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Terrorist Activity?

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Hi everyone, we're new to the sport (not even one find yet) and I was just wondering if anyone had ever had any trouble or been suspected of doing anything illegal when planting a cache or looking for one? you know, the whole, strange looking container being planted in an odd place thing?


Always ask permission if you have any doubts.


Welcome to geocaching alicia and sean! icon_biggrin.gif




==============="If it feels good...do it"================


**(the other 9 out of 10 voices in my head say: "Don't do it.")**




It's a daily occurrence for just about everyone who geocaches. After you've been doing this awhile, you'll become adept at being stealthy when placing, hunting caches. There are many threads on this subject with comments on various methods of explaining what you are doing to the uninitiated. Typically it's easier to tell them something other than the truth as it's easier than trying to explain geocaching.






Hasn't happened to me, but there are countless mentions here of people who were questioned by police for acting suspiciously.


We've also lost a few geocaches to bomb squads.


"You can't make a man by standing a sheep on his hind legs. But by standing a flock of sheep in that position, you can make a crowd of men" - Max Beerbohm


Worst thing I've heard of is someone arrested for trespassing for putting a cache on RR right of way.


Some caches have been blown up by the bomb squad. There has been talk of geocachers being prosecuted but they have never gotten anywhere because it's not a bomb and it's not intended as a threat. Overreacting to a cache is not a crime though they would like it to be when they realized they goofed and blew up some McToys.


I have not ever met any geocachers who have had an issue.


I've had a security guard try to be "helpful" while I was looking for a cache. I told him I was looking for something I lost. Had to call it a day on that one. Came back a few weeks later, and used the ol' clipboard trick*, and wasn't bothered at all.


(* In America, you can go anywhere and do anything, as long as you are carrying a clipboard.)



"Don't mess with a geocacher. We know all the best places to hide a body."


Originally posted by Renegade Knight:

Worst thing I've heard of is someone arrested for trespassing for putting a cache on RR right of way.


Some caches have been blown up by the bomb squad. There has been talk of geocachers being prosecuted but they have never gotten anywhere because it's not a bomb and it's not intended as a threat. Overreacting to a cache is not a crime though they would like it to be when they realized they goofed and blew up some McToys.


I have not ever met any geocachers who have had an issue.


Were caches actually blown up by a bomb squad???


I guess I missed this.


Details would be appreciated.


From an old thread:

1. http://www.geocaching.com/seek/cache_details.aspx?ID=1094 Las Vegas: Tupperware

2. http://www.geocaching.com/seek/cache_details.aspx?ID=3893 in Maryland: Ammo Can

3. http://www.geocaching.com/seek/cache_details.aspx?ID=6684 in California: Ammo Can

4. http://www.geocaching.com/seek/cache_details.aspx?pf=&ID=1998&decrypt=y near Dallas: PVC



"Just because I don't care doesn't mean I don't understand." - Homer Simpson

Eamus Catuli AC145895


Well Alicia, Sean, you've already gotten a lot of information here. I can only add that, in my opinion, a cache in a small opaque plastic container is certainly less likely to draw suspicion than something like an ammo box, plastic or metal pipe, or one of those tubular military surplus containers. I'd like to use an ammo box but I have chosen to stick with the "tupper ware" type of container simply to avoid raising the ire of some concerned public official. I also carry a complete printout of "Frequently Asked Questions About Geocaching" so share with anyone who may have serious questions about the sport.

Ain't never had no problem of no kind.


"Today's truth remains valid only as long as it withstands the test of tomorrow's discoveries" - George Hicks


Most people agree that ammo cans are the best all around due to their rugged nature and being water tight. I have recovered them after being bulldozed with the cache contents intact.


However you would not want to put one in front of the nearby military base.


Also Stunod researched it and found one more than I knew of. Thats 4 out of thousands upon thousands of caches.


I even had one of my ammo can caches survive a forest fire (some of the contents melted inside but the can remained intact). Granted an ammo can deep in the forest isn't as suspicious as one beneath a bridge or beside a building.






Squealy and I almost got arrested once, but that's because we were stupid and attempted to cross good ol' 787 on foot (ALbany, NY). Other than that, I've never been approached, although I do know that one of the caches in nyc got attn. on the forums because it was near a bridge. Welcome to GeoCaching!


Me and you and a dog named Boo...


I have been watched by the police on at least 3 occassions. Once I was asked what I was doing. I told him the truth, and we now have a new geocacher in our midst. By the way the one that asked was a police officer too, but off duty.

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