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OT: I'm going to be robbed, but they don't know I know...


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I'm awake (3:22am, and I'm waiting so I figured I'd post to kill time)


Yesterday morning I came like any other morning, disarmed the alarm and went about my day. Fridays are usually the day that lots of people come by and hang out and since it was nice yesterday, I had all the doors open... BTW, it's a computer store...


Anyway, last night, I went to leave and set the alarm and the alarm panel is dead. I look up and someone had cut the wires for it... (left set of wires that are spliced. This is about 8 feet off the floor.)




These are waaaaay too high up the wall for anyone to accidentally catch something on. It was pretty obvious they were cut. Someone's planning to break in, (that's the only explanation)


So here's what I've done so far... I rewired the alarm but didn't mention the incident to anyone except the neighbors next door. They, (the neighbors,) are staying in their shop for a few weeks to finish a big job, (they live in the mountains so it's too far to drive home just to sleep for a few hours) I hooked up my door sensors to their alarm system so if someone comes in any door, (by popping the hinges or something,) it'll beep in my store as well as theirs. I secured all the other external doors with bolts and set up a webcam, (hidden high up,) that's shooting right at the back door. It's uploading once every 20 seconds to my webspace, and saving across the network to my neighbor's computer every 5 seconds, (in case someone does manage to get in, they won't be able to steal the images without also breaking in next door.)




I've alerted the alarm company as well as the local police... I think I've got my bases covered...


If there is going to be a break in, there's no ****ing way I'm *NOT* going to catch them... I'm pretty sure it's going to be this weekend, (tonight or tomorrow night,) as no one knows I was able to fix the alarm, and I can only assume that whoever cut it thinks that I'll be calling the alarm company on Tuesday to get it repaired...


We'll see...


The webcam photo is at http://www.acceptable-risk.com/webcam/

Proper html is up...


I'll post updates if there are any... as of now, the police have come by twice and nothing, The webcam isn't updating correctly so I have to drive in and fix it tomorrow (I did verify that it is locally saving tho so my 5 second pictures are working) I think tomorrow night is the night as the person I suspect has tomorrow night free...


So there you have it, real life drama. I'm gonna be a friggin' wreck until this is over...



Contents Under Pressure...


Sounds like a great plan, AR. But now I've been sitting in front of my PC for the last 15 minutes, at almost 6:00 am, watching your cam refresh every 10 seconds. icon_biggrin.gif . Hope you catch em'.




Originally posted by targetdrone:

Please, please, can I help you claim the virtual cache. I have my GPS mounted to my Beretta .40 cal. (Which I'm fondling now) Please.


I gave my clips to my father so I wouldn't do something stupid... I had every intention of putting my car in the garage and waiting for whatever was to come... It was his idea to not use weapons...


I'm so friggin pissed about this whole thing that I would literally kill anyone who broke in... My father had the right idea. So I sit at home and wait...


Jeez, I reread the above paragraphs and I sound like a psycho, I really need some sleep... I hope something does happen just so I can get around this...



Contents Under Pressure...


Originally posted by Acceptable Risk:


Anyway, last night, I went to leave and set the alarm and the alarm panel is dead. I look up and someone had cut the wires for it... (left set of wires that are spliced. This is about 8 feet off the floor.)

So they cut the wires to the alarm without triggering the anti-tamper circuitry?


Or maybe your system isn't wired up to be tamper-proof.


If that's the case, you need a new alarm system - FAST.


Originally posted by Slytherin:

Originally posted by Acceptable Risk:


Anyway, last night, I went to leave and set the alarm and the alarm panel is dead. I look up and someone had cut the wires for it... (left set of wires that are spliced. This is about 8 feet off the floor.)

So they cut the wires to the alarm without triggering the anti-tamper circuitry?


Or maybe your system isn't wired up to be tamper-proof.


If that's the case, you need a new alarm system - FAST.


dead panel=dead alarm... ADT owns....



Contents Under Pressure...


Okay, I was sitting here watching your webcam update. Why I had a little bit of expectation, as if they were going to break in at any momement, I don't know.


Anyway, I got to wondering, do you always keep the light on in your back room? If not, someone casing the joint might notice the light coming around the edges of the roll-up.


Then I noticed the light coming from under the door. You must have a powerful security light and thus negate being able to see the leaks of light.




