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Tax Payers Unite for Conservation of natural habitats

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As far as the "99% Gone" statement originally made, everyone knows that at least 75% of the time statistics are made up on the spot


How do we know that you just didn't make up the 75% stat icon_redface.gif


I can't beleive I just spent my lunch half-an-hour reading this thread.



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As far as the "99% Gone" statement originally made, everyone knows that at least 75% of the time statistics are made up on the spot




How do we know that you just didn't make up the 75% stat


Did I say 75%, I meant 72.6% icon_wink.gif



"The hardest thing to find is something that's not there!"

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After reading kmugwort's letter again, I see it as the opinions of a tree-hugging group that is affiliated with Daley Ranch. They used this forum to express their views on ecology and got all of us talking and even arguing about it. We have a lake here on the Indiana/Illinois border that has the same problem. Too many groups trying to get their ideas accepted as the only way to go. None of them want to compromise on anything so nothing gets accomplished and lots of time gets wasted.

Kmugwort's group might have some good ideas and some that are absurd. But they still are entitled to their opinion and allowed to voice it. So take it for what it's worth. Some people might find real value in it, and others feel it was a waste of good internet space. The important thing is that she got all of us thinking and responding.

One thing to remember is that groups like hers make a lot of noise and usually get what they want due to the apathy of others. So take a stand, get educated and get involved.

I'm off this soapbox now.


Maps?!? I don't need no stinking maps! I got coordinates!


There's a fine line between Geocaching and mental illness, I just not sure which side of the line I'm on!

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