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The person below me...

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It's one of those songs that going to stick with you throughout the day, no matter how hard you try to stop singing it!


Do-de-doo-de-doop Inspector Gadget, do-de-doo-de-doop deeeee dooooooppppp!


I did, but the real question is how do you get an avatar off a post after its been cured?


The person below me will have an answer as to why you can tune a piano, but you can't tuna fish!



It is the tale, not he who tells it."


For the same reason be park on driveways, and drive on parkways?


The person below me is trying to figure about a way to tie this thread back to geocaching.


Nothing to see here, move along.


Isn't it enough that we're on the geocache forums? Sheesh, you just can't please some people!


TPBM has never posted below me before.





Prophetically Challenged (or is that Pathetically?)


MMMMMMhmmmmmmmhmmmmmm lemming.


TPBM always needs help removing a Chinese finger trap.



texasgeocaching_sm.gifThe greatest labor saving invention of today is tomorrow....


Not sure about TPBM, but I'm wearing an old pair my Grandmother used to wear and they are quite comfy!


The person below me has been dating his sister for 6 months now....


It's true, I had a hard time with the Easter egg comment.


TPBM will wonder why I think the end of the world is a cool thing in my "28 Days Later" thread.


Make a sanity check.migo_sig_logo.jpg


Hey, it's early give me a break.


The person below me ... er .. um ... is below me.


(Damnit Marshall's was right.)




"The internet to tell me where. A GPS to get me there."


HEY! Watch out for us people down here before you do that!


The person below me filed a complaint about BrianSnat's last avatar, forcing him to use "The Patch"...


And they are all micros!


TPBM is going to place a really cool cache today that everyone will want to find.


TPBM is going to place a really cool cache today that everyone will want to find.


Not PUSS*EEE*BULL, Would get stolen, and it can't be a hard cache, and and easy cache simultaniously.




The Person Below Me:

Post an interesting Quote from ClayJar.



My Old posts as Geoffrey

My Current Post as GOT GPS?

My profile

My Home Page about what is GPS


Well maybe I do leva them behind. But what does the person who pick them up do with them?? icon_wink.gif

TPBM doesn't understand what Team ORAK means.


These changes in latitudes, changes in attitudes;

Nothing remains quite the same.

Through all of the islands and all of the highlands,

If we couldn't laugh we would all go insane


A member of the NRA, a member of Hopewell Baptist Church, a member of the San Jose State class of 1981, a member of Wilderness Unlimited hunting club, and a member of the Republican party.


The person below me can't remember the last three caches they logged...



How do they get a deer to cross at that yellow road sign?



I know...I'm a little behind on logging them. The person below me should be doing there work at work right now...not chatting on the forums icon_wink.gif




That's because I have cache-dar.


The person below me will now quote the 50th person above them.


"Rubik's parents always said he was a square peg in a round world."



It is the tale, not he who tells it."


HAHAHA! I am on the couch, almost asleep, General...carry on, soldier...


The person below me once ran into the stopped car in front of them while daydreaming about caching....


I did do over $800 in damage hitting a stationary object while caching. Not a car.


TPBM keeps their first dingleberry in an old medecine vial, hidden under a loose board, in the attic.



texasgeocaching_sm.gifThink parallel branes and five dimensions. Science never sounded so cool....


Well I did, but sometimes I forget.


TPBM wonders if Tuesday is my girlfriend.



texasgeocaching_sm.gifThink parallel branes and five dimensions. Science never sounded so cool....


It doesn't matter if Tuesday is your girlfriend or not, cause Everyday you have a chaperone. And if that weren't enough, someone doesn't like Monday, and you might not make it to Tuesday...


And oh yeah, TPBM leaves cans of spam in caches they don't like. Ouch, how messy the micros...


Spam spam spam spam. Lovely spam! Wonderful spam! Spam spa-a-a-a-a-am spam spa-a-a-a-a-am spam. Lovely spam! Lovely spam! Lovely spam! Lovely spam! Lovely spam! Spam spam spam spam!


TPBM will tell everyone a word that rhymes with 'orange'.




I could tell you all, but I left it in storange. In Tuesday's house. And now Tuesday's gone with the wind.


The person below me has gone caching in East Orange, New Jersey. And lived to tell.



- Team Og Rof A Klaw

All who wander are not lost.


And been out on the Boardwalk at night, down by the Radisson, and lived to tell....


The person below me ate the rusted can of beans that was in the first geocache outside of Portland...


I did about a month ago. It was my favorite thread back then. It IS my all time favorite "Poll" thread. icon_razz.gif


TPBM has a hitch in his/her get along, and will explain in depth what it is.





Prophetically Challenged (or is that Pathetically?)

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