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Worst themes ever for a cache


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So it's fun to put a cache together with a theme in mind. What about when the selection process breaks down along the way? What might be some terrible ideas forged into geocaches?


Twin Peaks cache: Featuring the Laura Palmer Travel Bug, the hardest part was hiking in with a human torso wrapped in plastic.


Marquis DeSade cache - Even when it's not snowing you're required to carry chains.


Pulp Fiction cache - Looks like the spider's caught a couple a' flies...


Raiders of the Lost Ark cache - Watch for snakes, and don't look at it when you open it.


Sturgis cache - For best results, wear a silver lame' jump suit and ride your Vespa.


Deliverance cache - Leave Ned home for this one.



You have the right to defend yourself, even when geocaching!


I once suggested an "unwanted pet exchange" cache. The idea didn't go over very well.


I have never in my life learned anything from any man who agreed with me. geol4.JPG


Originally posted by seneca:

I once suggested an "unwanted pet exchange" cache. The idea didn't go over very well.



Substitute "pets" with "parents" or "children" and you might have a winner....



You have the right to defend yourself, even when geocaching!


What about an Unwanted McToys Cache?


Oh, no, sorry, it's been done...





"Ah, take the Cache and let the Credit go..."

The Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam, trans. Edward Fitzgerald


How about an odd sock cache? You could go there looking for a match.


Has anyone ever suggested a slightly used needle or crack pipe cache?


How about a cach that's just for the pens that you steal from banks, waiters, and supermarkets. Whoops! I already did one of those.



texasgeocaching_sm.gif Sacred cows make the best hamburger....Mark Twain.


I say, have a stolen towel cache, where people can trade the towels they've stolen from hotels and hospitals..



Extra batteries for GPS, don't leave home without 'em.


Originally posted by Cracker7M:

How about the Cache Thats Not Really There Cache?.....

There's too many of those already.


What we need is a BOZO NO NO cache. The cache that has all the stuff that Jeremy doesn't want in caches in the first place.





I came...I saw...I geocached.


Enron cache- The description says it's full of valuables. In reality, the owners kept all the goods and left an empty box.


Jimmy Hoffa cache- It's somewhere, but nobody's giving out coordinates.


IRS cache- Find it or it will find you. Put all your money in it and take nothing.


Political candidate cache- Similar to Enron. Full of empty promises, ends up costing you.


O.J. Simpson cache- After a long, slow drive, you find an opening where a cache won't fit.

The cache didn't fit, so you must quit.


The Fair Trade cache- Has an armed guard posted to check your trade. Stickers for stickers, McToys for McToys. You will be allowed to trade down, ex. Rolex watch for a McToy, but you might have to pay off the guard.


Maps?!? I don't need no stinking maps! I got coordinates!


There's a fine line between Geocaching and mental illness, Im just not sure which side of the line I'm on!


We didone with some friends that's comic-themed. Cut a cartoon out of the paper, then bring it the cache. But nobody really did it. Is that a bad one?





Originally posted by Woodbutcher68:

Jimmy Hoffa cache- It's somewhere, but nobody's giving out coordinates.

rofl. That's a good one. icon_biggrin.gif





I came...I saw...I geocached.


How about "Things my crappy neighbors threw in my yard"?


I'd mostly be McDonald's wrappers and diet beer cans, but there's the occational tool or toy. A cache would be a better idea than just throwing that stuff in the dumpster, which is what I do now. Da&* renters!


Originally posted by HappyFrog:

There was one where people traded CA raffle tickets. Guess it didn't go over well, because it was shut down. I wonder who got all the tickets??




Raffle? or you mean Lottery?

You mean this one? It is still going strong.


stealyourcache.gif Ever notice how anyone that caches more than you do is a maniac, while anyone that caches less than you do is an idiot? -Dru Morgan


A badly-themed cache that actually exists: toothbrushes. Not so bad, you say? Well, the container is permanently mounted in cement (that means you can't dump it and dry it when it gets wet inside), and it's camouflaged under a damp, rotting stump. When we found that one, there was nothing in it I would've put in my mouth for a million bucks.


Originally posted by Kite & Hawkeye:

When we found that one, there was nothing in it I would've put in my mouth for a million bucks.

Oh c'mon. One wash in the dishwasher and it should be good to go. icon_wink.gificon_rolleyes.gificon_eek.gif


How about "Things found in the back alley last night" cache?





I came...I saw...I geocached.


I was thinking about "Look what I found in the bottom of my kitchen drawer cache"!




All you have to do to fly is throw yourself at the ground and miss!


The Homeless Bathroom Cache


(not to be confused with Homeless Bathtub)


Also *the waste deposit for the sexual tryst cache*.


Till a voice, as bad as Conscience, rang interminable changes

On one everlasting Whisper day and night repeated -- so:

"Something hidden. Go and find it. Go and look behind the Ranges --

"Something lost behind the Ranges. Lost and waiting for you. Go!"


Rudyard Kipling , The Explorer 1898


Toilet supplies cache


WMD - Weapons of Mass Destruction Cache - Trade firecrackers for AntiMatter bombs.


Very large Currency Exchange Cache.


Stolen Cache Cache, where you must steal a cache from somewhere, then leave it here.


Toxic Dump Cache


Burial cache thats a large cement box.



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Originally posted by Nochipra:

How about a sex toys cache? Sounds fun, huh?


That would start out great.... Hundred dollar blow up dolls in the original sealed package... By the time it was over, the no longer vibrating vibrator in the bottom would give everyone herpies. lol


Originally posted by Nochipra:

How about a sex toys cache? Sounds fun, huh?


Funny, no one has logged it as found, yet it's got more traffic than all the other caches in the state...... icon_confused.gif



You have the right to defend yourself, even when geocaching!


Lost Stuff cache - This Locationless Cache is the last place you look for something you've lost. The best part is, I can claim several of these every day!



You have the right to defend yourself, even when geocaching!


How about a cat hairball cache?



I am Lothar, King of the Hill people. I have many tales to tell....


24 hours in a day, 24 beers in a case. Coincidence? I think not. - Stephen Wright


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