dsandbro Posted March 28, 2003 Posted March 28, 2003 or does my dog take me along? ======================================== Friends don't let Friends geocache drunk. Quote
+zoltig Posted March 28, 2003 Posted March 28, 2003 Oh yeah! The dog is usually the first one out the door when I pick up the GPS and caching equipment. Quote
+leatherman Posted March 28, 2003 Posted March 28, 2003 This fuzzy little thing keeps following me around. Do not extend your expectations unto others, you will not be disappointed by the stupid things they do. Mokita! Quote
+Sandrich Posted March 28, 2003 Posted March 28, 2003 Team Sandrich luuuuves to bring KD the Wonder Dog! She is a wonderfully neurotic 10 year old German Shepard that will always be a puppy! She loves our romps through the country to and from the caches, and gives her a chance to play with us! Quote
+coast2coast2coast Posted March 28, 2003 Posted March 28, 2003 Our "tupperware sniffin" Zoe Dog starts freakin when I get my 'cachin daypack out of the closet Here is Zoe in action...when we walk 2 or 3 Kms zoe does at least 5kms...She has actually found 2 caches Every body DANCE [This message was edited by coast2coast2coast on March 29, 2003 at 12:09 AM.] [This message was edited by coast2coast2coast on March 29, 2003 at 12:11 AM.] [This message was edited by coast2coast2coast on March 29, 2003 at 12:13 AM.] Quote
+LJAngler Posted March 28, 2003 Posted March 28, 2003 Cahill loves to cache It's just a box of rain, I don't know who put it there. Believe it if you need it, or leave it if you dare. It's just a box of rain, or a ribbon for your hair; Such a long time to be gone, and a short time to be there. [This message was edited by Louis the Brave on March 28, 2003 at 11:32 PM.] Quote
+flask Posted March 29, 2003 Posted March 29, 2003 i can't hunt AND adaquately supervise the dog when i'm alone. he goes when we go as a team. and we're teaching him to find ammo cans in the house. it doesn't matter if you get to camp at one or at six. dinner is still at six. Quote
+mtn-man Posted March 29, 2003 Posted March 29, 2003 Not everytime, but whenever we can. This is J.C. taking a break at a cache in GA. Quote
+sbukosky Posted March 29, 2003 Posted March 29, 2003 A problem is many cache sites are "No Dogs Allowed". I see a lot of people breaking that rule but I heed it. If I'm planning a day, I can often tell if I'll have some no dog's areas. But I've also taken Kanook with me many miles from home just to come across a No Dog's policy and that prevents me from doing it. I'd like to see it mentioned on the cache page if dogs are allowed or not. I know many of us do bring our fuzzy freinds with us. Steve Bukosky N9BGH Waukesha Wisconsin Quote
+yankeeboy4 Posted March 29, 2003 Author Posted March 29, 2003 You mentioned a topic I had not even thought about. I guess that in some areas dogs would be a problem. Now I really feel fortunate to live in an area that it isnt even an issue. In fact, if you don't have your four legged buddy with you, people think there must be something wrong with you. Quote
Bryan Posted March 29, 2003 Posted March 29, 2003 Definitely! Happy Geocaching! Rothstafari Groundspeak Quote
Dru Morgan Posted March 29, 2003 Posted March 29, 2003 quote:Originally posted by Louis the Brave:http://www.ljanglers.com/images/stealyourcachelogo.web.small It's just a box of rain... Hey now. Cool sig image. Looks a little familiar, but I like it. Use it in good health. Ever notice that anyone that caches less than you do is a moron, while anyone that caches more than you do is a maniac? -Dru Morgan Quote
+Choachy Posted March 30, 2003 Posted March 30, 2003 I would love to take my girlfriend's dog with us when we go if he werent deathly afraid of riding in a car. a 95 pound lab crying like a little baby, and panting like he is going to die after a 2 minute ride isnt much fun. My time, your time is limited, but time itself is unlimited. Quote
