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Geocaching License Plates


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Does anyone know of any state that has a Geocaching license plates? It seems as though they have special plates for everything else....


I'm not sure how Virginia gets one on the road, but suspect that it's pretty much the same as Georgia.


Here, you work with a state rep and get a bill passed authorizing DMV to issue the plate. Then, the DMV solicits folks to buy the plate (usually around $40 extra per year.) Then, when DMV gets about 350 people signed up, they press the plates.


I like the idea a lot. But, what do I do with my SCV plate? icon_wink.gif



"If you tell the truth, you don't have to remember anything." - Mark Twain


I'm not sure how Virginia gets one on the road, but suspect that it's pretty much the same as Georgia.


Here, you work with a state rep and get a bill passed authorizing DMV to issue the plate. Then, the DMV solicits folks to buy the plate (usually around $40 extra per year.) Then, when DMV gets about 350 people signed up, they press the plates.


I like the idea a lot. But, what do I do with my SCV plate? icon_wink.gif



"If you tell the truth, you don't have to remember anything." - Mark Twain


Not exactly Geocache oriented but I do alot of cacheing offroad. so heres <---- mine.


"You've got to be very careful if you don't know where you're going, because you might not get there." Yogi Berra



How about Geocaching.com license plate holders????


We're thinking about having them made up for our vehicles but an official one would be real cool.


smile02.gif If ignorance is bliss, why aren't there more happy people??


Originally posted by GoldKey:


It costs $60,000 just to apply for a specialty plate in Florida


At least you get a refund if they don't approve it.


If they DO approve it, do you get a royalty off the plates that people order?



"I may be slow, but at least I'm sweet!" 196939_800.jpg


The procedes do go to the organization that sponsored it if the plate is approved. But most of the ones I know are Universities/Sports Teams.




You'se gotsta git a bill passed fer yer orginizashun. Then, if that thar plate gits approvalism, then it's a gonna cost ya $15 THOUSAND shmackers or 3500 pre-orders to git 'em a goin'. Average price on yonder plates go fer about $30 smaks a year abuv that dern tarnation excesseeeve taxation called regeestrashun.


I can't do it. Maybe we, the NTGA (North Texas Geocaching Association), can come up with it!! Maybe not. icon_frown.gif



wavey.gif Go! And don't be afraid to get a little wet!


You'se gotsta git a bill passed fer yer orginizashun. Then, if that thar plate gits approvalism, then it's a gonna cost ya $15 THOUSAND shmackers or 3500 pre-orders to git 'em a goin'. Average price on yonder plates go fer about $30 smaks a year abuv that dern tarnation excesseeeve taxation called regeestrashun.


I can't do it. Maybe we, the NTGA (North Texas Geocaching Association), can come up with it!! Maybe not. icon_frown.gif



wavey.gif Go! And don't be afraid to get a little wet!


Not sure if you meant a series or a vanity plate, but here's mine (avatar).


I actually bought it for my day job but it fits pretty good here too.


Hey TT, good guesses.


The first 3 would be a little livelier, it's closest to the last guess, I sell/train on buried utility locators (not to be confused with metal detectors).

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