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Originally posted by Xitron:

I think its ungly as hell


Ungly? The way you spelled that made me read the rest of your post as if you had a hairlip. Darned if it (that nasally hairlip tone) hasn't stuck when I read your other posts now.


Originally posted by Xitron:

I still have hair.


OOOooo. icon_rolleyes.gif Below the belt is more important. icon_razz.gificon_razz.gif



texasgeocaching_sm.gif Sacred cows make the best hamburger....Mark Twain.

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That would be a trucker style hat and unfortunately, they are back in style!


Please don't tell me the unstructured, low profile cloth hat is out and we're back to the brightly colored spongy front and mesh back hats of the early 80's! I just threw all of those out!


"You can't make a man by standing a sheep on his hind legs. But by standing a flock of sheep in that position, you can make a crowd of men" - Max Beerbohm

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Ungly? The way you spelled that made me read the rest of your post as if you had a hairlip. Darned if it (that nasally hairlip tone) hasn't stuck when I read your other posts now.


Oh so now you pick on people with a speaking disability, what next will you take up tipping over people in wheelchairs?


I see your lips moving but all I hear is blah blah blah

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I like this line the best:


"When style and safety are a must, this cap is the right choice"


Thats funny to me for some reason.


I like that lid a lot and even though I don't wear hats all that often I think I need to own one. I will be adding that to the B-day list.


Thanks for bringing the info here.




Caching without a clue....

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Well I've been seeing some of the trucker style hats (foam front-mesh back) around. Started seeing some of hte football teams are wearing them. Saw them on some famous people on tv and then when I was playing around with my cafeshops store, i noticed they added them as a choice now. My dad is back in style with his hats now. Yep he doesn'tcurl the bills either and they "sit" on his head.




As long as you're going to think anyway, think big. -Donald Trump

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Originally posted by Doc-Dean:

How about a hat in the http://www.tilley.com/shop2.asp?path=rootTilley_Hats style (minus the Tilly hat price) ??





Free your mind and the rest will follow http://www.click-smilies.de/sammlung/aktion/action-smiley-076.gif


Without the Tilley quality?? I don't think so!!

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