc Posted December 31, 2002 Posted December 31, 2002 Boy I sure hope someone doesn't try doing the u m c thing. That would give them a bad wrap. ______________________________________________________________________________________ So far so good, somewhat new owner of a second/new Garmin GPS V 20 plus finds so far with little to no problem. We'll see what happens when there are leaves on the trees again. Quote
solohiker Posted December 31, 2002 Posted December 31, 2002 Seems to me the two names are different. LittleAlien vs Little Alien Quote
umc Posted December 31, 2002 Posted December 31, 2002 Right, they are different in that one has the space inbetween the two words. The second persone didn't steal the identity but created one of their own that was similar. Seems odd to me that they did it and live in the same area, seems to me the second L A did it on purpose for reasons unknown. ______________________________________________________________________________________ So far so good, somewhat new owner of a second/new Garmin GPS V 20 plus finds so far with little to no problem. We'll see what happens when there are leaves on the trees again. Quote
+Sissy-n-CR Posted December 31, 2002 Posted December 31, 2002 Identity Troll. A troll sometimes takes a name very similar to another user for the purpose of confusion. Happens a lot on Yahoo! message boards. It's easy to do. For example, someone could sign up as "husgui" and to the casual observer "husqui" and "husgui" are the same and easily mistaken. Anytime you're in a forum and someone is acting out of character, look at the name, it's probably different. Not much to do except complain to the moderators/admins to have the account deleted. Then again, how rare is it to have a totally unique name? If you've thought of it, likely so has someone else. CR Quote
+Mopar Posted December 31, 2002 Posted December 31, 2002 quote:Originally posted by solohiker:Seems to me the two names are different. LittleAlien vs Little Alien Yeah, they technically ARE different, according to the website, and if they were in different parts of the world, it would be fine, imho. But how would you like to start finding caches in your area already signed by "solo hiker" or "So1ohiker"? Both technically different, both pretty dadgum confusing if they are both logging the same caches, which seems to be the case. Tae-Kwon-Leap is not a path to a door, but a road leading forever towards the horizon. Quote
+Eswau Posted December 31, 2002 Posted December 31, 2002 Maybe Little Alien entered that name without even trying LittleAlien. Could have been a coincidence. The first guy probably didn't help his case by suggesting an optional name to the 2nd guy (or gal). The first name I wanted was taken so I went with my current one. I didn't search varations to see if anyone had one similar, though not exactly the same situation as this case. Quote
+Mopar Posted December 31, 2002 Posted December 31, 2002 quote:Originally posted by Eswau:Maybe Little Alien entered that name without even trying LittleAlien. Could have been a coincidence. The first guy probably didn't help his case by suggesting an optional name to the 2nd guy (or gal). The first name I wanted was taken so I went with my current one. I didn't search varations to see if anyone had one similar, though not exactly the same situation as this case. You make a great point Eswau. It appears to be an honest mistake. A simple, FRIENDLY email explaining how the situation could be confusing would have been the best solution. If I had just started caching, and that happened to me, I might have quit totally, or else reacted the other way, and kept the name, and logged twice as many caches as the other guy. Tae-Kwon-Leap is not a path to a door, but a road leading forever towards the horizon. Quote
+seneca Posted December 31, 2002 Posted December 31, 2002 Quote from the cache page by LittleAlien: "I have contacted the lower life form that has brought this about and am hoping for a civil resolution. .... I have made a name suggestion for the Identity thief and that is Jack ***." (italics added) Yep - I am sure LittleAlien is going about it the right way to arrive at a civil resolution! (It doesn’t appear that LittleAlien works for the extra-terrestrial diplomatic corps.) I suspect that Little Alien must know LittleAlien very well - he sure knows how to push his buttons. I have never in my life learned anything from any man who agreed with me. Quote
+Jamie Z Posted December 31, 2002 Posted December 31, 2002 It's hard to tell if it was intentional or not. The "new" Little Alien doesn't seem to have anything unusual in his logs.. just a regular cacher. It's not like Little Alien is all that clever of a name. What are the chances of two people thinking of that? Probably pretty good. If he wanted a name nobody else would use, he should have picked something a little more unusual, like JaimeZ. I think the "old" LittleAlien is overreacting a "little." Jamie Quote
umc Posted December 31, 2002 Posted December 31, 2002 I'm wondering why Mickey225 deleted his post.... ______________________________________________________________________________________ So far so good, somewhat new owner of a second/new Garmin GPS V 20 plus finds so far with little to no problem. We'll see what happens when there are leaves on the trees again. Quote
+WISearchers Posted December 31, 2002 Posted December 31, 2002 We went to our first cache with no "identity" and the smallest 1/3 of our team (an 8 year old) decided at the cache as we were logging in that he wanted to be called the "Searchers." Little did we know that it had already been taken in our area. So we changed it to WISearchers so that we still used his idea and changed it enough in hopes not to offend the original Seachers...I am sure Little Alien wasn't trying to steal your identity...maybe trying to probe you for secret information, but not to steal your identity... Quote