+benjamin921 Posted March 30, 2003 Posted March 30, 2003 We take the fiance's dog with us sometimes and he loves it. We try to get him to find the cache and then get us back out with out using the GPS. Good thing I mark the spot where we parked Quote
Seeker BP Posted March 30, 2003 Posted March 30, 2003 My Dog has been to almost as many as me!! Quote
+Jacksons Posted March 30, 2003 Posted March 30, 2003 If I had a dog ,yes, but I hate dog owners that dont carry"doggy bags" and trash out I'm a man and I can change if I have to,I guess. Quote
+Ladybuggers! Posted March 30, 2003 Posted March 30, 2003 Our dog (Shelly) loves to cache. I don't think there is anything that she loves more than to get out on a trail. When we get to secluded areas and I can take her off of her leash, she is in heaven. You can almost hear her laugh. The thing that is great about a small dog is that when you get to a bunch of poison ivy or thick briar patched you can fit them in your backpack. Quote
+Sandrich Posted March 30, 2003 Posted March 30, 2003 quote:Originally posted by sbukosky:A problem is many cache sites are "No Dogs Allowed". I see a lot of people breaking that rule but I heed it. If I'm planning a day, I can often tell if I'll have some no dog's areas. But I've also taken Kanook with me many miles from home just to come across a No Dog's policy and that prevents me from doing it. I'd like to see it mentioned on the cache page if dogs are allowed or not. I know many of us do bring our fuzzy freinds with us. Steve Bukosky N9BGH Waukesha Wisconsin Happily, in northern Michigan, most of the caches are in a rural setting, so the fuzzy wumpers can come along. But I do agree that if a cache is in a posted "No Dogs" area, then we should respect that. Quote
+Desert_Warrior Posted March 30, 2003 Posted March 30, 2003 Just look at my avatar and take a guess. And if the trail is long, I can always ride him out. Mike. Desert_Warrior (aka KD9KC). El Paso, Texas. Citizens of this land may own guns. Not to threaten their neighbors, but to ensure themselves of liberty and freedom. They are not assault weapons anymore... they are HOMELAND DEFENSE WEAPONS! Quote
+DustyJacket Posted March 30, 2003 Posted March 30, 2003 I do, when I can. But many days, like today, they preferred to: Quote
+Alan2 Posted March 30, 2003 Posted March 30, 2003 Buddy enjoying the view but the last couple of times I had him out, he ran into a mess of burrs that took me over and hour to get off of him. Alan Quote
+ZingerHead Posted March 30, 2003 Posted March 30, 2003 Hell yes! My dog is a tirelessly enthusiastic geocaching partner. Rain, snow, early in the morning, late at night - he's game. About the only downside is the few locations that haven't been dog friendly. Fortunately those are the exception. He even "found" one for me - the cache was buried, and he was digging around like he does and uncovered the top of the cache container. Dogs rule! There are 10 kinds of people in the world: those who understand binary numbers, and those who don't. Quote
+rayt333 Posted March 30, 2003 Posted March 30, 2003 I take my dog about half the time, usally depends on where we are going and how far it is and if we are planning on something later before going back home. Quote
+Planet Posted March 30, 2003 Posted March 30, 2003 I would if I had a dog. But lots of my friends are dogs and sometimes they get to come along. Cache you later, Planet I feel much more like I do now than when I first got here. Quote
+Dread Pirate Roberts' Posted March 30, 2003 Posted March 30, 2003 Absotively posilutely! I don't think we've done a cache yet without them. When they see us putting batteries in the GPSr, they start running and jumping with joy because they know it's time to go. I check the web to see if dogs are allowed in the parks we plan to visit. Doggies! [This message was edited by Dread Pirate Roberts' on March 30, 2003 at 10:15 PM.] Quote
