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What do you do for a living?

Guest Peter Scholtz

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Guest Peter Scholtz

Not sure if this topic has been covered before, but I'm curious as to what work everyone does?


I'm a software developer focussing on biometrics (fingerprint, voice, face, iris).



Peter Scholtz


Guest tslack2000

Correctional Officer at the Salt Lake County Metro Jail. (I'm going to College as well so as to have a job working with computers someday.) Screw this Jail sh**!

Guest Guppy

I'm a dept. manager and Mr. Mike is a database administrator.


We just HAVE to get outside after work!


[This message has been edited by Guppy (edited 20 July 2001).]

Guest Snowtrail

Online banking software tester (Quality Analyst)

Guest mfratto

I am a university writing instructor currently working on a graduate degree in marine geography, and Mike is an internet security expert, university instructor, and writer/editor for a well known networking trade magazine. icon_wink.gif




[This message has been edited by mfratto (edited 20 July 2001).]


[This message has been edited by mfratto (edited 20 July 2001).]

Guest mfratto

I am a university writing instructor currently working on a graduate degree in marine geography, and Mike is an internet security expert, university instructor, and writer/editor for a well known networking trade magazine. icon_wink.gif




[This message has been edited by mfratto (edited 20 July 2001).]


[This message has been edited by mfratto (edited 20 July 2001).]

Guest rebobbitt

I am a GIS/GPS Software Engineer, and have been programming GPS/GIS software for 14 years.



Guest Robereno

I am a shop supervisor and irrigation contractor at San Diego State U . I spend so much time outside at work that I have to force myself to go out on the weekends.

Guest RCharlier

Technical project leader for large systems databases at Caterpillar. ie. I deal with technical hardware/software infrastructure, and database administration for DB2 on IBM S/390 hardware and Oracle on just about every platform known to man.

Guest poppyseed

I'm a government contractor doing tech support for the project we're working on. And I do a little testing, too (blech), of our software. And I do a little tech writing for our apps. (Also blech)

Guest Ron Streeter

I've been a teacher for 28 years...30 and I'm out !



Guest Khao Mun Gai

I am co-founder of a small software company and help run the business day-to-day.

Guest db8tr

I going to be a senior in high school this coming school year. Since I am in school, I'll list what takes up most of my time outside of school.

  • I have taught myself to be proficient in C, C++ and perl.
  • I am the senior technician for the LAN at my school - which now proudly runs linux servers.
  • I am an amateur astronomer and volunteer at the local observatory.
  • I am an amateur radio operator (KC0KCN) which has lead to my involvement in weather spotting and emergency commmunications.
  • My part time job is to be an assistant wedding coordinator for my church.

School does take it's rightful place at the top of my list, but as you can see - I am not a typical lazy teenager. Since I am now getting into geocaching, I guess I will have to work it in somehow too :-).

Guest barefoot

I work for my county as a GIS specialist which means I'm part cartographer, part analyst, and part programmer.

Guest mazda626

I'm a Forest Technologist by trade but I'm currently in between jobs or retired (haven't figured this out myself yet)


I guess I'm not much different than barefoot. I'm a Geographer for a government agency and manage digitizing and map production operations. I develop web applications for the internet and intranet. Although I code in other languages, I write most of code now in PERL and VB. I also work with GIS applications for management and control operations.


With pride, I can say have managed the production of more map products than anyone on this forum and probably most of you combined.

Guest Iron Chef

Professional Student :~) part engineer, part historian, part teacher, and a lot of attitude.



-Iron Chef

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

agefive.com/geocache/ ~ Fe-26

Lets Drive Fast and Eat Cheese!

Guest PharoaH

Curriculum Architect for a global computer service organization.

Guest ClayJar

I'm a "Network Specialist" with the school system here, which means that if it connects to the network (or runs on something that does), I probably work on it.

Guest joshgray

geeez i knew geocaching was bringing together a wide variety of people but wow!