+Cachetrotters Posted December 31, 2002 Posted December 31, 2002 It seems more likely that the word Alien was picked because of the area in which they live(area 51, etc.). I myself would have tried to spell it Little Alien first when signing up because it is the more correct, language-wise. Perhaps he never knew there was another name so similar. Lots of names here that use cache and Cache, which are derived from geocache. Quote
+poksal Posted December 31, 2002 Posted December 31, 2002 of more to the point.. if they got really close... ..I'd get all pissed .. then 1.5 seconds later I'd wonder if they know what it means and contact them to see if we have that in common. Likely become good friends. Someone can always do SOMETHING to make their ID unique. That's another thing so kool about this sport and this site. Like, no one is as ugly as my logo pic., that makes me unique. ...cough.. I heard that! ** The worst suggestion of a life time may be the catalyst to the best idea of the century, don't fail to listen to suggestions. Quote
+Keep_on_Cachin' geocaching search team Posted December 31, 2002 Posted December 31, 2002 I can easily see this as a mistake... I have only been a member since Sept 02, and reading this thread makes me realize that I didn't do any checking to see if the user name I selected (or anything like it) was used... I don't even see where I could do a search for user names if I wanted to check for like-names. [This message was edited by Richard Pung & Family on December 31, 2002 at 09:08 AM.] Quote
Chameleon Circuit Posted December 31, 2002 Posted December 31, 2002 How come everyone else is always subjected to these stupid little p*ss*ng matches? Why post notes to twenty or more caches when the issue could have been addressed with one e-mail to a site administrator? Quote
Lyra Posted December 31, 2002 Posted December 31, 2002 From all appearances, it looks like it's a mere coincidence. Little Alien didn't post anything offensive when he/she found the caches, and in fact, in one, he/she(/it???) even mentioned being from North Carolina. It'll be interesting to see whether Little Alien logs any caches on the east coast within the next few weeks. Just noticed...the only difference between the two Aliens is the "space." HA! Always wear proper caching safety equipment! Quote
+Renegade Knight Posted December 31, 2002 Posted December 31, 2002 I'd have to side with Little Alien and not the other rude person. Just because No. 2 had a brain and tried to spell the name the way it was meant to be spelled doesn't mean that LittleAlien who has name envy has excluse rights to: Little_Alien Little-Alien LittleAlien1 Hopefully he doesn't get bent because REAL people share his first name. Wherever you go there you are. Quote
+Planet Posted December 31, 2002 Posted December 31, 2002 No reason to get all upset, they probably didn't know any better, or even know how to check on if it has been used already. I certainly didn't check to see if Planet had been used before I signed on. Maybe I will now. Hey, there are two Eeyores I found out the other day, it's just that one is Eeyore and one is Eeyore and Shadow. Two different parts of the world. And isn't Nevada where there are lots of "alien sightings"? Wouldn't it seem more likely that two people in that area could come up with a handle like Little Alien? It isn't that unusual a name. I mean think about it, how many Bobs or Joes or Marys are out there? None of them are threatening the others to change their names. I guess what I'm trying to say is, lighten up for Pete's sake! Cache you later, Planet "To err is human, to forgive....$5.00" Quote
+MaxEntropy Posted December 31, 2002 Posted December 31, 2002 First, let me explain. I'm also an AOL community leader (LDRS Cruise Mick). In CL training, they teach you to grab all of the user names that are similar to yours so that it's harder for people to impersonate you. rn can look like m in some fonts, 1 I and l are interchangeable. AOL ignores spaces so that's not a problem. Well, I just saw this thread and decided to take Max Entropy so that I can't be impersonated. Oops, I found that Max Entropy is already taken! And to make it worse, he registered here before I did so that makes me the impersonator. Oh the humanity! Fortunately, he's in New Jersey and I'm in California so he's not likely to come around and rearrange my kneecaps, but unfortunately he doesn't have any finds since September. I'll take the punishment like a man. Mickey Max Entropy More than just a name, a lifestyle. Quote
Team Galaxy - Simon Posted December 31, 2002 Posted December 31, 2002 Hope this isn't too much off topic, but I registered my username before christmas, before I'd even done a cache. Now I've done a few, my wife and son have come along with me and I think I should change my username to something more representative of all of us, like a 'Team' name. On the other hand, I quite like my existing persona for the forums. My questions are: Should I run more than one account? If I change the username on my existing account would I lose my credited finds? If I change my username, will I then be able to start a new account in the name 'Dunedin' or will it be taken? Is it bad form to have more than one persona? What should I do? "The sooner all the animals are extinct, the sooner we'll find their money" Quote
+sbell111 Posted December 31, 2002 Posted December 31, 2002 quote:Originally posted by Dunedin:My questions are: Should I run more than one account? If I change the username on my existing account would I lose my credited finds? If I change my username, will I then be able to start a new account in the name 'Dunedin' or will it be taken? Is it bad form to have more than one persona? What should I do? Many people keep an individual account and a 'team' account. I've even seen accounts for the family dog. No big deal. If you change your user name, it will change on all the caches you have found. You will not lose your logs. I don't know whether you will be able to re-use your former name or if it could be used in the future by someone else, but I bet someone will answer that in a sec. Whenever I feel blue, I start breathing again. Quote
