+Highpointer Posted March 21, 2002 Posted March 21, 2002 quote:Originally posted by rusty: I did a quick search though and came up with this one: http://www.geocaching.com/seek/cache_details.asp?ID=880 It's a cache hidden on or near a nudist resort, not sure which. Is that appropriate? This cache is in Vermont, a state that is cold most of the year. I presume you would avoid the nudists if you visited the cache outside the summer months, unless the nudists here have lots of natural insulating material on their bodies. Based on recent logs posted during the winter months, this cache is accessible in winter. The cache is appropriate, but should be listed with a warning, so people who don't want to counter naked people could go to other caches or visit it during cooler times of the year. The cache description does provide the reader with this information, so the reader can make an informed decision before seeking out the cache. If such a cache was located in Arizona, you may encounter the nudists during most months of the year. However, I don't know where a nudist resort is near my home, although I think there is likely to be one somewhere in the Arizona desert. Highpointer Quote
+Macro Posted March 21, 2002 Posted March 21, 2002 quote:Originally posted by NJcacher: I am sorry I struck a nerve... I was merely surprised that a game with so much attention has not taken a different "spin". It seems everything nowadays is about sex. Sex sells, and I was surprised this wasn't the case. Pleasantly surprised. No one here is trying to "sell" geocaching. We enjoy it fine the way it is. Please keep your sex to yourself, thanks. Quote
+GOT GPS? Posted March 21, 2002 Posted March 21, 2002 This is an old Topic Thread, but i will reply. You may aready know the 2 questions asked at the airport, when you are checking in your luggage: 1) Did anybody pack your bags for you?? 2) Did your bags ever leave your sight, at anytime? What i am saying to this is that all ADULT Materials, are treated in this same way. If you buy a Playboy, a Beer, Smokes, Liquour, Firequackers, adult flicks, or other adult stuff, it should never leave your sight(immediate possesion), until it is consumed, distroyed, or whatever. So do not allow any adult stuff to enter the hands of a person under 18, or GEOCACHING is history. It is easier for Catholics, Latter Day Saints, and many other people, in that if you have to be 18 or older to buy something, then dont buy it, even if you were 90 years old. They are the way they are, because materialism and sin will break their connection with the spirt. Keep this sport fun for all. So, what im saying is that many items are offensive to many people. Even if there was www.adultgeocaching.com , it would still be illegal, to let the items leave your sight. [This message was edited by Geoffrey on March 21, 2002 at 01:32 PM.] Quote
+Don&Betty Posted March 21, 2002 Posted March 21, 2002 Don't you think "Adult Bookstore," "Adult Language," "Adult Themes" etc. are all oximorons. "Adult" seems to have become a four-letter word. Quote
+High Knobber Posted March 22, 2002 Posted March 22, 2002 Adult...? It's out of my kids old forgotten stuff that I put together a cache to hide... It's bad enought ot worry about today without woundering about the content of a cache (and what would I have to tell my daughters, "Sorry can't go caching with me, there might be a in the box") Quote
Atilla the Pun Posted March 22, 2002 Posted March 22, 2002 quote:Originally posted by makaio:... bible thumpers ... I suppose you call Arabs "rag heads" and refer to Japanese as "nips" too? I feel certain that if you live in the U.S. you don't use the "N" word for fear of persecution, but you don't seem to grasp plain old fashion courtesy. However you seem to understand the censorship that masquerades as tolerance and political correctness. AtP Quote
+Jamie Z Posted March 22, 2002 Posted March 22, 2002 AP... Keep in mind that the phrase you quoted was nearly a year old. I don't know of any "official" time limit, but I don't think it's fair to call a guy on something he said almost a year ago. I'm not saying his opinion has changed or not, but I think there's some sort of unwritten statute of limitations on challenging someones statements on an active forum such as this. Jamie Quote
