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ZoomZoom Shoots Cougar While caching!!


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That's only to get your interest going till I finish writing my adventure. Hopefully I will be able to include a photo also. icon_biggrin.gif


Pictures are now available. Go to bottom of my next post.


"Every cache has it's rightful place."


[This message was edited by ZoomZoom on September 07, 2003 at 08:41 AM.]


Well that's right folks! It wasn't as clean of a shot as I would have liked but then my windshield is dirty. I shot a picture of it, heehee!

Here is what happened.

I headed up Gold River, B.C. to do some caching and hunt down a tag number. Found 2 out of 3 cache that night before spending the night parked by the third cache, as I was spent. Come morning, I took care of the third cache and proceeded to find a tag on a stake.

As I'm nearing the location of the tag, I caught a glimpse of the tail-end of a cougar disappear off the side of the road ahead of me."COOL!", I say to myself, "First big cat I see in my life". I only had to go maybe another 2 to 3 hundred meters before reaching my destination and thought for sure that cat was gone for good.

Woodsman/outdoor person that I am, I usualy strap on my big knife just because, it's like a habit. So at this site it required for me to fiqure out things after locating this stake/tag. I kept walking back and forth to my truck for one thing or the other. On the third trip, thinking I was done and for some reason, I unbuckled my belt to unload it from a camera and knife.

I was just about to leave and decided I needed to double check something. So I'm kneeling on the ground to some fiqureing and I can hear something softly moving about somewhere behind me, ah! it's nothing I tell myself. After spending some time there, I go to get up and head back to the truck which is about 45 meters away. When I get about I'd say 2m from the truck I hear something behind me and turn to look and THERE IT WAS not 10 feet away following me. My heart was pounding so fast I'm lucky I didn't get a heart attack but I knew better than to run for it. Slowly as a speeding bullet I made to my truck and jumped in. The cat just sat there 5ft in front of my truck wondering what he was gonna have for breakfast now. I managed to get a picture of him before he took off though it's not the best shot in the world.

I wish to believe it was more curious at what I was doing as it had more than enough time if it wanted to kill me. OUCH!! Nice kitty!

So now I vouch to never be without that nice feeling of cold steel at my side.

Happy Cacheing everyone!


View pictures here.




"Every cache has it's rightful place.


[This message was edited by ZoomZoom on September 07, 2003 at 07:59 AM.]


[This message was edited by ZoomZoom on September 07, 2003 at 08:00 AM.]


[This message was edited by ZoomZoom on September 07, 2003 at 08:03 AM.]


[This message was edited by ZoomZoom on September 07, 2003 at 08:08 AM.]


[This message was edited by ZoomZoom on September 07, 2003 at 09:15 AM.]


Maybe that's one cache that NEEDS a knife left in it, in case you have to fight your way through the big cats back to your vehicle....



This space for rent! Ask about our easy layaway plan!


Needs more than a knife! A knife will only make the cat more upset. A .357 would be much better!


Maps?!? I don't need no stinking maps! I got coordinates!


There's a fine line between Geocaching and mental illness, Im just not sure which side of the line I'm on!


Great story. I think I would have needed a change of underwear if I turned around to see a mountain lion 10 feet behind me.


I think if he was simply curious, he'd have watched you from nearby. The fact that he was stalking you makes me think you were supposed to be lunch, or at least he was scoping you out to see if you were a candidate for lunch.


"You can't make a man by standing a sheep on his hind legs. But by standing a flock of sheep in that position, you can make a crowd of men" - Max Beerbohm


Nah, if you were to be food, the first notion of anything would have been the feeling of being tackled.


What strikes me odd is the fearlessness. THe fact that he knew you were there and would have rather been around you. In my experiences the only wild animal to know I'm there, and not haul butt, are squirrels and even then they constantly scolding.


Pretty cool that you got to see one, to say the least. I'm a cat person so that title did get my attention. icon_wink.gif






Awesome! BTW... As the cat was in front of the truck, was it pacing? staring?...You know...Deep down.. In your opinion.


Now the pic??? C'mon




Yup. That's MY goat!


Originally posted by Woodbutcher68:

Needs more than a knife! A knife will only make the cat more upset. A .357 would be much better!


Maps?!? I don't need no stinking maps! I got coordinates!


There's a fine line between Geocaching and mental illness, Im just not sure which side of the line I'm on!



I'm not a gun owner, but that might have me reconsidering! Only problem is a scared gun owner (and who wouldn't be!) might have killed the cat and not really needed too.


Any way, great story, glad it got to be told. Oh, and I, too, want to see pics!




"We've got the hardware and the software, the plans and the maps ..." -- Citizen Wayne Kramer


Originally posted by Woodbutcher68:

Needs more than a knife! A knife will only make the cat more upset. A .357 would be much better!


We're not allowed to carry handguns on us or even in the bush up here, stupid goverment law.