It's already light in CS at this time.




The webcam is not actually updating.




that's not a light leak, but a reflection off a shiny door threshold.






I hope this all works out for you and it wasnt you alter ego planning on robbing the store or something. I do believe I would be just as inraged and don't think your a psycho for thinking about waiting with force. I would want to do the same but then again I am a pyscho so that probably doesn't help you much.


Anyway, seriously I hope everything works out for ya and will be awaiting an update.



Not so sure, Somewhat new Owner Of a Garmin GPS V Received on 10-03-02


CR, slow down.


all good points



Not so sure, Somewhat new Owner Of a Garmin GPS V Received on 10-03-02


Originally posted by umc:

CR, slow down.


all good points





I think the real question is; how are we supposed to go out and find any caches if we're here trying to cacth the perp. dadgum I have caching to do. (* anxiously awaits any action at the door *)


Not so sure, Somewhat new Owner Of a Garmin GPS V Received on 10-03-02



Not so sure, Somewhat new Owner Of a Garmin GPS V Received on 10-03-02


No weapons, just prop a bucket of that blue dye the banks put in money so the perps turn all blue, and it doesn't wash off. Or a bucket of doots. Just remember it's there, so you don't get it. BTW it's 8:17 AM EST and there is still light coming from under the door. And nothing's happening. I'll probably be watching this darned thing all day while I'm at work.


Cache you later,



Two Wrongs Don't Make A Right, But Three Lefts Do.


I love the way you think. Pretty kewl.


Personally I would have paid some guy named SPIKE to camp out in my store over the weekend and paid him a 100 bucks. It would have been worth it to capture the look on the theif's face on the web came when he opens the door and sees Spike waiting for him. Doh!


Then you could have sold the footage to REAL TV or one of CAUGHT ON TAPE shows. ;D


Jolly R. Blackburn



Question, does this person you suspect know you well enough to know you are a geocacher and do they monitor these forums? The Mann had that question for you when I showed him this thread.


Did the neighbors check their wiring?


And it's 9:00 AM EST, still nothing going on, still light under the door. i have to go to work now.


Cache you later,



Two Wrongs Don't Make A Right, But Three Lefts Do.


This is really fascinating... do you have a counter set up to see how many times your webcam site is hit? I have gone back to it probably a dozen times since I got up at 6 am, and it is now 8 am....

How many of us plan on checking it during the evening tonight? I am sure I will!

I sure hope you catch the *********** (I don't usually use those words..... how do you spell it?) icon_wink.gif


I will be leaving that site up all day and night


Helping AR keep an eye on things.



Not so sure, Somewhat new Owner Of a Garmin GPS V Received on 10-03-02


We can all go to the chat room and stay right on top of it with you AR. But really, you need a good bad dog.


Cache you later,



Two Wrongs Don't Make A Right, But Three Lefts Do.


Originally posted by Acceptable Risk:

dead panel=dead alarm... ADT owns....

dead panel=dead alarm... = crap alarm

dead panel=dead alarm... = un-acceptable-risk


ADT owns.... = time to get a new alarm company


Just taking the cover off one of my PIRs to clean it the other day tripped the anti-tamper protection and had the alarm howling.


I can't believe that a computer shop relies on an alarm system with exposed wires running along the walls and doesn't trip when someone cuts a wire.


You need a new alarm.


When will we find it on the pages as a Cache. Its snowing now and can't get out today to Cache, so one from the comfort of the desk would be nice.


Maybe you could put a remote controlled Claymore on the floor in front of the door, see who it is then make them an offer. icon_eek.gif


Or put a noose and a trap door and do it the old fashion way. Put your head in the loop and pull the lever please and you will receive an all expsense paid vacation trip to hell. Sorry no rain checks. icon_biggrin.gif


Tahosa - Dweller of the Mountain Tops.


Is that the door open on the alarm panel? Won't they see that and know right away you've figured it out. You ever notice when they show the "video" from a robbery how blurry it is and out of focus, it's a wonder they ever catch anyone from those. This one actually has much better quality than those.


Cache you later,



Two Wrongs Don't Make A Right, But Three Lefts Do.


Sounds like whoever cut the wires had thought this out somewhat, have you considered it might be an inside job, or disgruntled ex-employee? Also, many theifs will cut a hole in the roof and enter that way in order to by-pass the door alarms. Hopefully you have some motion sensors going to pick up their movement.


