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incorrectly replacing caches

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just saw a note in another thread about a moved cache. What experiences have you had with your caches being replaced in a different fashion than you left them? The way a cache is replaced can have a HUGE effect on the difficulty rating...


King Pellinore


Originally posted by King Pellinore:

just saw a note in another thread about a moved cache. What experiences have you had with your caches being replaced in a different fashion than you left them? The way a cache is replaced can have a HUGE effect on the difficulty rating...


King Pellinore


In the limited number of caches I've placed, I found that the ones hidden in rocks/rock crevices tend to be rehidden in the exact same location while the one hidden under a log was moved out by about one foot.


What would help is if there was an obvious slot or hollow for the cache. Some folks take the cache to a nearby bench to log them and may forget exactly where it came from if the exact spot isn't clear.


I like to leave someti=hing on the cache spot so that if I take it to my truck or nearby rock to sit on I can easily respot the EXACT spot i it is a difficult spot to spot.


I had to rehide one on the side of a cliff recently and I made sure it was hidden as well as when I found it. it couldn't have been hidden better.


I have been accused twice of rehiding it too well, but those were in trafficed areas and they needed to be hidden so as not to be stumbed across and plundered, I felt that they had been well hidden at first based on the original posting and the logs so that I replaced tham in original condition as far as I could ascertain. I hide caches as well as I found them and in the same spot.


Now where did I set my GPS???


Let's see . . . one of my caches was in a tiny "cave," and twice when I returned to check on it, it had been placed a few feet away under loose stones.


Another was wedged between a tree and a brick wall of a building, 5 feet off the ground. The cache ended up on the ground behind the tree.


The more disturbing trend is for people to return a cache to the proper location, but not re-cover it as the owner intended. I've seen several caches with level 3 or 4 difficulty ratings that had been left out in plain view, despite the cache description. I can understand someone being a little careless and making a mistake, but I can't understand why such mistakes are perpetuated with care and precision by the succession of cachers. Each of us has to make the effort to return a cache to its proper location, matching the assigned description and difficulty as best we can.


Originally posted by SirRalanN:

I like to leave something on the cache spot so that if I take it to my truck or nearby rock to sit on I can easily respot the EXACT spot if it is a difficult spot to spot.


That's a great idea! I've been to a few caches where I'd like to have moved somewhere more convenient to log them, but was afraid I wouldn't get the exact spot right again. I'll have to remember this tip. icon_smile.gif


Originally posted by SirRalanN:

I like to leave something on the cache spot so that if I take it to my truck or nearby rock to sit on I can easily respot the EXACT spot if it is a difficult spot to spot.


That's a great idea! I've been to a few caches where I'd like to have moved somewhere more convenient to log them, but was afraid I wouldn't get the exact spot right again. I'll have to remember this tip. icon_smile.gif


Originally posted by BassoonPilot:

Each of us has to make the effort to return a cache to its proper location, matching the assigned description and difficulty as best we can.


Couldnt have said this better. When I first started I used to rehide caches a little too well. After a short time I thought about it and started trying to rehide caches to match the original intent....even when I disagree with the motive. What gets even more annoying than moving the cache, is leaving landmarks out around the cache in the general area to clue people into it. I have seen this a few times, luckily not with mine....In fact, besides Bassoon pilot..no one can even find a couple of mine!


We've only placed two caches so far. But it's really important with those two caches for them to be placed exactly back where we originally placed them. Both caches are urban caches and can easily be found if incorrectly placed. They could slip from thier spot and be right out in the open if someone doens't take the 5 seconds that it would take to cram it back where it goes.


On one of our caches, we went for a routine maintenence check and low and behold our cache was gone. Man, we were upset. We were about ready to go get another container to replace it when we looked about 10-15ft away from where it was hidden and saw it just sitting there, half-@ssEd put behind something to 'hide' it. Not even close to where it was supposed to be and completely in the view of the hundreds of daily passerbyers. Luckily we got there just a few hours after the culperit had placed it back in the incorrect location.


