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the new secret sign


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and in the outside world, you shall be able to identify each other by this sign: right hand in front of and below the chin, palm facing inward, thumb up, and index finger extended.


this is the answer! i remember some threads about how to signal potential searchers that you come across without giving anything away.


it's better than a secret handshake, and it can be augmented by the proper eyebrow alignment!


it doesn't matter if you get to camp at one or at six. dinner is still at six.

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I always just wave with my GPS in my hand . . . oh, and in summer, just look for the angry people with briar thorn scratches all over them.




"The kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field.

When a man found it, he hid it again." Mt. 13:44

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Aside from being funny, that is a GOOD ideal! I would use it. Now if someone would just post in here that would have a picture or maybe even have an avatar of him/her with that exact pose, that way others will know exactly what the pose looks like. frog.gif


I seen a little Fuzzy thing on the bottom of someone's post the other day that has that exact pose!


Cache On!

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Originally posted by Roadster:

P.S. Who is that guy on that pic anyway? Does anyone know him around here? Is he a cacher?


Thank you for giving me my belly laugh of the day. Very funny! icon_biggrin.gif



"All of us get lost in the darkness, dreamers learn to steer with a backlit GPSr"

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Originally posted by Cache Canucks:

Originally posted by Cincinnati Bearcaches:

"...Might want to give Homer some eyebrows..."

Don't you dare ...some things are sacred.


I had them already on and was about to upload the new image then I refreshed....only if you didn't say "Don't you dare...." hhmmmm Yes Homer is sacred....but in good fun?





Thanks Marky! Coming from you, it makes my day!




Cache On!


[This message was edited by Roadster on April 04, 2003 at 09:05 AM.]

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I don't know about you but that there hand sign is the universal hand gun sign as well. Used it all the time as a kid.


This must tie in somehow to the should handguns be placed in caches thread.


If a cacher has just pissed you off you could aways use the universil recognition with the thumb cocked forard to indicate your displeasure. It helps thoug to make sure your index finger is pointing directly at them.



Wherever you go there you are.

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Originally posted by Renegade Knight:

I don't know about you but that there hand sign is the universal hand gun sign as well. Used it all the time as a kid.


This must tie in somehow to the should handguns be placed in caches thread.


If a cacher has just pissed you off you could aways use the universil recognition with the thumb cocked forard to indicate your displeasure. It helps thoug to make sure your index finger is pointing directly at them.

If you do point your finger at them, do you have to keep your hand on your chin? It would be hard to look threatening that way. Hard to aim too.



If trees could scream, would we still cut them down?

Well, maybe if they screamed all the time, for no reason.

Click here for my Geocaching pictures

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Originally posted by CYBret:

I always just wave with my GPS in my hand . . .

While driving in the vicinity of a cache not long ago, I saw someone walking down the road with a GPS. I stopped the car and leaped out waving my GPS saying "Looking for something?". The guy looked at me funny and said "No." I mentioned geocaching. He hadn't heard of it. I slinked back to the car and drove off.


So I'm all for a salute.





"Winter's just the curtain. Spring will take the bow"

-- Richard Shindell, Spring

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One problem with making that the sign...


I know you people in here will find this hard to beleive, but, there are quite a few people who don't read the forums. I have even ran into a few that didn't even know what they were.


Night Hunter


If Wyle E. Coyote could afford all that ACME stuff... Why didn't he just buy DINNER?

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Originally posted by martmann:

If you do point your finger at them, do you have to keep your hand on your chin? It would be hard to look threatening that way. Hard to aim too.


For that you reall need your and in your pocket. The chin aim fire salute would just get you comitted.



Wherever you go there you are.

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Originally posted by flask:

and in the outside world, you shall be able to identify each other by this sign: right hand in front of and below the chin, palm facing inward, thumb up, and index finger extended.


Wait, now that's... your right or my right... oh I'm so confused... wait, now it would be the OPPOSITE of all the pictures, right?


Maybe we should have specific Geocaching colors, too, like wearing a certain color or sports team stuff. Plus we could "tag" our territories with some spray-painted symbols and stuff. And if someone messed with us, they'd get beat down!






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Originally posted by DustyJacket:


Cachers "tag" their terretory with ammo boxes, tupperware, and film cannisters.


I know, I know. Just joking there about starting a "Geocaching Gang." Yeah, uh, don't deface stuff, folks. Eh heh heh... oh man...






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Originally posted by hammack:

I just wear my geocaching hat. GCers recognize it immediately, while non-GCers don't. Buy a hat, support the site!


Now THAT is a good idea... and no eyebrow manipulation required....





"Trade up, trade even, or don't trade!!!" My philosophy of life.

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What happens if you carry your GPS in the right hand and then you see someone and change to the other hand to give the sign but in the process of trying to hurry you drop your GPS and it bounces down a cliff?


I recommend the sign can be displayed by ether right or left hand. (Gun is optional, and only in Texas and other states that allow concealed guns) icon_wink.gif


Does anyone have some cache on them?

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I recommend the sign can be displayed by ether right or left hand. (Gun is optional, and only in Texas and other states that allow concealed guns) icon_wink.gif


I like the "either way" option. I mean, if you have the GPS/handgun in one hand, are you going to switch hands just to get the signal across?


(Of course, I'd keep a handgun in the small of my back, and have a HK-MP5 slung over my shoulder... for... self-defence, of course. You never know when you'll be out caching, and some Al-Quaeda or Mujahadeem fighters will pop out of nowhere... or if you run into one of those forest-monsters like from the X-files and stuff...)


That's why I propose that all Geocachers carry high-powered assault rifles or submachineguns with them at all times. But, that's an entierly different topic.

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Originally posted by The Alpha Operator:

Originally posted by leatherman:

_He's dyslexic._


Mad straight I'm dyslexic!


Actually, I realized that after taking the photo. I could'a flipped the image, but the problem is that there's no such thing as "ASAN." icon_razz.gif


well actually there is an 'ASAN' (do a google search) but I sure as heck wouldn't want to be associated with them.



If trees could scream, would we still cut them down?

Well, maybe if they screamed all the time, for no reason.

Click here for my Geocaching pictures

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Uhmm, not sure how to say this, don't want to tick anyone off. My sister is a teacher at a school for the deaf. I asked her about that sign to see if it matched anything in American Sign Language. Not sure if you want to know this or not, but here it goes. It is very close to the sign for ......Lesbian.......


Don't think I am going to be walking around advertising that. no sir.


McKenna Family

Watsonville CA

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