+coast2coast2coast Posted March 31, 2003 Posted March 31, 2003 Here is a log entry I made when I got home from Caching with Zoe Dog Zoe dog would not go across the log so she swam across the creek and met us on the other side ( I did not know how much that creek would help out later) we walked along the trail and the GPSr took us right to the site...On the way back after the log Zoe took off in the bush and came out covered in white goop, When she ran past us we literaly lost our lunch!!!! (I aint kidding) I have never had anything attack my nose like that before...We looked around where she went in and there was this pile of stuff that used to be a salmon...We had to drive all the way back to Comox and there was no way she was going to get in the van smelling like that...Then we remembered the creek...We each stood on one side and called her back and forth across the creek 8 times...The goop was gone and the smell was almost bearable...Poor Zoe got 3 baths when we got home...Took the duck and left a turtle and a gel type keychain Every body DANCE Quote
Broncoholics Posted March 31, 2003 Posted March 31, 2003 I would just like to give a warning to some geocachers that are thinking about taking a puppy with you to go geocaching. We have takin our dog Chi on almost every cache we have found. It's been a year and we are still taking Chi with us to help find the cache. LOL The problem is that I can't even grab my coat without the dog going nuts. I go for my keys and the dog goes nuts. All I have to do is touch the gps or the camera and the dog goes nuts. He thinks every time I walk out the door he's going on a hunt with me. LOL At times this could be very funny and somewhat cool, but when I go to the local store for milk or something, it can get annoying. The dog is just a geocaching nut. lol Duane Upinyachit Our feet go where the caches are! Quote
+Alan2 Posted May 17, 2003 Posted May 17, 2003 Guess who found the cache? where? Actually the "hint"on his cache page gave it all away. Alan Quote
+culpc Posted May 17, 2003 Posted May 17, 2003 The dogs go with me at every opportunity. They sit out the caches in federal parks or if the terrain looks like a problem. Children today are tyrants. They contradict their parents, gobble their food, and tyrannize their teachers. - Socrates Quote
+TotemLake Posted May 17, 2003 Posted May 17, 2003 Wouldn't go without my trusty dog, Snickers! Cheers! TL Quote
+BeOnTheLookOut Posted May 17, 2003 Posted May 17, 2003 Icy loves to go caching, though she has a bit of an attitude towards anything that doesn't look like her or us. She is mean enough to scare of the meanest cat, HA, but she is still prissy enough that we have to carry her over water. Quote
+Two Geo Sisters Posted May 17, 2003 Posted May 17, 2003 Yes, we tend to plan our caching trips to allow Max the black geo dog to go also. Like some others said, all we have to do is bring out anything to do with caching and he goes nuts! Gotta love their enthusiasm. for those that haven't seen the other thread, here's a pic of the infamous Max: http://img.Groundspeak.com/track/9089_300.jpg Quote
+Capt. Jack & 1st Mate Posted May 17, 2003 Posted May 17, 2003 OOPS! Last post should have been by Capt. Jack & 1st Mate.....One of the Two Geo Sisters is actually 1st Mate and I was on their login. Oh well, you get the idea. Quote
+Og's outfit Posted May 17, 2003 Posted May 17, 2003 Thanks for this poll, cause I've been pondering the subject.....take them or not? Both of my dogs are big, well not Great Danes, but past my knee. The older one is an Airdale. He is a head strong dog and a good trail pertner, always checking to see if everyone is still in line. (I love that about him) But on short hikes he knows when we turn back and is hard to catch, which is annoying. The pup, (1yr old, from the pound, Lab-Chow mix) is a very sweet dog, loves everyone, but alas, seems to be bred to chase after horses. Not good on a cache hunt! I try to take the dogs with, but sometimes it's just not a good idea. Sometimes the dogs add additional hiking to the hunt! 2 of my last 3 finds involved extra time to be a good dog person. One to go hunt for a rogue pup, the other to put him in the Jeep because he refused to ford a streem! But I do enjoy their company. So I vote..... Sometimes. Prophetically Challenged Quote