Could you please put a big clock over the door? icon_wink.gif


You might consider Digital Radar or any of the similar products that wait for movement in the camera's range and then records video. Though my guess is that your still image will be of higher quality. Good luck, I'll be watching.


(I wonder if the thief knows how many people are watching and waiting for him to come through that door.)


Originally posted by geospotter:

Could you please put a big clock over the door? icon_wink.gif


You might consider Digital Radar or any of the similar products that wait for movement in the camera's range and then records video. Though my guess is that your still image will be of higher quality. Good luck, I'll be watching.


(I wonder if the thief knows how many people are watching and waiting for him to come through that door.)


Because the light coming from under the door isn't changing and I don't know what's behind that door so I don't really think the camera is updating, even though it might be it doesn't feel like it is. I'm stuck at the office so I need a clock to watch until 5:00.


Cache you later,



Two Wrongs Don't Make A Right, But Three Lefts Do.


Because the light coming from under the door isn't changing and I don't know what's behind that door so I don't really think the camera is updating, even though it might be it doesn't feel like it is. I'm stuck at the office so I need a clock to watch until 5:00.


Maybe the thief cut the wire to the webcam?


Just a thought.



Becky Davis

San Jose, CA

How many geocachers can you fit into an ammo box?


He did say in the original post that the webcam wasn't updating correctly.


I'll post updates if there are any... as of now, the police have come by twice and nothing, The webcam isn't updating correctly so I have to drive in and fix it tomorrow (I did verify that it is locally saving tho so my 5 second pictures are working) I think tomorrow night is the night as the person I suspect has tomorrow night free..

So, AR, now that you have all of us watching and keeping an eye out for you, who do we call if we see something happen and you're asleep? Or do you have a plan for that? Will the police be alerted if the door sensors trip your neighbor's alarm? Can't you just see 100 phone calls to the CS police, "Hi, Sarge, I'm a geocacher and the web cam shows there's a thief in Acceptable Risk's computer shop in CS, go quick!".


Cache you later,



Two Wrongs Don't Make A Right, But Three Lefts Do.


Planet signing off guard duty. Leaving the guard shack for the night. Will check operations later when I make my rounds. I hope someone else has their eye on this now. I'm punching out. Planet has left the building.


Cache you later,



Two Wrongs Don't Make A Right, But Three Lefts Do.


You must have gotten distracted... This is what I saw on the web cam a few minutes ago...




I guess this explains how they could reach up so high.


Oh well, not to worry, they usually only perform cattle mutilations and you don't have cattle in a computer store.... that is.... unless you sell Gateway Computers. You don't have any Gateways in the shop DO YOU !!! OH MY GOD... THEY'RE AFTER THE GATEWAYS!!!


I would really rather NOT believe!


You were?!! icon_eek.gificon_eek.gif

Originally posted by wcgreen:

Okay--now that Acceptable Risk has everyone watching his shop, who is out geocaching?




Wendy Chatley Green




Thanks for the great laugh, Sluggo.


"You have brains in your head; You have feet in your shoes.

You can steer yourself any direction you choose.

You're on your own. And you know what you know.

And YOU are the one who'll decide where to go...."

Dr. Seuss


Homewatcher and Gotcha are good programs for this kinda stuff. One of my buddies actually used Homewatcher (free) to catch someone that was screwing around in his cubicle at work. That's what prompted me to use it on my webcam page.


It is kinda nice in that it doesn't waste bandwidth / HD space on the same picture over and over... only reacts when it notices motion. Sorry if this was already mentioned - I didn't read every post in this thread... just trying to catch up real quick.



The NEW Toe Pages

Watch "Home Alone" and try a few of Macauley Culkin's tricks. Also, I'd leave two quarters on the floor inside the door, then fill the next can of soda in each of the drink machines with urine, just in case they get thirsty during their plundering.


All kidding aside, though, do you have any idea how they gained access to cut the wires in the first place? Any sign of forced entry? If not, it may suggest an "inside job" or, at the least, that someone may have a copied key to one of the doors.


You're obviously more high-tech than I am. I'd just camp out with a six pack, bag of Doritos and the trusty Mossberg 590DA


Always wear proper caching safety equipment!


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