+kimbest Posted March 22, 2002 Posted March 22, 2002 Ok, raise of hands. How many of you clicked on Geoffrey's link just to see if it worked. Oh, I see the same ones who admitted they often trade down at geocaches. This kind of reminds me of a discussion that took place in another forum I've been in. Should there be Adult oriented origami? The end result was there is adult orient origami and it is available on the internet. But, in the process, a lot of people have become upset. Should there be adult oriented origami, then? I think the answer is yes. Origami is an art form and art should explore all avenues of human existance. If some people are upset thats the price we pay for freedom. So should adult oriented cache sites exist. Is Geocaching an art form? Well looking at some of the inovative caches I've seen I'd say it could be. Seeing how there are many caches set up around a theme, it seems to me that thing of an adult nature are just as valid as any other. But does it add anything to the sport? Not really, the search and find is the same. The only thing different is the actual trade. Trading can be done in other ways. So the price of upsetting people is not worth it to me. Not doubt there probably be some adult caches set up. But there will probably be no adult geocaching site. The just won't be enough to justify the site. More likely they will be passed around by private e-mail and word of mouth. Maybe there are some right now. Most of us just don't know about it. Quote
+KD7MXI Posted March 22, 2002 Posted March 22, 2002 IT IS FLOATING AROUND SOMEWHERE IN NEVADA:rolleyes: THE ITEMS ON THE MENUE ARE DONE NOT EATIN WELL ALMOST NOT EATIN ANYWAY http://www.geocaching.com/seek/nearest_cache.asp?u=KD7MXI Quote
Atilla the Pun Posted March 22, 2002 Posted March 22, 2002 quote:Originally posted by Jamie Z: AtP... Keep in mind that the phrase you quoted was nearly a year old. I don't know of any "official" time limit, but I don't think it's fair to call a guy on something he said almost a year ago. I'm not saying his opinion has changed or not, but I think there's some sort of unwritten statute of limitations on challenging someones statements on an active forum such as this. Jamie Sorry, first time I saw it I answered it. You're right, hopefully he has matured since then. AtP Quote
+CarmelCachers Posted March 22, 2002 Posted March 22, 2002 Maybe the reason that geocaching is growing so fast is because it IS good, clean fun. 1 Quote
+KD7MXI Posted March 23, 2002 Posted March 23, 2002 true http://www.geocaching.com/seek/nearest_cache.asp?u=KD7MXI Quote
+Seattle Seekers Posted March 23, 2002 Posted March 23, 2002 I dont think adult themed caches should be approved. The reason I believe this is that some of the users of geocaching.com are underage. Many of these kids are caching without parental supervision. If they see a cache that advertises an Adult theme they are gonna get curious and make a beeline straight for it. I believe it would be very irresponsible of geocaching.com to approve these caches. At the very least these caches should be restricted to Charter Members Only. Most unsupervised children would not have the charter memberships. Just my two cents. Quote
+lostinjersey Posted March 23, 2002 Posted March 23, 2002 quote:Originally posted by c.mathis: te: Originally posted by martinp13:_ Because I prefer other than just plain "Tupperware at a lat/long" caches. I'm about to place one that uses hard puzzles to get from one cache leg to the next. I certainly don't consider it "for everyone" and I am stating that in the description._ I believe this thread is discussing the appropriateness of the contents of a cache, not how hard it is to find. since it was previously stated that some would consider a difficult find (which would negaqte bringing children) as possibly fitting the catagory of adult, then this post wasnt that inapropriate IMHO. Course that wasn't what the topic poster was refering to, but that doesn't really matter... WUHOO TEAMGWHO! Quote
+nitefall Posted March 24, 2002 Posted March 24, 2002 Funny this topic should resurface, after so long.... BUT just yesterday I found a CD-ROM in the Greenway Cache that is definately "Adult" in content, and misleading... The paper it is wrapped in said something along the lines of "some of my favorite things... Ideas that I like... Information about me..." Suffice it to say, it has now been removed from my pool of items I taken from other caches and leave in new caches... I chose not to mention it on the cache page, as I didn't think it was part of a larger picture, rather just an isolated incident... Put perhaps not... Perhaps the "Adults" (and by that I mean childish adults) are beginning to plant their material.. Come on people... When I want to see tits and ***, I will go find it where it lives, in strip clubs, magazines, videos etc... NOT geocaches!! Quote
