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Do you remeber the first item you took from a cache?

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Hey Richard,


My first item was a God Bless America pen from a cache in your old stomping grounds. By The Lake cache in Ames, Iowa.


I used to work in 110 Marston. Small world, huh?


My first was GCHD34, did not really know what this was all about, but wanted to try out my backup handheld GPS for my boat.


Took out a 10 Pence coin, left an old Smoky the bear pin from my scouting days. I was hooked.


Since that time, my spare time has been walking, looking and searching for caches. Not a high quantity but having fun. Have really enjoyed the people I have met.




Our first item taken was a coupon for a free ice cream at a local shop. I don't remember what we left for it.


The coupon was traded the same day for an Eeyore beenie baby, which we kept for months.


Ed & Julie


Our very very first cache was a virtual in Tulsa called The Center Of The Universe. It was sooo cool.


Our first Traditional Cache was in Veteran's Park in Tulsa. We traded for a "Mission Patch" from Nasa. We were so very impressed.


Karen ;)


Well, I think it was actually cache number 3 (I had 6 smilies and 2 DNF on my first day) since I know exactly which 2 were first after that...they blend LOL and this is what I TL: T-pez dispenser L-WMU keychain And yes I still have the pez dispenser! Still can't decide on my favorite finds...it is between a UVRay UV detecting beads (hanging on my geobag) and a Lois & Clark sig card with oar...


The first item I ever left in a cache was a coin with a 4 leafed clover on it... I didn't take anything in trade... sadly I was the last finder of that cache so who knows what happened to it. The first item I traded for was a glass bead... I left a state quarter. I still have that glass bead someplace. Back then I would trade often, but today I hardly ever trade anymore.


It was a new, excellent quality fishing lure. I kept it (in it's box) for over a year, then put it in a cache near a fishing area. Funny how I can remember every detail of that lure after 763 caches.

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