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too commercial?

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I was thinking of doing a cache where the theme was AOL CD's...you know, those free CD-ROMs that seem to show up from every corner of the known universe. People who visit the cache could leave an AOL CD and feel free to take one (although I can't imagine why they would want to do that!)


Would this be considered too commercial? My goal is not to increase AOL's market share or promote them in any way. People would be free to leave tins of Spam as well. icon_wink.gif


Well, I really wouldn't care, and I love the ideea, but some people say that a cache shouldn't be all of one company. But as far as I feel...do it!




I made a geocache with a "vaccuum" as the booty-nugget. But, everytime someone opened it, they traded down for plain air! Some of them even left rude comments about an "empty" cache container! Man, don't they realize how expensive it is to pull a perfect vaccuum (just look in Eric_O's head!)




I've been thinking about burning some popular Open Source Software on a CD and leaving that as a cache goody. Things like Linux, Mozilla, OpenOffice, and AbiWord come to mind. I hoped such a CD might enable some other people to try it out. (Plus, I can abuse my broadband connection at work. [:)] )


As far as buring the cd's go, alot of people are gonna be afraid of getting some virus from this way, because some freak will burn some viruses and put them on a disc. And besides soem of those kinds of programs have so many trojans anyway




A cache like that would be a reverse of the cache in/trash out theme, since AOL discs are trash in my opinion.


But if you want some discs to start out with I have over 100 in my garage. It's our own little public service, we take them out of circulation so some poor unknowing person doesn't accidently put one in their computer. icon_biggrin.gif


smile02.gif If ignorance is bliss, why aren't there more happy people??


The best use i have found so far for aol cds is for coasters. They may not be absorbant, but they do help keep moisture off your surfaces. icon_biggrin.gif Other than that, maybe they would be good for skeet? lol



Team Hide & Seek


Originally posted by Xarjyl:

The best use i have found so far for aol cds is for coasters. They may not be absorbant, but they do help keep moisture off your surfaces.


One could also attach them to trees shiny side out and use them as reflectors for nighttime caches.


There was a dress I saw once (Wired, maybe) made of those AOL discs.


As for a cache based on them, I see no problem with it, but I also do not think it sounds too exciting.





Geocaching . . . hiking with a purpose


I love the cache idea! It will cut into the skeet, a bit, but I'm willing to sacrifice in favor of the cache idea!


icon_eek.gif Fat, drunk, and stupid is no way to go through life, son!


Yeah, I figure I'll have to empty it out once in a while. Each time I empty it out, I'll take a photo of the ammo can full of CD's as an example of the waste generated by those marketing weasels. Then I'll either use 'em for coasters or put them in the microwave (kids...do not try this at home!).

They actually make good random password generators...sometimes I need to hand out a random password to someone and I can just pull one off an an AOL disk and use it...a never-ending supply! icon_smile.gif

What a great multi-cache...write the intermedite coordinates on a CD and laminate it... icon_smile.gif


We take them and hang them from trees in the yard for christmas ornaments. Put some lights through the hole in the center (C7's work best) and they sparkle nicely. icon_biggrin.gif


I do like the new little metal box they have been coming in lately. Good multi cache waypoint holder.


smile02.gif If ignorance is bliss, why aren't there more happy people??


Here I sit with an AOL Tin in my hand.

How I got it I don't understand.

Thought about making it into a cache.

But like someone said, it's just trash.

1025 Hours for Free

Cancel early to avoid the fee.

So what kind of cache to do?

And to the sport be true?

I'm thinking of an AOL round file toss.

It's the only way to let them know who's boss.


Bad poetry aside I've been considering turning this dadgum tin into a cache CD exchange. Or maybe I'll do what I always do and toss it. Though 75% of all trash now is AOL disks.


Originally posted by infosponge:

I was thinking of doing a cache where the theme was AOL CD's...you know, those free CD-ROMs that seem to show up from every corner of the known universe. People who visit the cache could leave an AOL CD and feel free to take one (although I can't imagine why they would want to do that!)


Actually this wouldn't be that bad an idea - have you heard of the No More AOL CD's project?


Their mission is "To collect 1,000,000 unwanted AOL CDs from people like you.  We'll then transport the 1,000,000 CDs in an armada of trucks or something and give them back to their rightful owners, AOL.  We'll ask them to stop sending these unrequested, unwanted, and destined for landfill CDs."


Just the vision of 1,000,000 CD's dumped on the lawns of AOL's Virginia complex makes me happy (heck I would hop on a train and watch the event if they got enough).


SO - you could have a AOL CD cache (no cans of spam) and send the CD's to the project...


Just a thought!



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