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New Groundspeak Micro Cache Stones !!!


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Groundspeak is pleased to announce the addition of a new Shop Groundspeak Product: Micro Cache Stones


We have been working on these for quite some time and think they are way cool. We hope that you will enjoy them:


Here is a link:

Micro Cache Stones!


Here is a micro cache - cache:

Sunrise Micros Rock!


Happy Geocaching!




frog.gif Rothstafari



[This message was edited by Rothstafari on June 04, 2003 at 02:13 PM.]

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I think they're cool! But realistically I can go to the corner hardware store and buy one roughly the same size and shape for about $4. Just have to dremal it out from key-sized to film cannister sized. If you don't have a dremal tool and want something bigger than a key space, then it's probably worth it.

(wondering to myself how rugged baked Sculpy is... could just make my own)

Cheers to Groundspeak for making them available!



Team Kender - "The Sun is coming up!" "No, the horizon is going down."

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Those are really neat and are at the forefront of what caching may be heading to. A big ammo can full of junk or a wet and moldy rubbermaid container really is not necessary in a lot of situations. After all, isn't it the thrill of the hunt that comprises the majority of the fun in geocaching? For me, finding the cache and signing the logbook as a testament to my adventure is all that is really necessary.


Yes, they are a little spendy but, why should anyone complain about supporting this website?


It ceases to amaze me how much griping goes on in the forums for a sport that is essentially free for anyone to use.



The adventures of Navdog, Justdog, and Otterpup

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Those fake rock microcache containers look really cool. Having made containers of different types I can attest to the fact that a lot of work is often required. If someone had to pay me for my labor to make one, $15 would probably be cheap! I once spent 3 hours with a drill press, overheating masonry bits, and a rock before the sucker cracked in half. At that point I would gladly have shelled out $15! icon_frown.gif


Good job guys.



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They look really cool! As for not being big enough to contain trinkets, they could be used as the first stop of a multi cache where the final stop could have your regular ammo box, Rubbermaid, Tupperware etc.


- I just got lost in thought. It was unfamiliar territory. -

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I do think they are cool.


A bit pricey, but I have to second Erik. Trying to make one on your own would cost you more than what they are asking.


On the other hand, if you look at the letterboxing world, you can either carve your own stamp or have one made. One aspect of caching is container preparation. Some people LIKE to ceate their own camouflaged containers. For the others, this is a good solution.





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Originally posted by ~erik~:

I once spent 3 hours with a drill press, overheating masonry bits, and a rock before the sucker cracked in half.

Next time try a hammer drill. I don't find that masonry bits work very well without the impact. Also, if your rock is gonna crack, it'll do it more quickly with the impact and save you a lot of time.



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The BX here on McChord has fake rocks that are random shaped, about head sized. (In the garden/outdoor furniture section) They seem to be made out of some sort of soft but stone-like material. You could easily gouge out a hole big enough for a decon container using an old screwdriver. They look like real rocks though. They sell them for $9.99 each. I would think they are available at any garden center.



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I just got mine today, and am very impressed with them, plenty of room for a log, and little trade items, looks and feels (including the weight), like a rock. If you wanted to embed a larger Altoids tin, it would fit, with a bit of Dremmel work. I've seen a few other fake rocks, these are far superior. I recommend the 'Charcoal' & 'Olive' colors. I might just let mine weather in a shady spot for a while for that natural moss look. The cache container's inside is 1.7 inch deep, with a 1.85 inch Diameter. The Rock is 6L x 4.5W x 2.7H inches.


In short, these fake rocks ROCK!


Thanks for the link Rothstafari



If trees could scream, would we still cut them down?

Well, maybe if they screamed all the time, for no reason.

Click here for my Geocaching pictures and Here (newest)


[This message was edited by martmann on June 07, 2003 at 02:39 AM.]

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Here are some pictures, with the log book I made, the background grid are 1x1 inch squares.