+sbell111 Posted December 31, 2002 Posted December 31, 2002 Turns out, Little Alien has changed his name. It was apparently, just a simple misunderstanding that got out of control. Whenever I feel blue, I start breathing again. Quote
+Cachetrotters Posted December 31, 2002 Posted December 31, 2002 All set to rumble and the cause has been removed. Glad this is resolved. Based on public opinion, perhaps LittleAlien is feeling a LittleAlienated. Quote
umc Posted December 31, 2002 Posted December 31, 2002 sbell111, What did all of the other sbell's (1-110) have to say when you came up with sbell111, did they get angry and flame you in cache logs? ______________________________________________________________________________________ So far so good, somewhat new owner of a second/new Garmin GPS V 20 plus finds so far with little to no problem. We'll see what happens when there are leaves on the trees again. Quote
+Renegade Knight Posted December 31, 2002 Posted December 31, 2002 Over? One rule I try to use is to look at things in reverse. If it's just as fair reversed, then it's normally a good solution. In this case, the original LittleAlien suggested the name Jack *** as an alternate for Little Alien. Naturally since LittleAlien is such a good sport, I don't think he would at all mind changing his own name to Jack ***. That too would solve the problem. Wherever you go there you are. Quote
+sbell111 Posted December 31, 2002 Posted December 31, 2002 quote:Originally posted by umc:...What did all of the other sbell's (1-110) have to say when you came up with sbell111, did they get angry and flame you in cache logs? Ha! Whenever I feel blue, I start breathing again. Quote
+briansnat Posted December 31, 2002 Posted December 31, 2002 quote:Hope this isn't too much off topic, but I registered my username before christmas, before I'd even done a cache. Now I've done a few, my wife and son have come along with me and I think I should change my username to something more representative of all of us, like a 'Team' name. On the other hand, I quite like my existing persona for the forums. My questions are: Should I run more than one account? If I change the username on my existing account would I lose my credited finds? If I change my username, will I then be able to start a new account in the name 'Dunedin' or will it be taken? Is it bad form to have more than one persona? What should I do? You can do what a lot of people do and just add "team" to your name. I'd think caching under one name and posting under another could be confusing to some. I think you'll keep your finds if you change it (there is a thread or two on this subject), "It has been my experience that folks who have no vices have very few virtues" - Abraham Lincoln Quote
umc Posted December 31, 2002 Posted December 31, 2002 quote:Originally posted by BrianSnat:I'd think caching under one name and posting under another could be confusing to some. Posting and caching under one username is confusing enough for me. ______________________________________________________________________________________ So far so good, somewhat new owner of a second/new Garmin GPS V 20 plus finds so far with little to no problem. We'll see what happens when there are leaves on the trees again. Quote
pure_ego Posted December 31, 2002 Posted December 31, 2002 quote:Then again, how rare is it to have a totally unique name? If you've thought of it, likely so has someone else. Not mine.. haha nobody ever thought of mine other than me... because it's mine.. and I can't help but laugh at the people that whine about that type of thing. "If I were the quoting type, it would be here." -me Quote
Cholo Posted December 31, 2002 Posted December 31, 2002 quote:Originally posted by GeoPrincess:How come everyone else is always subjected to these stupid little p*ss*ng matches? 'Cause they're fun. You sound just like my mother when my brother and I would play 'pirate' in the bathroom. Quote
Cape Cod Cacher Posted January 1, 2003 Posted January 1, 2003 A couple hours ago I saw this on the news ticker on the bottom of a news channel : Man named Jack @$$ suing producers of movie Jack@$$ for defamation of name... Like he hasn't had a life time of He11 already !!! You can't make this stuff up Quote
Freelens Posted January 1, 2003 Posted January 1, 2003 my name to u m c but since I couldn't think what the heck it could possibly stand for I changed my mind. I think the "m" would have to be monkey tho. Quote
+worldtraveler Posted January 1, 2003 Posted January 1, 2003 I was a bit surprised a few months ago when "World Traveler" entered a log on a cache on my watch list. I assume the name choice was coincidental, but it's not a matter of any significance either way, IMO. What's the worst that could happen? I might write something really stupid or inflammatory here or on a cache log, and another cacher might mistakenly attribute it to "World Traveler". Oh well... Worldtraveler Quote
+Greenjeens Posted January 2, 2003 Posted January 2, 2003 quote:Originally posted by worldtraveler:What's the worst that could happen? I might write something really stupid or inflammatory here or on a cache log, and another cacher might mistakenly attribute it to "World Traveler". Oh well... Worldtraveler All my stupid posts and flames were simply a way to mark territory, so no one would want to be mistaken for GreejEEns! "There's no need to be afraid of strange noises in the night. Anything that intends you harm... will stalk you silently." Quote
+Mr. Snazz Posted January 2, 2003 Posted January 2, 2003 I'm planning to trademark my handle and logo, so if any skr1pt k1ddi3 decides to use it, he'll get a nice letter from my attourney Quote
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