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the new secret sign


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The sign for lesbian is basicly the same, but there is no way a deaf person would confuse the "Jeremy Point" for lesbian. for one thing the index finder points UP.


this page shows a quicktime movie of what ASL lesbian looks like. You'll notice that the thumb taps the chin/mouth twice.


this one shows you what the ASL "L" looks like.


This is what the "Jeremy Point" looks like.





W8TVI's Geocaching Pictures


GeoX Geocaching gear!

That torpedo did not self-destruct. You heard it hit the hull. And I....was never here.


[This message was edited by W8TVI on April 21, 2003 at 06:14 PM.]

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I do agree with Bender....


Of course you could just wear your Geocaching T-Shirt....



"If you ever go temporarily insane, don't shoot somebody, like a lot of people do. Instead, try to get some weeding done, because you'd really be surprised." - Jack Handy

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Have the T-shirt, think I just gonna buy the hat. So far the only 2 times we met anyone at a cache, was at the cache. First time I was in the bushes with cache in hand when I heard someone yell out 20meters!!! It was Steve and gang, not much I could do. Second time, looked down an embankment and see someone near where I thought the cache was, I was going to wait and turned around to find my wife asking if we could have that when he was done with it. Did not realize he had the cache and was not there enjoying the view in -20 weather. Have not noticed anyone I thought was a cacher on the trail yet, know most of the rest now on site.


Car37 & Shnde

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