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Can I place a cache without a GPSr?

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Originally posted by Iwuzere:

I'm still having trouble with the concept of offsets, with vague directions, being any better than what I was suggesting, though!

The difference is that you have to find SOMETHING with the GPS first. In using a well-documented coordinate location, you've essentially used someone else's GPS to determine the coordinates and then you're telling the seeker: Now that you've found THIS spot at these coordinates, go this direction for this distance.


That's a whole lot different than saying: It might be near N 46° 01' E 001° 05'. Look for the really big rock, and give me the coordinates when you find it, so I can update the page.


Subtle difference, but in my humble opinion, one is in line with Geocaching, and one is not.



Chicago Geocaching

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I'm not at all familiar with your area but surely someone around the island is a cacher & could be located through your regional forums. Just get your cache's (contents & containers) together, have your locations picked out & have them meet you one weekend. I'd gladly help someone new to placing cache's, especially if they're footing the bill for the cache itself! icon_biggrin.gif

If you build it, they will come. That also applies to buying your first GPS'r. You've gotta start somewhere. I'm sure money's tight with a newborn but they can go a few days without eating....ok, just kidding, but you won't be neglecting your family by the purchase.

Good luck, hope it all works out.

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Originally posted by Ltljon:

I'm not at all familiar with your area but surely someone around the island is a cacher & could be located through your regional forums.


Good luck, hope it all works out.


Thanks. I have tried emailing, no answer yet but sometimes it's easy to let a few days pass without checking ALL email accounts.


Today I find I have misgivings about sending hoards of people into little-known areas, but I'll probably talk myself out of it. What harm can they really do?

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Originally posted by Markwell:

The difference is that you have to find SOMETHING with the GPS first.


Subtle difference, but in my humble opinion, one is in line with Geocaching, and one is not.


I can see what you mean, but it's so subtle as to be outweighed by the need to get things going here. It's only a temporary measure. One finder with the right spirit and the cache becomes a real geocache. This is what seems to be the sticking point!


OK, so I accept that my way, the cache wouldn't be a real geocache at first. The question is, can this website bear to list the cache WITH A CLEAR EXPLANATION, or not? Just why would that be a problem? Isn't it up to the seeker to decide what they consider to be worth looking for? Does it mess things up for anyone else, and if so, how? Maybe I missed something?!


And if there actually is a REAL problem with that, would it be possible to add a new category of cache - those temporarily without accurate coordinates? It's up to geocaching.com and I haven't yet asked - I was hoping to guage opinion first. It has been well and truly guaged!


I would ask people to consider one thing though. What if I'd been a journalist or TV researcher posing as an interested newcomer?


Just what impression would I have ended up with from all this, and what might I have written...



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test. please ignore


I'm trying to change to a different pic, but each time I log in I get "server error in '/' Application.. Syntax error converting from a character string to uniqueidentifier. etc."


I'm on another PC because on the first PC I can't login or even go to the geocache.com forum AT ALL!


Maybe if I come back in a few days it'll be sorted... bye for now


[This message was edited by Iwuzere on June 11, 2003 at 04:41 AM.]

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Why not post to the message board for your area and call for cachers in and around the area, or who may be visiting to set up more caches? Granted, it wouldn't be *your own* cache, but it would hopefully help the sport take off, at which point you would have reason to invest in a GPS and then be able to place caches of your own. I think the idea of teaming up with someone to place a cache is a good one too.


I don't quite understand your problem with the offset caching idea. Are there no landmarks on your island that you could use to do that? I know your purpose is to start up caching in your area, and that placing one with temporary coords seems like the sacrifice you have to make to get it started... but I don't see how doing an offset cache (that seems acceptable to the majority and will likely be approved by the admins) is any more of a sacrifice. It might be a bit of a compromise in that you don't have the freedom to just put it anywhere you want, but like with my other suggestion, once people get attracted to it and start caching, you'll have motive to buy a GPS and place more caches.


Finally, I think the idea of borrowing a GPS is a pretty good one. I'm willing to bet that at least one shop would be willing to loan one out for the purpose, even if for no other reason than that it would bring them business if the sport takes hold on the island. Agree to post in your cache description where you borrowed the GPS from to place the cache, thus likely bringing business to the shop from cachers/new cachers in your area who look up your cache.

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Originally posted by Iwuzere:

Today I find I have misgivings about sending hoards of people into little-known areas, but I'll probably talk myself out of it. What harm can they really do?

Please talk yourself out of it! Even in areas with LOTS of geocaches, all you're talking about is a few visitors per week, or per month, once the initial flurry of early finders subsides. You won't even see the initial flurry because there is not a geocaching community where you live... YET!


If you are putting a cache out at a place that people go to visit anyways (like a park, a tourist attraction, etc.) then you're not adding significantly to the environmental impact. This assumes you use common sense and place the cache under some rocks, for example, and not in the middle of a field of rare wildflowers.


Best of luck to you.



Some mornings, it just doesn't pay to chew through the leather straps. - Emo Phillips

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Have you ever heard of "lead by example"?

Instead of whinning about not having a GPS and still wanting your neighbors to spring for them, maybe you should set an example and buy one then work at getting others interested. I own 5 GPS and I loan a couple of them out regularly to let "newbies" see what it is all about, all (except one person) has since bought their own GPS, and so the sport grows.

Your lack of common sense over shadows your lack of money it seems.

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Originally posted by rayt333:

Instead of whinning ... Your lack of common sense...


Look, I've explained myself fully and reasonably and I'm not taking any more of this. Go away, leave me alone and GROW UP!!!!


I'm ignoring any further posts from you.


Cheers everyone.

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Originally posted by 2oldfarts (the rockhounders):

I have a suggestion...Locate a benchmark that is listed on Geocaching.com & place your cache on top of it. Use the given coordinates of the benchmark for your cache. VOILA-you have a viable cache with correct datum. icon_biggrin.gif

It would be cheaper to buy the GPSr. Benchmarks don't exist outside the US on GC.com.

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Originally posted by Iwuzere:

How vital is it to give accurate coordinates? Can a cache be placed with approximate lat/long from a map, with good directions given in the notes - the directions would get you to within the same sort of distance as normal GPS accuracy would?


At the moment there is only one cache on the island where I live, and the only way to attract more players here is to place more caches. However, I don't have a GPSr and it's a Catch 22 because I'm not going to invest in one unless it all takes off!


Can I do this, or would I have to go my own way with my own website instead?


Obviously, as soon as someone _with_ a GPSr finds the cache, they can supply the precise coordinates - so there's not much lost in the long run.


Any thoughts? Thanks



you could always try LETTERBOXING...its similar to geocaching....but no trading...see about it at http://letterboxing.wesgarrison.us


****notice there is NOT www. in the url


i have found a couple of geocaches without a gps and waiting for cooler weather for a few more to find since i will need protection from the thorns and such....and a jackets and jeans in 100 degree would make a very deep sweat puddle to wade thru icon_wink.gif


i have planted one letterbox and have another ready to hide....i do not have a gps so i can onl hide letterboxes....i attempt to find geocaches....



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