Computer Science Undergrad

and Webmaster of a University Division




eTrex Basic http://joshgray.myip.org

Guest jeremy

Former Chinese Linguist (Mandarin). Currently a web developer by trade (better programmer than designer), geocaching webmaster by hobby.




Network Administrator/Process Control Specialist

Guest arffer

Director of the Data Networking division of State Long Distance Telephone in Wisconsin. This includes the overall responsibility of ElkNet Internet Services (www.elknet.net).


Professional seeker of objects by co-ordinates left in an exact spot up to 100 years (or more) before, and leaving other markers - that makes me a Land Surveyor.

Guest wizmedic

A Paramedic for 17 years. Use the GPS when I need LifeFlight and can tell them right where I am at. Saves alot of time for me and the patient. Also a Navy reserve corpsman.


[This message has been edited by wizmedic (edited 20 July 2001).]

Guest brownbag

Senior Consultant for EDS bluesphere. Basically I consult with companies on how to use the Internet for business. Manage projects they have and sometime I do a little Java programming. It all depends on what client is paying the bills.

Guest Lasivian

what do I do?


nothing at the moment.. if you know any openings in Phoenix, AZ for someone with alot of PC software and hardware background let me know


or hell, any other openings at all, i'm easy icon_smile.gif




Lasivian@usa.net - ICQ 3619356 - www.fastq.com/~lasivian

Guest Lasivian

what do I do?


nothing at the moment.. if you know any openings in Phoenix, AZ for someone with alot of PC software and hardware background let me know


or hell, any other openings at all, i'm easy icon_smile.gif




Lasivian@usa.net - ICQ 3619356 - www.fastq.com/~lasivian

Guest sivad

rks..the one I waor for is Wall Doxey I am the maintenance Supervisor there.


"For all the wander are not lost...for we have GPS in hand...


ICQ# 112703193

Yahoo IM....sivad_40

Guest sivad

I work for the Mississippi State Parks..the one I waor for is Wall Doxey I am the maintenance Supervisor there.


"For all the wander are not lost...for we have GPS in hand...


ICQ# 112703193

Yahoo IM....sivad_40

Guest cliffy

I'm a mailman (11 years) with a love of beer (hence the nick...Remember the TV show Cheers?) lol

Guest Cape Cod Cache

Industrial Designer / Moldmaker, also a USCG licensed Captain ( 6 Pac ), but also will do part time at retail from Thanksgiving to New Years to pay for Xmas and ski-bumming....

Gotta do what ya gotta do !


Good thread for new demographics

Guest Ron Bopp

I feel somewhat out of place here, most of you have prestigious sounding jobs. I load trucks at a local warehouse. Oh my aching back, knees, shoulders, neck, etc.


Hey Ron Bopp.....don't sweat it. You're the coolest guy of all for you deliver the GPS units!

Guest faithwalker

Hey Ron my collar is blue also, I'm a Master Printer, a Certified Welder, Head sound, video and lighting tech at my church and ... hunter/gatherer.


...Good Caching and may all your birds be in view... ...Faithwalker...

Guest Tronapoke

Mine Production Superintendent of a trona mine.

Guest Cisupete

Quite an impressive group I've fallen in with!! Don't see many women rsponding, so here goes. I am the Nursing Staff Coordinator for a local hospital. If you fall off a cliff while on the hunt, I'll make sure someone is there to patch you up. icon_smile.gif

Guest Cisupete

Quite an impressive group I've fallen in with!! Don't see many women rsponding, so here goes. I am the Nursing Staff Coordinator for a local hospital. If you fall off a cliff while on the hunt, I'll make sure someone is there to patch you up. icon_smile.gif

Guest Mike_Teague

Originally posted by cliffy:

I'm a mailman (11 years) with a love of beer (hence the nick...Remember the TV show Cheers?) lol


I'm also a mailman (rural letter carrier) -- in the USA...

Guest n1niq

I work full time for a leasing company selling used equipment and part time for a land trust maintaining a nature preserve.

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