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Corporate Cashe

Guest garyc

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Guest garyc

Whay do you think of this idea?

I was going to try to get a store or two to do a cashe inside the store. When the person walked to the counter to the clerk to sign the book, they would be rewarded with something from within the store. I know it's far-fetched, but do you think it could work?

Guest Ron Streeter

It's worth a shot ! The way the game is evolving, who knows what will work or not. Try it !

Guest cjdoyle

I'm in the same geographic area as you are. I've planted four caches, and only received 3 visitors in two months. Maybe you should wait until it really gets going here. This way you don't talk it up to a business and have them expecting a constant supply of people from your cache, then in reality have only me show up.

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