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Best Chigger Treatment?

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Warm soapy water is all that is necessary to remove and kill chiggers.




"The most popular home remedy for which there is little justification is to dab nail polish on the welt. This cannot "smother" the chigger because it has not burrowed into your skin, and it was probably scratched off long ago. The only benefit to applying a thick coat of nail polish is that it helps to remind you not to scratch the bite."


Jeremy Irish

Groundspeak - The Language of Location

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My wife and I use AfterBite on anything that itches. Works MOST of the time. But don't rush out and buy any. You can pay $3.99 (?) for an ounce or so, or you can pay $1.00 for a half gallon.


If you check the ingredients in AfterBite you will see that it is just ammonia. (Best example of repackaging I've ever seen.) We refilled our empty containers and they continue to provide relief.


So my suggestion is to try ammonia for the itch.

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I wandered into a 'cache' of chiggers last year and I feel your pain (or itch).


Jeremy is right, of course. If you get to the chiggers before they get cozy, you can wash the right off. If they bed down, however, this won't work. The itching drove me nuts.


An employee of mine suggested a product called Chigarid. This stuff worked really well. It kills and removes the varmints in the same manner as fingernail polish, but it also helps relieve the itch.


You'll have to reapply once or twice during the day so carry it with you.

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It's a liquid bandage that works great not only on chiggers, but hangnails, cuts, scrapes, and other wounds. It burns like crazy for about 20 seconds when first applied icon_eek.gif , but the results are worth the pain, IMO.


I've heard that a good way to PREVENT chigger bites is to wear pantyhose, but I can't speak from personal experience there.



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It's a liquid bandage that works great not only on chiggers, but hangnails, cuts, scrapes, and other wounds. It burns like crazy for about 20 seconds when first applied icon_eek.gif , but the results are worth the pain, IMO.


I've heard that a good way to PREVENT chigger bites is to wear pantyhose, but I can't speak from personal experience there.



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Lanacaine will relieve the itch and it can be found in most supermarkets. I have also been know to use cat shampoo, the kind that kills fleas, on the offending area. I haven't suffered any ill effects but who knows. I figure cats ingest it, so how lethal can it be.

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When I went to summer camp, many years ago, they used to have us apply some sort of corn starch/sulfer powder mixture to any parts where you have tight clothing...I remember putting it in my socks a lot. It seemed to help a little at preventing chiggers.




[This message was edited by Jumpmaster on June 25, 2002 at 03:16 PM.]

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The redbugs (chiggers) are plentiful down here, caching last week certainly reminded us of that. Chicken bought some Ivarest and it really helps stop the itching.


But,, does anyone have a suggestion on keeping them off in the first place? BTW, im not trying the pantihose idea[:rolleyes:].

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The redbugs (chiggers) are plentiful down here, caching last week certainly reminded us of that. Chicken bought some Ivarest and it really helps stop the itching.


But,, does anyone have a suggestion on keeping them off in the first place? BTW, im not trying the pantihose idea[icon_smile.gif].

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Originally posted by worldtraveler:...

I've heard that a good way to PREVENT chigger bites is to wear pantyhose, but I can't speak from personal experience there.




Anders, where are you? We need you to do a chiggers experiment!! icon_smile.gif



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Originally posted by worldtraveler:...

I've heard that a good way to PREVENT chigger bites is to wear pantyhose, but I can't speak from personal experience there.




Anders, where are you? We need you to do a chiggers experiment!! icon_smile.gif



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Originally posted by Jumpmaster:

Originally posted by Mudfrog:

But,, does anyone have a suggestion on keeping them off in the first place?


Ummm...sulfer powder/corn starch mixture??? Can anyone else confirm they've heard of this before or is it just something the camp nurse dreamed up?




Yeah, it's a valid "home remedy". At least, my mother (quite elderly now) mixed up just this concoction (corn starch and sulphur powder) and we used it to treat some psoriasis that I had years back. It worked rather well on psoriasis. I can't say what it will do for chiggers...




(Always trade UP in both quantity and quality and Geocaches will be both self-sustaining and self-improving!)

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Originally posted by Alan2:

Originally posted by worldtraveler:...

I've heard that a good way to PREVENT chigger bites is to wear pantyhose, but I can't speak from personal experience there.




Anders, where are you? We need you to do a chiggers experiment!! icon_smile.gif




Well, due to the fact that I ofttimes geocache in full drag (black lace pantyhose included) I have noticed that the chiggers are not so bad on my legs when I wear the lace pantyhose, but they seem to pass right through the nylon ones. However, I have noticed large concentrations of ticks in the 44D cup that I usually keep filled with cache goodies and McToys. The red wig is very helpful (as I treat it with a good anti-insect spray) and the silk panties are hard for the little buggers to keep a hold of.


However, the high heels are a definate problem. It seems that some of the chiggers just love to get into the high heels and eat my feet alive!


I guess I may have to switch to army boots (hey! that might be a new look for me!!!)




(Always trade UP in both quantity and quality and Geocaches will be both self-sustaining and self-improving!)

