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city slickers


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According to the main geocaching.com page, People have done caches in:

There are now caches hidden in 113 countries!


or perhaps you meant countryside. If so, then its already being discussed over HERE if you wish to see what the replies have been.


In a nutshell, its because cities by definition have a higher population density.






That is about to change...


I listened to just about entirely country music.


Born and raised in the country....(well now it isnt the country..stupid urban sprawl.)


May have been citified but I know where my roots are..


I am planning on placing several country themed caches this coming weekend.


Dont know what area your in but come an get him...


Just read some top ten lists relating to geocaching


though I would throw one out.


Top ten things you dont wanna hear while geocaching


10. Is that your truck over there rolling down the hill?


9. Sorry about that! I thought you were a deer!


8. What do you mean that was the last beer!


7. Look what I found dad, a little black rat with a white stripe down his back.


6. Old yellers gone and got into it with the porcupine again.


5. Hey billy bob, did you remember to bring the ky jelly, theres sheep in the next pasture.


4. What do you mean buckshot?


3. Aw man, I stepped in the cow ****.


2. You sure do got a perty mouth boy.


1. You got a perty poo**r too.


Two reasons why people don'to more country caches. 1) They place them where they are. You would naturally expect more in cities. 2) If they want to mantain them they need to live near.


But since I've figured out that rural caches see much less hits, they don't nead all that much maintainece. If any.


Originally posted by Renegade Knight:

But since I've figured out that rural caches see much less hits, they don't nead all that much maintainece. If any.


Rural caches may get fewer Geohunter hits...but I'll bet they have a higher rate of animal tampering. icon_razz.gif


Originally posted by Zuckerruebensirup:

Originally posted by Renegade Knight:

But since I've figured out that rural caches see much less hits, they don't nead all that much maintainece. If any.


Rural caches may get fewer Geohunter hits...but I'll bet they have a higher rate of animal tampering. icon_razz.gif


Depends on what kind of animals you have in the area. Where you place the cache and whats in the cache.


For example here in Sicily the larges wild animal we have on the island is fox. Place a rock on the cache and its going to get disturbed. Australia has big animals however the enviroment tends to keep them for disturbing caches if I'm understanding the posts that I'm reading from Australians. If your in the states however the animals seem to be a little more misbehaved. It seems you have to be careful not just about putting food in caches or even putting things that smell like food in caches. But, anyhting that has a scent of any kind can attract an animal in the states. icon_frown.gif


You just need to know the area you are going to place or hunt a cache in and take the proper precautions.


- Lone Rangers


Born and raised in suburban hell, I tend to place caches out as far into the woods as NJ permits me to. I may not get as many visits as the easy, drive up caches, but I think people will enjoy getting away from it all when they seek mine. I rarely go after "urban" caches, rather I stick to ones that require a good hike and are as far away from towns as possible.


Originally posted by Lone Rangers: You just need to know the area you are going to place or hunt a cache in and take the proper precautions.


Actually, for the last two caches I hid, I added (in bold red print) "No food or or scented items, please! They tend to attract animals." Both of the caches are fairly new, so I haven't had a chance to see how respectful the local coons and such will be.

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