+Tsegi Mike and Desert Viking Posted May 18, 2003 Posted May 18, 2003 Our little geo-dog, Sonora, is not a stealth dog. She BARKS at everything. She doesn't go with us very often. We're bad *parents*. We abandon her too often to go geocaching. That moss-covered bucket I hailed as a treasure, For often at noon, when I returned from the field, I found it the source of an exquisite pleasure. Samuel Woodworth The Old Oaken Bucket Quote
+Bull Moose Posted May 18, 2003 Posted May 18, 2003 Yep. Chewie goes Geocaching when I do. He's become very good at sit-stay. I've found having a dog along makes you look less suspicious to geo-muggles. "Oh, that guy's dog must be real interested in that tree." is a lot more sane sounding to folks than "That guy is really interested in that tree." Quote
Blackfoot Posted May 18, 2003 Posted May 18, 2003 We have four dogs. Two Golden retrievers, a Jack Russel, and a pound puppy that looks to be part Rat Terrier, and part Taco Bell Dog!!!, But only the little ones are allowed on the cache trail. They went almost every time untill resently. We were looking for a cache along the Boise river, and they came back to the truck covered in ticks. They will be back on the hunt the next time. Now that we got rid of those pesky ticks. Life is a gift, unwrap it and use it to the fullest! Quote
Captain Chaoss Posted May 18, 2003 Posted May 18, 2003 Like so many others have stated, Lucy the Dog has come to recognize the tools of caching. Tho She wants to go in the car anytime we leave, she becomes maniacal when caching is on the schedule. We keep her on the chain when starting to a cache, and keep a close eye for other dogs and people, but in rural areas she is usually able to run out her excess energy. Only BIG problem; I am sure that more than once she has gotten poison ivy sap oon her fur, and yours truly ends up "infected." Two roads diverged in the woods and I, I took the one less traveled, and that is how I found the cache. Quote
+CurlyKrakow Posted May 18, 2003 Posted May 18, 2003 quote:Originally posted by Two Geo Sisters:Yes, we tend to plan our caching trips to allow Max the black geo dog to go also. Like some others said, all we have to do is bring out anything to do with caching and he goes nuts! Gotta love their enthusiasm. for those that haven't seen the other thread, here's a pic of the infamous Max: Max the Black Dog Thought I recognized that mug! <proof of memory loss removed> CORRECTION: Duh! _I_ had Max last, I left him in a cache last weekend outside Anderson, CA. I must be slipping, I mixed him up with the TB I had left behind when I got him (Red Bear). The whole color&animal TB naming convention threw me for a loop I guess. I've recently decided that I really want to get myself a geo-dog, especially for the great cover they provide on many urban caches. People assume the dog is wandering around in circles and I'm just watching it.. if only they knew the truth! CK -- Geocaching: The World's Finest Outdoor Geeking "Oh, look at me. I'm off with my way cool friends to sniff floor wax." - Brian, 'My So-Called Life' [This message was edited by CurlyKrakow on May 18, 2003 at 10:39 PM.] Quote
+TheGertridgeExplorers Posted May 18, 2003 Posted May 18, 2003 Sunny, our caching pup, also goes crazy when I pick up my GPSr or my caching backpack. Luckily most caches are in spots where she can have a good off-leash run and maybe a swim (if she can dry off before she gets back into the truck). (Note the cache container & CITO shirt beside her) -Donna G Quote
+Gaiter Man Posted May 18, 2003 Posted May 18, 2003 As soon as I pick up my geocaching pack, the pooch is ready to go. Of all the cache hunts I've been on, the dog has accompanied me about 80% of the time. Here's a picture of her taking a break at one of the cache locations we've visited. Quote
+coast2coast2coast Posted May 18, 2003 Posted May 18, 2003 Here is Zoe in training to go to an Island cache Quote
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