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National Parks and Geocaching

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Originally posted by MTBguy:


Does anybody have any kind of comments on this topic?


If you browse these (and other) previously existing discussion threads, it would appear that people have LOTS of comments on this topic:


Feds Issue Warning About Geocaches in National Parks


Virtual Caching in National Parks


Legal Issues in National Parks


Caches in National Parks


Virtual caches in National Parks???


NPS regulations; re GeoCaching


Looking for comments on NPS cache pulling


NPS is now Geocaching to remove caches.


NPS Permitting Process?


NPS and Geocaching



"I may be slow, but at least I'm sweet!" 196939_800.jpg

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Let's leave the National Parks and Monuments alone. They don't need Geocaching, and Geocaching doesn't need them. Why can't we just enjoy them for what they are? (National Recreation Areas are another matter, and I think the larger ones are much less crowded and contain some unique and less widely-known features.) Regardless, the Parks and Monuments are already well-publicized, over-crowded most times, and have more than enough "natural" allure than all the Geocaching in the world can match. Thanks, and cheers ...


~Rich in NEPA~




=== A man with a GPS receiver knows where he is; a man with two GPS receivers is never sure. ===

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At the time of this writing, there are no laws that specifically forbid GeoCaching in national parks. "Instead, the Code of Federal Regulations – Title 36, Chapter 1, Part 2, Section 2.22 - regarding the prohibition of abandon property has been cited in incidents where GeoCaches have been impounded." - Interview with a Park Ranger


To keep this stance from being adopted by state and local parks, participate in the development of Authorization (Permission) Database


- Doug Adomatis

Travel by GPS

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Wouldn't it be a matter of "cache" responsibly? I mean, if folks didn't "upset" the natural balance of the park...Use weather and animal-proof containers...don't put food in.


I haven't even started yet, so I am not at all an authority. Just reading up on things and trying to get some good footholds before we embark on our first hunt.


Holly Selden

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