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Any metal detector 'experts' out there?


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Howdy. This isn't exactly a geocaching topic, but I suspect that someone among us knows something about metal detectors. I was watching a video of Mel Fisher and his team finding the Atocha.


They were using a metal detector back in the 1980's that looked like the one in my drawing. The main unit is a cylinder, unlike the boxes that you typically see.


My question is, what is the make of this metal detector? Kind of a long shot, I realize.








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Mel Fisher used Garrett metal detectors if I remember right.


Each of the major detector manufacturers makes underwater models, but I think Garrett was the one they used on the Atocha.


Some names to search for are:







Hope this helps.



I have never been lost. Been awful confused for a few days, but never lost!

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Originally posted by Seth!:


......My question is, what is the make of this metal detector? Kind of a long shot, I realize.





Judging by the drawing I would say the make is "homemade" icon_biggrin.gif


Actually Seth your topic conjures up some fond memories. In another life metal detecting was a serious hobby for me. The techniques and benefits between it and geocaching are very similar. In fact some times when caching I wish I had my unit with me especially for those caches that are well hidden.

I just thought of something curious. My detector was made by GARrett and my GPSR is made by GARmin. I wonder what my hobby will be in my next life.


Cheers, Olar


"You are only young once but you can stay immature forever"

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I just thought of something curious. My detector was made by _GAR_rett and my GPSR is made by _GAR_min. I wonder what my hobby will be in my next life.

I would ask you if it will be in you GARage?


One's GARbage is another's unGUARded gold?


There are many words with GAR, but if one were to believe in predestiny, and depending on one's interpretation of it...the act of listing all such words or not, can either way potentially fight or feed the flow.


...oh in the end something is GUARranteed...


...afterall, puns are only so much fun...







Temple Kung Fu

"If you know about truth, tell me of it. If not, then I will search with you, together, in order to find it."

-Grandmaster Simon



[This message was edited by Kanto on July 14, 2003 at 05:42 PM.]

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