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Originally posted by Blackshoe:

Yep. School night. And I also have to watch the Darlington race. I'm definitely enthusiastic, but not yet obsessed! icon_biggrin.gif


Blackshoe Clan is fixin' to cache in!

Give it another find or two, you'll be addicted.


Just because you're paranoid DOESN'T mean they're not ALL out to get you.


I found my first one today. I showed the web site to my wife and all the cacches around our area and she is up for going along with me. But we will limit ourselves to 1 or 2 a weekend.


Had alot of fun. Already thinking of where I could place a cache.


Originally posted by Woodyk:

I found my first one today. I showed the web site to my wife and all the cacches around our area and she is up for going along with me. But we will limit ourselves to 1 or 2 a weekend.


Had alot of fun. Already thinking of where I could place a cache.


Ya, it's starts with one or two. Then you are mainlining T.B.s and snorting little plastic toys.


smiles_63.gif ---Real men cache in shorts.


2nd find today. Kids dig it. My wife even went. She still thinks it was an excuse to get a gadget. Have to keep letting her navigate I guess. hehe


Blackshoe Clan is fixin' to cache in!


My name is (insert GC.com name here), and I am a Geocacher. Get used to saying this at your first local gathering.......the coffee is free.


Will cache for food.migo_sig_logo.jpg


"Will limit ourselves to one or two per weekend".....snicker snicker.....thats what they all say!!


Glad you like it.....


We're going on a treasure hunt...we're not quite sure just where...but with our trusty GPS, we'll find a cache stashed there!!

By Daughter Cheryl


First it was 'just a couple'....then it was an 18 cache day in Vancouver, and going out to get a "quick 5" before work. Batteries have a whole new purpose now! It's NOT about the numbers, really it's not! I can leave the GPS at home, just watch me. Sure honey, we can go out for just a hike....what's that in my pocket? No, that's not a cache printout. That's not Tupperware you smell on me! icon_wink.gif




Trust me on this one...you will get hooked. First month or two may be slow, but it'll eventually steamroll! My first two months, I only had 4 finds. April had 18, may 45, and so on. I have 4 months with over 50 caches found.


You must be making a living as a Professional Geocacher. 50 in a month! If you add in driving time to hiking time and research time, how could you possibly make it to work??? You are me hero now, by the way. I'm not worthy. icon_biggrin.gif


Blackshoe Clan is fixin' to cache in!


Welcome to the sport. Contrary to other posts, it is not addictive.


I know that I can quit anytime..... Lets see now, where is my GPSr? I'm sure it was on my desk, ... in my pack?.... Jacket pocket?........Stress.....PANIC!

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