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Originally posted by Alan2:

Originally posted by worldtraveler:...

I've heard that a good way to PREVENT chigger bites is to wear pantyhose, but I can't speak from personal experience there.




Anders, where are you? We need you to do a chiggers experiment!! icon_smile.gif




Well, due to the fact that I ofttimes geocache in full drag (black lace pantyhose included) I have noticed that the chiggers are not so bad on my legs when I wear the lace pantyhose, but they seem to pass right through the nylon ones. However, I have noticed large concentrations of ticks in the 44D cup that I usually keep filled with cache goodies and McToys. The red wig is very helpful (as I treat it with a good anti-insect spray) and the silk panties are hard for the little buggers to keep a hold of.


However, the high heels are a definate problem. It seems that some of the chiggers just love to get into the high heels and eat my feet alive!


I guess I may have to switch to army boots (hey! that might be a new look for me!!!)




(Always trade UP in both quantity and quality and Geocaches will be both self-sustaining and self-improving!)

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Well, due to the fact that I ofttimes geocache in full drag (black lace pantyhose included) I have noticed that the chiggers are not so bad on my legs when I wear the lace pantyhose, but they seem to pass right through the nylon ones. However, I have noticed large concentrations of ticks in the 44D cup that I usually keep filled with cache goodies and McToys. The red wig is very helpful (as I treat it with a good anti-insect spray) and the silk panties are hard for the little buggers to keep a hold of.




You haven't been seen at the cache this thread has been talking about have you? icon_biggrin.gif




A "Buckeye" is just a "Hillbilly" that ran out of money on the way to Michigan jpshakehead.gif

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Well, due to the fact that I ofttimes geocache in full drag (black lace pantyhose included) I have noticed that the chiggers are not so bad on my legs when I wear the lace pantyhose, but they seem to pass right through the nylon ones. However, I have noticed large concentrations of ticks in the 44D cup that I usually keep filled with cache goodies and McToys. The red wig is very helpful (as I treat it with a good anti-insect spray) and the silk panties are hard for the little buggers to keep a hold of.




You haven't been seen at the cache this thread has been talking about have you? icon_biggrin.gif




A "Buckeye" is just a "Hillbilly" that ran out of money on the way to Michigan jpshakehead.gif

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Originally posted by KYtrex:




You haven't been seen at the cache http://opentopic.Groundspeak.com/0/OpenTopic?a=tpc&s=1750973553&f=1980966883&m=8560935874 has been talking about have you? icon_biggrin.gif




KYJelly (I meant Trex...),


I take the fifth (and I drink it!)




(Always trade UP in both quantity and quality and Geocaches will be both self-sustaining and self-improving!)

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Originally posted by KYtrex:




You haven't been seen at the cache http://opentopic.Groundspeak.com/0/OpenTopic?a=tpc&s=1750973553&f=1980966883&m=8560935874 has been talking about have you? icon_biggrin.gif




KYJelly (I meant Trex...),


I take the fifth (and I drink it!)




(Always trade UP in both quantity and quality and Geocaches will be both self-sustaining and self-improving!)

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Go to the drugstore and buy some vitamin B1. Comes sin 100mg tables; bottles of 100 will set you back $2.


Take one tablet early in the day, at least an hour before you start hiking. Then another every hour or so. Drink lots of water.


Makes your sweat and your breath smell a little funny -- in a way the bugs don't like.


As for PEOPLE noticing it, just make sure everyone in your group uses it, so all of you will smell equally funny :-)

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Originally posted by KYtrex:

Originally posted by majicman:


KYJelly (I meant Trex...),


I take the fifth (and I drink it!) http://www.scubaboard.com/images/smilies/boozer.gif







KYJelly icon_biggrin.gif


The remedy for chiggers is to drink a fifth of Old Grand Dad. It doesn't do anything to the chiggers, but by then you don't really give a hoot!


Bottoms up.



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Originally posted by KYtrex:

Originally posted by majicman:


KYJelly (I meant Trex...),


I take the fifth (and I drink it!) http://www.scubaboard.com/images/smilies/boozer.gif







KYJelly icon_biggrin.gif


The remedy for chiggers is to drink a fifth of Old Grand Dad. It doesn't do anything to the chiggers, but by then you don't really give a hoot!


Bottoms up.



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Originally posted by Alan2:


The remedy for chiggers is to drink a fifth of Old Grand Dad. It doesn't do anything to the chiggers, but by then you don't really give a hoot!



Kentucky is the Bourbon Capital of the World. icon_biggrin.gif


We really know how to "squeeze" the corn.buck.gif




A "Buckeye" is just a "Hillbilly" that ran out of money on the way to Michigan jpshakehead.gif

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Originally posted by Alan2:


The remedy for chiggers is to drink a fifth of Old Grand Dad. It doesn't do anything to the chiggers, but by then you don't really give a hoot!



Kentucky is the Bourbon Capital of the World. icon_biggrin.gif


We really know how to "squeeze" the corn.buck.gif




A "Buckeye" is just a "Hillbilly" that ran out of money on the way to Michigan jpshakehead.gif

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