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Fleece vest Color Choices...


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We're planning to get a fleece vest with the logo on it before the Christmas season. Since we don't have much money we have to limit the vest to one color, so I wanted to see which color preference you may have (who were interested in purchasing one, that is).


I picked the ones that would be best used with the Geocaching.com logo. Let me know your preference. The logo will be shown no matter what way you reverse the vest.




Jeremy Irish

Groundspeak - The Language of Location


Great Idea. Any Idea on the price? Maybe you could take some pre-orders to help with the startup funding for them. Titanium/Black all the way.



Coming Around, New Owner Of a Garmin GPS V Received on 10-03-02


Thanks for the opportunity to vote. If only LL Bean and Columbia Sportswear ran their online stores this way....


My vote is for yellow/black, for three reasons:

1. It stands out in the woods during hunting season, when I'm most likely to be wearing a vest.

2. Black and Gold ... go Steelers, Pens and Pirates!

3. I want to be all color-coordinated if I'm ever out geocaching and meet the woman who's modeling the vest.



What if the Hokey Pokey IS what it's all about?


I'm IN price price whats the price. Hope the price is right. HE HE,,,,,


Beam me up Scotty theres no life forms

down here. Just Geocachers..


My opinion on the red and goldenrod is as quite similar to my feelings on salt while cooking. It's a lot easier to add garishness than to take it away. icon_biggrin.gif


Seriously, though, I *wouldn't* buy/wear a red or goldenrod fleece by any stretch of the imagination (and in a Christmas play, it'd be a stretch). I can add blaze orange to my outfit really easily, but I can't take excessive brightness away. I voted for hunter/navy out of respect for those who would say I wear too little color already, but going to goldenrod or red... please no.


ClayJar the Earthtoned


As long as it is reversable like the photo, that is the one for me. It will match my Mini Cooper S that I am dreaming about getting.


stealyourcache.gif Why are you allowed to argue passionately about Michael Jordan vs. Magic Johnson; why can people talk about horoscopes, astrology, reincarnation, drunken parties, one-night-stands, radical drug highs and the details of their sex lives...but I can't talk about my personal faith in Jesus Christ?


Yellow dirties too easily.



Coming Around, New Owner Of a Garmin GPS V Received on 10-03-02


Because it is a higher end, reversible fleece and nylon waterproof vest, with embroidery on both sides, the cost for manufacturing and shipping them through our vendor is $47.99.


It does sound like we may have to get two colors, based on the votes. I'll give it a couple of days. It's an expensive proposition so I want to make sure we get a good sampling.


I personally have a bright yellow fleece vest. It's great for the woods. I really haven't noticed it getting any dirtier than any other color.




Jeremy Irish

Groundspeak - The Language of Location


Being from NJ, which is near NY, of course I want black. Hunter is OK and and so is Navy. Hey, what can I say, I'm a conservative


"Life is a daring adventure, or it is nothing" - Helen Keller


The more colors the better if you can. I know that if you went with Yellow I don't know that I would want one then. I'm sure others would feel the same about a color that they didn't vote for. I like neutral colors myself so the more neutral the better.



Coming Around, New Owner Of a Garmin GPS V Received on 10-03-02


I reckon either the Hunter Green/Navy or the Navy/Navy, as a subdued colour can be easily highlighted if preferred as opposed to a loud colour which can't be toned down so to speak.

To please most, offer one dark tone and one bright.





Well, I've been pondering and listening and chatting and such, and I'll concede my Hunter/Navy vote to Goldenrod/Black. Since I won't be wearing this as formal attire (what's that?), and it's good to be visible in the colder months, I've been convinced that Goldenrod/Black is a reasonable choice. (GAACK! Did I just say I'd vote for yellow?!? icon_biggrin.gif)


Well, being in the Soprano State like Brian, my personal tastes run to black as well. The yellow/black reversible is perfect, because I can wear it as black in public, and switch to the "MUCH safer in the woods during the fall hunting season when I'm gonna actually wear a vest" yellow.


Illegitimus non carborundum!


I already voted for goldenrod and black. I am glad to see you are all wanting to wear CU colors with me... Go BUffs! icon_biggrin.gif



Quote me as saying I was mis-quoted.


I need to create a few more accounts to pad my numbers icon_smile.gif



Coming Around, New Owner Of a Garmin GPS V Received on 10-03-02


Blue hides the dirt best. Almost all of our camping gear is blue. I like green, it hides me best. I would buy one if it were Hunter/Navy!


Cache you later,



Originally posted by Jeremy Irish:

"...it is a higher end, reversible fleece and nylon waterproof vest, with embroidery on both sides..."


Just curious, judging by the photo, is the first colour listed in the colour combos the 'nylon' side, with the second colour the 'fleece' side (ie: 'hunter/navy' translates to 'hunter nylon/navy fleece')? Either way, I'm still a 'hunter/navy' proponent (a yellow car might be fun to drive for a week or two when it's bright and new, but try living with one for a couple of years...).


But make sure you notice that the hot blonde likes the Goldenrod/Anthacite (Anthracite sounds so much classier then black, don't it?) vest the best.

Go with the gold, get the girl!


Illegitimus non carborundum!


Maybe if your another chick Mopar but I think the real man wears Titanium/Black. icon_wink.gif



Coming Around, New Owner Of a Garmin GPS V Received on 10-03-02


I had to vote for Hunter as well. It's one of my favorite colors and MG1 usually doesn't wear anything lighter than black. icon_wink.gif


smile02.gif If ignorance is bliss, why aren't there more happy people??




The black is great for the subdued thing, but the yellow will be good for safety -I had to flag a boater down once for assistance.


Though I wouldn't have been wearing the vest on that hot muggy summer day.... icon_biggrin.gif


Titanium sort of lost its wind. I'll leave the poll on for a couple more days. Thanks for the votes so far!


Jeremy Irish

Groundspeak - The Language of Location


Very nice!! I'd prefer the Golderod/Black, as the bright color would be nice during hunting seasons. I wear blaze orange as well, but the added bright coloring would be a plus. Whatever wins, count me for an order of at least one. Nice stuff, Jeremy! icon_smile.gif




Originally posted by Jeremy Irish:

Titanium sort of lost its wind.

Actually, I expected that. Personally, I'd very much like to have a Titatium/Coal fleece vest, but if we'd more evenly split the Hunter/Navy votes with Titanium/Coal, the Goldenrod/Anthracite vote would have completely run away with the totals.


I imagine at least a few people are voting for Hunter/Navy over Titanium/Coal because they'd rather have Hunter/Navy win than Goldenrod/Anthracite.


I'm with ClayJar - I don't wear bright colors. Unless you count Royal (which I don't usually wear) - Royal/Titanium would look sharp! (I think....too bad we can't see all the combinations).


Hey, how about cammo? Desert/treeline cammo! Hunters are never a concern for me....being hunted (intentionally) is. icon_biggrin.gif


Oh well, I vote Titanium/Black...


Thanks everyone!


I'm going with the Hunter/Navy colors for the first go-around. I'm going to post an additional poll to make sure we make the right sizes for people.


I personally liked the Goldenrod but understand people's hesitation to wear such bright clothing.


Jeremy Irish

Groundspeak - The Language of Location

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