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Are we geeks?


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You know you're a geek when...


You constantly refresh the forums leaderboard to see if you've been passed up in daily/hourly/minutely posts.

With the 'flood preventer' active, you can post up to 3 times in one minute if you time it just right :)


But that is just the first minute. it is two after that. Then you would be counting one twice per minute.

Edited by Chris&Cindy
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I scored 0 on the first test and 1 on the second part. I sit in the front of the classroom to hear better and pay attention, college classes aren't cheap! (too many years working in noisy environments and shooting guns without ear protection) I don't own a DVD player or a VHS player. I bought my GPSr to use on Lake Michigan for navigation and monitoring my trolling speeds while fishing, geocaching came later.

I did build my computer though. (buy a bunch of parts and put them together) I have 2 remote controls in my house, 1 for the TV and 1 for the stereo. Try to buy a TV without remote!

I don't watch or support any professional sports or watch ESPN on a regular basis. I'm right outside Chicago, enough said!

Now that I've confused myself as to whether I'm a geek or not, I think I'll go find a cache or go to my woodshop. I'm sure I'll find the answer there.

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