The log book has 18 pages with 1.5 x 4.5 iches of writing space per single side of each page







If trees could scream, would we still cut them down?

Well, maybe if they screamed all the time, for no reason.

Click here for my Geocaching pictures and Here (newest)

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Wow they are finally up and for sale. These things all got started when I went to one of my friends here in town that "makes things" and asked if he could make me a something that looked like a real rock, felt like a real rock, could stand up to desert heat and winter cold, and that I could stand on without breaking and was hollow. After a couple of tests, revisions, and suggestions to make them better what you see at the Groundspeak Store is the end result. I guarantee these are far superior to anything you can find at the corner hardware store or something you can make and spray paint.

The original test rock is located here in Albuquerque. The test cache

We purposely hid it in plain site of a large park just to see how long it would last without be accidentally found. I had started the rock as a log only cache but people have been leaving things in it. Its been active for 6 months and so far its been stepped on, rained on, frozen, hit with a weed eater a few times, I threw it down the road once just to see what would happen, ran over, kicked, and still looks like the day it was born and still hasn't accidentally been picked up. I don't know, is that worth $14??

Just to clear something up before it even gets started I'm not associated with Groundspeak or the person who makes these in anyway other then being friends with him and I don't get anything from it. I just gave him an idea and helped him test it.

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Originally posted by Zaphod Beeblebrox:

I'm surprised they haven't offered a fake, weathered "empty beer can/liquor bottle", because at most cache locations it would be almost impossible to find.


Could also be 'trashed out'.



If trees could scream, would we still cut them down?

Well, maybe if they screamed all the time, for no reason.

Click here for my Geocaching pictures and Here (newest)

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so cool looking...


i do forsee one problem tho...people who like to chuck rocks as they walk....


hhhmmmm....oops there goes the cache over the cliff icon_eek.gif




Originally posted by Rothstafari:

Groundspeak is pleased to announce the addition of a new Shop Groundspeak Product: Micro Cache Stones


We have been working on these for quite some time and think they are way cool. We hope that you will enjoy them:


Here is a link:



Here is a micro cache - cache:



Happy Geocaching!




frog.gif Rothstafari



[This message was edited by Rothstafari on June 04, 2003 at 02:13 PM.]

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Originally posted by Cache Canucks:

...these might also be handy for hiding that spare house key in your flower bed.


Yup, unless a geocacher wanted to break into your house, of course if they took anything, they would probably leave something.



If trees could scream, would we still cut them down?

Well, maybe if they screamed all the time, for no reason.

Click here for my Geocaching pictures and Here (newest)

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I went into the store to grab some stickers and saw the rocks. I couldn't resist. I got the black/charcoal and the light grey stones today. They look great! They are much beefier weight wise than I thought they would be. They will require a pretty creative logbook and writing utencil setup though due to the smallish cup size. Overall I think it will work out great!


Geosaur :: Geocaching Lizard

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The rocks sounded pretty expensive until I read on and found out what they are made of of. That material is pretty good stuff, I'll have to do some MAJOR honey-dos to get me o'couple of those!


Don't Drink And Park: Accidents Cause People.

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Hello All,


My first POST and I had to chime in here. I have bought just about everything I can on this website to support it. It is worth more than money, in my opinion. My 9 y/o twins and I are having a blast doing this.


My rock is on the way and I am sure it will be like all the other items I have bought from them, top quality.


Kudos to the Groundspeak people. I will continue to support them.

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In response to you post Divine, we used one of these stones as a stage in a multi that contained the coordinates to an ammo box. Unfortunately, it only survived for two weeks before going missing and the concrete shell it was contained in had been thrown into a nearby ditch, damaging a drain culvert. This leads me to believe that the removal was deliberate. The stones are quite cool and a lot of people over here use similar things to hide house keys, milk-money, etc.


Oh well, I know what to ask for as a birthday present ! icon_wink.gif



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