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I was trying to piece together all the controversial threads and topics from the last month or so, and see if they are all inter-related somehow.


My theory is that many of the threads have been started with a similar purpose. They are like a trojan horse. They appear as a gift, yet turn out as an attack.


The thread will centre on a particular topic, but is really intended to bring out other issues along the way. Seems that some folks just can't say why they are so discontent with this site, so they try to bring it out through a myriad of responses and tangents that evolve out of their trojan horse thread.


Tell me I'm off my rocker if you will, but there are threads alive right now that fit this category.




[This message was edited by canadazuuk on September 27, 2003 at 06:41 PM.]

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Could it just be that we are a very diverse group of individuals with very different opinions to any given topic?


Or maybe it's like me...my wife is out of town for a week. So I have nothing to do at night but drink beer and read the fourms.

After a couple of beers I bang out sensless and useless opinions on my keyboard.


Either way I don't see the conspiracy you seem to be after here.


El Diablo


Everything you do in life...will impact someone,for better or for worse.


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Originally posted by canadazuuk:

And that the acts performed by a pirate are cons


Or, there are too many cons in the piracy movement


I haven't seen anything positive about it yet...and believe me I've looked for it. I would love a new twist to the game... but that was done all wrong. Had it been approached in the right way...it might have been something good and different.


El Diablo


Everything you do in life...will impact someone,for better or for worse.


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I don't know about conspiracies, but as a person new to this site and geocaching, I can say that the attitudes I see here on about every subject don't help the site, or the activity.


I frequent many newsgroups, and this has by far the most bickering.


I bet I'm not the first new member to get the sense that geocachers aren't very friendly, just the maybe the first to post about it. Or not.


Just my first impression. Sorry.

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Just the opposite. This group loves what we do and we feel very strongly about it. You have joined at a time when there are many heated debates going on.


If you need help, or just a welcome to the game, you will get more responses than you know what to do with. This is a great group of people.


Don't let the recent topics and heated discussions be the standard by which you measure all geocachers icon_smile.gif


And welcome to the game!

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Nah spike we may bicker alot but we all enjoy the same thing, getting outside and visiting new places we otherwise would never visit. I can be pretty tactless at times and I'm sure it will happen again, but I respect almost everyone here and welcome anyone new to the hunt. So take all my posts with a grain or 2 of salt and I welcome you to the community.

Quick edit , my name is Gruffy for a reason lol.

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Yes sadly RK some people have taken some of my comments the wrong way, and I wouldn't want a new forum member to think I represent the general forum. I bet neither does Jeremy lol.

However I am now trying to think before I speak and doing the reread the post before I hit the button. I've been hitting the delete key alot this week. This is the kinder gentler xitron.....not sure how long it will last though.

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Nah spike we may bicker alot but we all enjoy the same thing, getting outside and visiting new places we otherwise would never visit. I can be pretty tactless at times and I'm sure it will happen again, but I respect almost everyone here and welcome anyone new to the hunt. So take all my posts with a grain or 2 of salt and I welcome you to the community.

Quick edit , my name is Gruffy for a reason lol.


Just the opposite. This group loves what we do and we feel very strongly about it. You have joined at a time when there are many heated debates going on.


If you need help, or just a welcome to the game, you will get more responses than you know what to do with. This is a great group of people.


Don't let the recent topics and heated discussions be the standard by which you measure all geocachers


As a n00b, I have to agree - The bickering I see seems more like passion...



16x16_smiley-mad.gif Don't hurt me. I'm new here.

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Originally posted by ChurchCampDave:



Everything turns into guns, religion, and homophobia.


_"Freedom is a two-way street."_

GDAE, Dave


So we shouldn't be afraid of heavily armed, homosexual, religious zealots? icon_biggrin.gif



If trees could scream, would we still cut them down?

Well, maybe if they screamed all the time, for no reason.

Click here for my Geocaching pictures and Here (newest)

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Originally posted by Spike440:

I don't know about conspiracies, but as a person new to this site and geocaching, I can say that the attitudes I see here on about every subject don't help the site, or the activity.


I frequent many newsgroups, and this has by far the most bickering.


I bet I'm not the first new member to get the sense that geocachers aren't very friendly, just the maybe the first to post about it. Or not.


Just my first impression. Sorry.

Spike, welcome to the sport! Don't judge geocaching / geocachers by the messages here. Most cachers rarely post anyway. If you notice the player to poster ratio you'll see that a relatively small group of hard core posters dominate discussion boards and thus have a narrower sample of opinions (albeit strongly held). The vast unwashed masses of us merely lurk, smile, and then actually go caching. Hope you enjoy the game as much as we do.


If there is a pole at the North Pole, I bet there's some dead explorer guy with his tongue stuck to it.

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Originally posted by canadazuuk:

Are you all trying to have my thread closed?



Zuuk, Methinks thou art a wee paranoid. Glad you're back Zuuk. You are one of the colorful characters that make these boards so much fun to read. There are no conspiracies, that I know of, and no one is trying to shut you down. There are growing pains and yes malcontents. This is a free and open exchange with lots of room for every stripe. I also applaud your self-control by self-exile. That some kind of Zen thing?


If there is a pole at the North Pole, I bet there's some dead explorer guy with his tongue stuck to it.

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Originally posted by martmann:


So we shouldn't be afraid of heavily armed, homosexual, religious zealots?


It depends on whether or not they:

1. Criticize (warranted or unwarranted, constructive or unhelpful; no difference) the admins.

2. Go off topic.

3. Pirate caches.

4. Ride motorcycles? (If this reference seems oblique, ask Criminal.)

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The topic is (loosely) about trojan horse threads, and the general inter-relation of the controversies of late.
I thought I was on topic.


But apparently I'm not -- perhaps you could explain exactly what the topic is and shed some light on this trojan horse thread theory.


If you're more specific, perhaps a specific reply could be presented.



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I'm not sure, but I think I have an inkling of what Zuuk is talking about. It does seem there have been more than the usual amount of controversy lately. Perhaps he is wondering if a certain group of people, maybe not even an organized group (or maybe so) has been stirring things up a bit on purpose?


I'm not sure that is the case, or if it's just a coincidence, but it does seem to be so if you really take a look at the broad spectrum of posts and topics that have been going on the past few weeks actually.


First everyone pushing the limits of the rules with regards to topics, and posts to those topics, then the backlash by the admins to try to get things back on an even keel. After that the tremendous griping about the backlash and threads being closed, posts being modified, etc.


This was followed, of course, by the complaining about the admins in every shape and form, but done very slyly, a bit here and a bit there, nothing over the top. Then out and out attacks in the form of *Should Admins Approve Their Own Cache*, and others, that started questioning things that were really not that important, but if taken the wrong way could be controversial.


But no, surely there can't be anything to what Zuuk is saying, right? And all coinciding with some folks deciding it's a great time to *Pirate* caches? Or at the same time some people decide to start a new page where *disgruntled* cachers can come to be *free* of gc.com's overwhelming censorship? Hmmmmmmmm?


C'mon, I'm sure there is nothing to it. icon_biggrin.gificon_biggrin.gificon_biggrin.gif



"Afghanistan was a battle. Iraq was a battle. The war goes on."

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