Fkcncr Posted October 12, 2013 Posted October 12, 2013 (edited) I personally could and probably would go to an adult cache like a multi-cache go to store **** ask casher blah question, or go to bar and find out how many beers they have, but I agree that putting those type of items in a cache is wrong, but I don't see anything wrong in an adults only type of cache. I believe everyone cares about minors, but to make a catch that sends adults to places adults only can go could be fun. Weapons and items not suitable for children should never be in a cache, putting an adult item like a condom I would just tell my child who has been with us on every cache we have done that it's just a piece of garbage, or some other name for it and if she were a teen she will know what the are how to use one and how not buying your own means your at risk. But that's a different topic in it's self. So my crazy thoughts are over final point I think we as a community, should define what we would fine as an acceptable adult cache and what isn't, my vote items in a cache as adult no, but adult only places that monitor the age of their patrons yes. And I realize that this topic has been dead since 2002 lol. Welling guess everyone has stopped talking about it lol have fun geocaching lol Edited October 12, 2013 by Fkcncr Quote
+TriciaG Posted October 13, 2013 Posted October 13, 2013 Since the guidelines are now that you cannot require the cacher to interact with staff, making a cacher go to Ye Olde Adulte Sexe Store (or anywhere in which you have to flash your ID) to log a cache isn't allowed. Exceptions MIGHT be made for events, but that's a whole nuther ball o' wax. Quote
Clan Riffster Posted October 13, 2013 Posted October 13, 2013 And I realize that this topic has been dead since 2002 Resurrected after 11.5 years, Could that be a new record? Quote
+Love Cachers Posted October 13, 2013 Posted October 13, 2013 But I certainly wouldn't mind finding useable items other than the typical worthless trinkets and toys most caches contain. I'm not saying the assumptions were wrong, just offering a different view to what could be considered an 'Adult' cache. [This message has been edited by makaio (edited 18 June 2001).] Here in West Texas we have lots of cactus so my wife & I place tweezers in various caches that are near cacti country. 1 Quote
+KeriJo Posted June 3, 2014 Posted June 3, 2014 I think there could definitely be a niche for sexually-themed adult caches. Just call them something else and hide them in places and in ways that render them inaccessible to children. And it would need its own website, it shouldn't be listed on here. Quote
Encyclopedia Brown Posted October 16, 2014 Posted October 16, 2014 Aren't the forests already filled with porn? I know as a kid I found a bunch of woods porn and it seems like lots of other people have too. No idea if that's a thing of the past but this thread reminded me of an old Metafilter thread: http://ask.metafilter.com/22130/Porn-in-the-woods Not that I really want the gps coordinates of people's old porn but it's a funny idea Quote
+fbingha Posted October 16, 2014 Posted October 16, 2014 Aren't the forests already filled with porn? I know as a kid I found a bunch of woods porn and it seems like lots of other people have too. No idea if that's a thing of the past but this thread reminded me of an old Metafilter thread: http://ask.metafilte...rn-in-the-woods Not that I really want the gps coordinates of people's old porn but it's a funny idea Kids just look on their phones for that now. Quote
+Johnnyhotcakes Posted October 19, 2014 Posted October 19, 2014 I will not allow an "adult" cache (as in sexually explicit) on the geocaching.com web site. People are certainly welcome to create their own geocaching site with an adult (sexually explicit) theme. I will hold my position on this. The idea of a cache of this sort out in the wild with even the slightest chance that a child could accidentally find it really grates my sense of morality. I'd rather not be a part of it. There's already a stigma against geocaching as geotrash. There's no reason to give someone another reason to ban it. Jeremy 1 Quote
+Johnnyhotcakes Posted October 19, 2014 Posted October 19, 2014 I was pleasantly surprised and very impressed that the owner not only monitors the forums, but took an active role and and went on record that he will not have any "adult" themed geocaches on his website. The internet is so clogged with "adult" themed sites that you can hardly navigate it without coming across "adult" themed websites in almost any search. This is a game/hobby that gets me and the kids out into the outdoors for many adventures that there is simply no place for "adult themed" caches. I support Jeremy and hope that he sees this post and appreciates that Johnnyhotcakes is behind him 100%. Quote