We ALWAYS try to replace a cache EXACTLY as we found it.


Of course you all realize that if even the first finder puts it back a little differently, the whole thing is questionable.


Then if the 2nd finder moves it a bit....well, it can go on and on.


To those who say they put it back exactly as they found it, congrats.....but if you are 6th in line, who knows how it was originally placed. The exact replacement idea works IF you are the first to find and IF everyone else follows suit...which they dont.


Ron (55 hidden/183 found)


I've never been lost. Fearsome confused sometimes, but never lost.


I've had a few where the lid was not replaced properly and the contents got wet. In one case, someone even removed the ziploc bag that I placed the contents in as a precaution. I've also found caches that I left well covered, and later found them to be exposed. Not to mention the cache I had where some idiot (I have a good idea who it was) set some of the contents on fire, wrote profanities on some items and placed everything neatly back inside. icon_mad.gif


I've had a few where the lid was not replaced properly and the contents got wet. In one case, someone even removed the ziploc bag that I placed the contents in as a precaution. I've also found caches that I left well covered, and later found them to be exposed. Not to mention the cache I had where some idiot (I have a good idea who it was) set some of the contents on fire, wrote profanities on some items and placed everything neatly back inside. icon_mad.gif


Twice I've come across caches which were completely exposed. Both time I've moved the cache to within a few feet of where they were left out.


Both times I've tried to move the cache to where I thought it actually should have been. 6 months later I revisited one of the locations to pick up a Travel Bug ... and the cache was still located where I'd re-hid it. With even more rocks piled on top of it.


I was doing cache maintenance yesterday and found one of my micro's laying out in the open about 1 m away from the base of the tree where it was hidden...eerrrrr.....I don't know if the last finder found it there and replaced it there hummm ???? or was just trying to make it easier for the next finder???????? But PLEASE when replacing a cache put it back from where you found it....or....if found laying in the open try to assume (ya I know, maybe within 1m) where it came from and rehide... Thanks

Now get back to figuring the Northing, or is it Easting for that next cache....R


Without your brain, a map is a piece of coloured paper, a compass is a glorified magnet, and a GPS is a waterproof battery case." " FSAR "


I recently logged a new cache, which was found three times the first day it was posted. The first finder was an experienced cacher, with over a hundred finds. I rather doubt he moved it from its original location. A few hours later I was the second finder, and re-hid the container exactly where I found it. The third finder showed up about an hour after me, and posted in his log "Wasn't hidden too good so I hid it better". Huh?


So within a matter of hours of being posted, this cache was aready deliberately moved from its original location.


Very recently I had a cache reported stolen.

I had compass readings for a hint.The cacher

used the hint and still could not find my cache.

I went and could not find it either.The cache

had a 2 rating.I was about to archive the cache

because I thought a muggle had seen caching activity and had taken it.The last cachers

(from out of town)happened to check the cache

page and e-mailed me where they found it.It was only a couple of feet away but I camoed it very well and the new rehide increased the difficulty

a lot !

I am just glad that the cache area was not




One night on the way home from work, I noticed a firetruck heading towards the arroyo that my cache is placed in. My cache is in the only tree remaining in the arroyo on what appears to be an island. (Well, if there was water in the arroyo, it would be an island) That and living in the desert gave me the name Desert Isle Cache.

It seems that someone made a campfire inside the base of the tree. (3 or 4 branches grow from a central point leaving this space).

I couldn't check on it that night (the FD might have been looking for the culprit to stop by and see if the tree had burned to the ground). The cache was found the next day, so I didn't need to check up on it. The first log that told me it was in the wrong place came when I was in California for a funeral. I stopped by the cache as soon as I returned. It was in good shape, no fire damage. I replaced it in the proper location, but will check it more often than I had planned.



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