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Would you get "Chipped"?


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From a press release posted April 26, 2002: Applied Digital Solutions, Inc. (Nasdaq: ADSX), an advanced technology development company, announced that in response to enormous customer demand it will accelerate its development of what it calls PLD or “personal location device” – a subdermal device that includes GPS emergency location capability. A working prototype of the device is expected in approximately seven months.

[end excerpt]


The original link is here:




Anyhow, that "working prototype should be around any day now. So, would you get one?

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Originally posted by Mr. Snazz:

I refuse to vote, as your options serve to typecast those who do not care to have their privacy invaded.


Clever. Reminds me of something from many years ago, when I had a bumper sticker that read "Question Authority".


Came out to my car one day to find a note on my windshield, which asked "Who are YOU to dictate my relationship with authority?!"



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Originally posted by Lee David Rimar:

Came out to my car one day to find a note on my windshield, which asked "Who are YOU to dictate my relationship with authority?!"


haha, that's great icon_biggrin.gif


for the record, I wouldn't get chipped. I'd rather have the chip on a wrist strap or somesuch, if there were desirable reasons to have it. I don't like the idea of being surgically altered for the purpose of tracking.

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But I can reply. I can't vote because it's not because I'm afraid of big brother. I vote no because I used to make those chips and if you knew the poisons they go through to become chips you wouldn't want one in your body! Shall I mention a few? Hydrflouric acid, ethylene-glycol monomethyl ether, arsine, phosphine, nitric acid, sulfuric acid, Trichlorethane, Arsenic, hydrochloric acid, "the syrtl etch" (aauughhh, bad stuff, mix of the worse stuff including chromium trioxide or something like that) and the list goes on and on...not to mention the plastics that they are encased in. No thanks, not in this body. I'll continue to ruin it with oats, hops, and barley, thank you. They are natural causes!


Cache you later,



Never underestimate the power of stupid people in large groups.

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I didn't vote either. There wasn't an option for "No, I don't by into the media-fed paranoia."


I swear. Where do people get these ideas to begin with? Are we all sheep? Can we not think for ourselves? Yeah, it's a technological advancement, but does that mean it's for the good? Where is self-reliance? Where's the common sense? Where's the watch over your child and screen the people who come into your home?


Yeah, I feel sorry for the Smart family, but tagging your kids is frightening, quite frankly.


This is more of the mentality of jailing the innocent to protect them from the criminals.





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Originally posted by Mr. Snazz:


I'd rather have the chip on a wrist strap or somesuch, if there were desirable reasons to have it. I don't like the idea of being surgically altered for the purpose of tracking.


Now there's the way to go for someone going on a trek or skiing in the wilderness where there is danger of an avalanche or hiking the Appalachian Trail when someone might need to find you. But to have one implanted is just plain ridiculous. Why would anyone want to. Sure they tell us it's so we can locate our lost kids, but then all kids get one and soon the whole population can be tracked? Too weird for words. Good thing I don't have kids, I won't have to worry about it! icon_rolleyes.gif


Cache you later,



Never underestimate the power of stupid people in large groups.

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Originally posted by Planet:

...I used to make those chips and if you knew the poisons they go through to become chips you wouldn't want one in your body! Shall I mention a few? Hydrflouric acid, ethylene-glycol monomethyl ether, arsine, phosphine, nitric acid, sulfuric acid, Trichlorethane, Arsenic, hydrochloric acid, "the syrtl etch" (aauughhh, bad stuff, mix of the worse stuff including chromium trioxide or something like that) and the list goes on and on...not to mention the plastics that they are encased in...


I think I saw this same list of ingredients on a package of Twinkies.


--- yrium ---

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The same company, ADSX, also has something similar to what a few people mentioned. The "Digital Angel" is a strap-on tracking device. Would be great for skiers, hikers, pets, kids, medical test subjects, felons on house-arrest, etc :-)


Interesting stuff, at least...





The more I look at this company, the more interesting their stuff looks -- even apart from the "Big Brother" paranoia it inspires. Biochips, tracking implants and/or strap-ons, and a bio-battery (generates up to 3 volts from body heat). What next?

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Subdermal tracking devices is well and fine until we hear of the first case where the loon who snatched the kid dug it out with a pocketknife.


How would he know? Maybe the kid told him. Maybe he could scan it with an ordinary metal detecting wand.


Now that's scary!


Got another question though. If we have problems getting a large hand held GPS to pickup in certain conditions, how the heck is one small enough to worn going to be effective--much less one that is small enough to be impanted?


Then communicating the coordinates back to some kind of central office. Yeah, cell phones are small, but they're not life-and-death reliable. Quite a few don't work in Wal-Mart. Look how small FRS radios are, but look at the range.


I just don't see the technology anywhere near what it needs to be for this to be viable. Much less affordable. It might work in limited areas in ideal conditionals.


...but in the real world where it counts?





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Originally posted by Ramness570:

Why not offer a wearable one? Turn it on when you go hiking or such?


They already make them for outdoor enthusiasts, they're called EPeRBs.







The Aussies have been using them for years, and they've jus been approved recently for use here in the States.




It's not what you fling,

It's the FLING itself.



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