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You write the caption (March 15)

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Oh God, I found the cache... oh yeah... oh YEAH... Oh my God... YES! YES!


Now, where did I put that golfball?



I was formerly employed by the Department of Redundancy Department, but I don't work there anymore.


I don't have a caption but I have a story... one time while I was out caching I had to pee (go figure!) and while I knew I was getting close, I decided to stop and go before I started looking. As I was standing there doing my thing I looked about 2 feet to the left at this stump and there was the cache! I darn near pee'ed on it!


Don't eat the yellow snow!



Mobile Cache Command


Now I lay my cache to sleep, for other people to seek. Protect it's contents when trouble is near.Make it invisible when muggles are near.


ps.. if you can't hear me maybe I should use this orange megaphone.



If you fly like an Eagle the Turkeys don't bug you!!!




Days worth of swag=$10


Gas for a day of Geocaching=$30


Your picture on the world wide web with your "unit" in hand=PRICELESS!!!



fishin'fool was here!




I have flouted the wild, I have followed its lure, fearless. familar, alone; yet the wild must win,

and a day will come when I shall be overthrown. By: Robert Service


It is a half mile walk to reach the urine sample station near the orange cone. Then proceed to the next coordinates for your blood test.


This will show those neighborhood dogs whose corner this is. icon_biggrin.gificon_biggrin.gif


These changes in latitudes, changes in attitudes;

Nothing remains quite the same.

Through all of the islands and all of the highlands,

If we couldn't laugh we would all go insane


OK here goes.


1) Darn, another MICRO CACHE!!!


2) Whoever finds this cache next...Urine for a surprise.


3) I love these caches that use Altoid containers.


4) What do you mean we're looking for a cache, I thought you said RASH!!


5) I don't know if this will be considered trading up?


6) Is that your hiking pole, or are you happy to find the cache?


7) Don't you just hate it when you think you're the first one to find it, only to discover someone signed the LOG first icon_eek.gificon_eek.gif!!


GPSr's...A step in the right direction!


Why you don't just leave a note on your cache-cam to "Take a picture of yourself signing the log.".


The next finder's geocaching.com website entry for this cache read, "Cache in good shape, log found to be wet.". Hmmmm, makes you think...


GPSr's...A step in the right direction!


A cacher pays silent homage to the god of Geocaching at a Tupperware shrine.


(I knew I could find a urination-free joke here!)



"Winter's just the curtain. Spring will take the bow"

-- Richard Shindell, Spring


Little Jimmy just counldn't measure up to the John Holmes Memorial cache. He quickly deleted the co-ords to the Ron Jeremy Knothole cache.


Will cache for food.migo_sig_logo.jpg


I'm never going to be able to explain how I got poison ivy here!!


We're going on a treasure hunt...we're not quite sure just where...but with our trusty GPS, we'll find a cache stashed there!!

By Daughter Cheryl


Originally posted by mrcpu:

I don't have a caption but I have a story... one time while I was out caching I had to pee (go figure!) and while I knew I was getting close, I decided to stop and go before I started looking. As I was standing there doing my thing I looked about 2 feet to the left at this stump and there was the cache! I darn near pee'ed on it!

Never pee within 60 feet of where you zero out! icon_wink.gif



"All of us get lost in the darkness, dreamers learn to steer with a backlit GPSr"


1) Dang! Random drug testing at each cache sure has changed the sport.


2) Bill, in a tragic error, mis-read the instructions for the new “Waterfowl Wildlife Refuge” cache. It instructed the finder to use the cache camera to take a picture of a small duck and upload it with the online log to claim a find.


Originally posted by Renegade Knight:

magicman leaving a DNA Sample.


Wherever you go there you are.




You got me with that one! (zing!!)




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