+Bubbles&Bonkers Posted October 20, 2014 Posted October 20, 2014 I am sorry I struck a nerve... I was merely surprised that a game with so much attention has not taken a different "spin". It seems everything nowadays is about sex. Sex sells, and I was surprised this wasn't the case. Pleasantly surprised. Whaaa...?? I've read a LOT of posts on here, but this is one of the strangest. LmAo! The caches ARE for adults, just depends on what you like. I kept finding containers of glow in the dark sand and wondered who on earth would like that. Then cached with my (ex) husband who said, Woohoo, glow in the dark sand! He's 40-somethin'. Quote
+The Rat Posted October 22, 2014 Posted October 22, 2014 I was pleasantly surprised and very impressed that the owner not only monitors the forums, but took an active role and and went on record that he will not have any "adult" themed geocaches on his website. The internet is so clogged with "adult" themed sites that you can hardly navigate it without coming across "adult" themed websites in almost any search. This is a game/hobby that gets me and the kids out into the outdoors for many adventures that there is simply no place for "adult themed" caches. I support Jeremy and hope that he sees this post and appreciates that Johnnyhotcakes is behind him 100%. I was surprised too, although not so pleasantly. Geocaching.com sponsored a Racketeer geocoin contest (http://www.geocaching.com/johngrisham/ and the prizes included 11 copies of that book, which is quite "adult"-themed. They still advertise it on GC.com. I wouldn't be surprised if some young kids were among the winners. I would say there's some hypocrisy in action there. Quote
InStpete Posted August 30, 2018 Posted August 30, 2018 I think this could be a legitimate question - in as much as not everything aimed at adults need be pornographic. "Adult" can simply mean something besides toy cars, Sponge Bob, puzzles, or toy soldiers. Certainly it is great to get families and kids involved and they find their rewards. But, perhaps adults, even single adults enjoy the sport as well? If someone wants "Porno-Caches" they could go and start their own group (named as such) separate from information and finds that families and others want. Life is what you make it. 1 Quote
joesdolphins Posted August 31, 2018 Posted August 31, 2018 The closest thing I came to a adult cache while in Disney this year we took a drive to the Clothing optional cache. Leave your clothes at the fence and walk to the cache. My wife and daughter stayed dressed but optioned for going all Natural. Quote
+Goldenwattle Posted August 31, 2018 Posted August 31, 2018 There used to be a cache in Canberra outside a brothel. The brothel has an iron artwork on the outside of the building of a naked women. A nana cache was placed on the sculpture. It was one of the nipples. 1 Quote
+CachedIronSkillet Posted August 31, 2018 Posted August 31, 2018 (edited) I started working on a gadget geocache that was totally inappropriate and would never have gotten approved. It looked like a birdhouse with additional wooden posts (same size as the landing perch post) sticking out from the sides and bottom. If you looked in the hole there was a plastic human figure holding onto a vertical pole, which spined by turning the bottom post. Pushing the side posts in and out would have raised and lowered plastic arms holding small replicas of paper money. The idea was that I'd take it to local events and claim to want to place it at a strip-club... but I later realized that while many of my fellow cachers understood my humor, others took me seriously and thought it was my intent to actually try to list it. I've dismantled the incomplete gadget and repurposed it as a spinning farm diarama. I've yet to place the new version. Edited August 31, 2018 by Schirf Quote
+31BMSG Posted August 31, 2018 Posted August 31, 2018 On 8/30/2018 at 7:09 AM, InStpete said: I think this could be a legitimate question - in as much as not everything aimed at adults need be pornographic. "Adult" can simply mean something besides toy cars, Sponge Bob, puzzles, or toy soldiers. Certainly it is great to get families and kids involved and they find their rewards. But, perhaps adults, even single adults enjoy the sport as well? If someone wants "Porno-Caches" they could go and start their own group (named as such) separate from information and finds that families and others want. Life is what you make it. I placed a regular cache with this in mind, packed it with "adult" items such as a pair of pocket binos, flashlights, small first aid kits, and other useful items. I checked this after about a dozen finds and everything the cache started with had been replaced with plastic toys and rubber snakes, lesson learned. 1 1 Quote
+kjaq Posted August 31, 2018 Posted August 31, 2018 In your cache description, mention that items be traded with like items. Please no kid/toy items or to be sure ppl understand Note it on cover of log book. 1 1 Quote
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