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Jeremy's New Idea for Posting Finds (4/17/01)

Guest Ron Streeter

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Guest Ron Streeter

By now you may have seen the latest button on the cache sites. If not..here goes.


Now you can choose to ENCRYPT your posts of finds or notes that you attach to a cache. It works just like the encrypt for a special clue at the bottom of the cache page.


When I asked Jeremy if we would have to click 10 times to decrypt 10 find posts he indicated that one click would decrypt all 10.


My further question to him was.."How is this that much different than the single button that gave a printout WITHOUT notes being printed?" My guess was it helps out those poor souls who just can't RESIST looking at the find notes EVEN IF THEY WANT TO!


I guess some who don't want to read the notes want to at least look at the map at the bottom!


My final comment to Jeremy was that soon we will have so many buttons we won't have time to hunt for the caches.


Guess I just enjoyed the simplicity and uncluttered look of what we had before this happened and still can't understand why people just can't ignore what they don't want to see in the way of "EXTRA" clues.


Oh well, it is as usual...IMHO.



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Guest Ron Streeter

It's not often one gets to reply to his own post, but here it is. I just talked to Jeremy again (10:45 Tuesday night) and he added these comments on his new feature.


These are his exact words:


"One more thing. I made it backwards compatable, so if you have a cache log

you'd like to encrypt, you can do so. Also if you own a cache, you can

encrypt other people's notes if you'd like.


It's there as a feature, so if you like it the way it is, no worries. Hakuna





So, that seems an improvement. My guess is the list and forum will be busy on this topic. (IMHO)

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Guest jeremy

These buttons (and options) are only available to the cache owner (for a particular cache) or for logs that you personally have created. To the rest it will be business as usual, and no one will notice the difference.


See it in action before making a judgement call.



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Guest Ron Streeter

Point taken Jeremy....getting tipsy this time of night...a new day (and the final touches on the feature) will likely make a convert of me !


I remain one of your biggest fans...along with a lot of other folks.



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Guest Dirtnapper

Just another thought.... why not just have a page, similar to that of NEGO... simple table with the name and coordinates and nothing else for those who want nothing more. This would allow the present page to remain as is, without all the clicking. I, myself, have converted all of the sites into an Excel sheet which I carry, in the event I need to check cooridnates; I had carried each as a seperate page, duh! It stays simple and sweet.

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Guest geoark1

I agree with Dirtnapper WE don't need to complicate this. I have never had any problem with NOT looking. We need to concentrate on the "Game" not the details. Jeremy you will never be able to be "all things to all People".

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Guest Robereno

On the other hand, after reading the discussions here, I realized that I may have posted more than was welcome on a previous log. Didn?t get a complaint from the log owner but it was nice to be able to go back and encrypt the post in case I had over stepped.

Originally posted by geoark1:

I agree with Dirtnapper WE don't need to complicate this. I have never had any problem with NOT looking. We need to concentrate on the "Game" not the details. Jeremy you will never be able to be "all things to all People".

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Guest Ron Streeter



That may be its best attribute. I have noticed that a find post to one of my caches has been taken out by the owner of the post.


He had mentioned the name of the street he used to get to my cache. I really didn't mind, though with my clues, anyone who looked at a good mapping program of city streets could have figured it out.


So, maybe some good value in that aspect of the buttons.



[This message has been edited by Ron Streeter (edited 04-18-2001).]

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Guest acpac

Ok I confess to being the ultimate geek!


Before I realized there was a cheat feature, I wrote a Visual Basic program to decode and encode hints.


If anyone wants a copy I can email it to you.

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Guest jeremy

I snagged the ROT13 code from somewhere on the 'net. You're welcome to use it in your ASP pages (or modify it slightly for VB). There's also an excel file in the links section that does the translation as well.


' rot13 function - a function to encode and decode text strings using the popular ROT13 method' note that ROT13 does not encrypt strings, so do not use it if security is an issue!Function rot13(rot13text)	dim rot13text_rotated	dim i,j,k	   rot13text_rotated = "" ' the function will return this string   For i = 1 to Len(rot13text)      j = Mid(rot13text, i, 1) ' take the next character in the string      k = Asc(j) ' find out the character code      if k >= 97 and k =< 109 then         k = k + 13 ' a ... m inclusive become n ... z      elseif k >= 110 and k =< 122 then         k = k - 13 ' n ... z inclusive become a ... m      elseif k >= 65 and k =< 77 then         k = k + 13 ' A ... m inclusive become n ... z      elseif k >= 78 and k =< 90 then         k = k - 13 ' N ... Z inclusive become A ... M      end if'add the current character to the string returned by the function    rot13text_rotated = rot13text_rotated & Chr(k)   Nextrot13 = rot13text_rotatedEnd Function


[This message has been edited by jeremy (edited 04-18-2001).]

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Guest bacpac

Alright!!! Code samples!


Now I feel I am in the right forum, LOL!


Some people are confused by the technerd/wilderness contrast of my hobbies, but is the perfect balance for me.

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