"Every cache has it's rightful place."


There was s news story not long ago about a 70 year old man killing a cat with only a pocket knife. I have that clip somewhere and I'll search for it.


"Every cache has it's rightful place."


For Cachers safety I have these links on several of my cache pages.







And remember some forums wont let us talk about those things that are covered under our constitutional rights.


When I go into Cat country I always carry some '06insurance.



Tahosa - Dweller of Mountain Tops.


Originally posted by Bluespreacher:

...Only problem is a scared gun owner (and who wouldn't be!) might have killed the cat and not really needed too...


Yup, hard to judge that excact moment right before the Cat decides to jump you when you should shoot. I'd settle for the stalking as the giveaway.


But then the odds are I'd be like that 70 year old with the pocket knife. Though maybe not as lucky.


If you are having problems posting the picture or a link to it, let me know and I will walk you through the procedure



Free your mind and the rest will follow action-smiley-076.gif




There's a link now to pictures on my second post.



"Every cache has it's rightful place."


[This message was edited by ZoomZoom on September 07, 2003 at 09:14 AM.]


Scary stuff. I suspect that particular cat needs to be taken out. Very unusual, dangerous behavior. I saw one earlier in the summer out near J-rav's "Bi-valve Bonanza", and it was in no way interested in me, and I'm sure I have a higher fat content than ZZ.


Did the cat look healthy? You may want to report the incident to C.R. Conservation officers.


Vancouver Island has the world densest population of these wild cats. Unfortunately right now their main prey, Columbia Blacktail Deer are at the bottom of their population cycle. ie. predators are hungry and desparate.


It didn't look like it was starving, quite healthly looking as a matter of fact. None the less, it was a close encounter I don't wish to have again.


"Every cache has it's rightful place."


I've always said big cats are like Highway Patrol, it not the one you see you need to worry about. The one you didn't see is the one that gets ya. icon_eek.gif


When in trouble, when in doubt, run in circles, scream and shout!


Originally posted by Bluespreacher:

Originally posted by Woodbutcher68:

Needs more than a knife! A knife will only make the cat more upset. A .357 would be much better!




I'm not a gun owner, but that might have me reconsidering! Only problem is a scared gun owner (and who wouldn't be!) might have killed the cat and not really needed too.

Maybe that's the problem. Every year here in Kalifornia, we have several people killed by big cats because we aren't allowed to carry the type of "Insureance" Mr. Tahosa is refering to.


Call me crazy, but people who think it's better to have a dead human than a dead cat have got thier head screwed on wrong.


ZoomZoom wrote:

There was s news story not long ago about a 70 year old man killing a cat with only a pocket knife.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but if memory serves me correct, that fellow was damaged pretty badly by the cat and was (or is still) in hospital for quite some time.




Originally posted by Jomarac5:

that fellow was damaged pretty badly by the cat and was (or is still) in hospital for quite some time.




You're darn right he had injuries. I believe he was able to walk out for before finding help. I think this happened around Campbell River. I need to seach through my stuff as I'm sure I saved that news clipping as I thought it was amazing.


"Every cache has it's rightful place."


Cool! This is where he was turning around to leave after sitting in front of my truck for a minute or two. My first shot didn't come out as good as this one.


"Every cache has it's rightful place."


Originally posted by ZoomZoom:

Cool! This is where he was turning around to leave after sitting in front of my truck for a minute or two. My first shot didn't come out as good as this one.


"Every cache has it's rightful place."


My hands would have been shaking so bad, I would have ended up with pics of the dashboard!


El Diablo


Everything you do in life...will impact someone,for better or for worse.



I believe the old guy with the knife incident was in Port Alice. Gold River has had more than it's share of cougar attacks. I'd hate to think what could happen if a family with young children encountered that same cat. I've often left my family "Safe" near the vehicle while of on a short jaunt recovering a cache.


One of my officers was attacked by a mtn. lion on a traffic stop several years ago. He had just gotten out of his car and started to approach when the cat jumped off a ledge directly above him. He was able to draw and shoot, killing it before it hit the ground.


This guy is a crap magnet, so nobody was surprised when it happened.



Team A.I.

Originally posted by Curious George:

Here is a link to the http://www.igorilla.com/gorilla/animal/2002/cougar_attack_vancouver.html.


This is excatly the story I am talking about. Scary busniness when you really think about it. The scary part for me was the fact, for some unusual fact, I took my knife off my belt and left it behind. When I do that ysualy, I will stick it in my back pocket for short juants. The fact that I was weaponless striked me hard after the encounter. My advice to anyone that venture out there should carry something even if it's a stick. I haven't felt so so vulnerable in my life than that moment.


Yes I'm sure bearspray will work on anything, better than being emptyhanded. I will be picking up a small can of it real soon.


"Every cache has it's rightful place."

Originally posted by ZoomZoom:
Originally posted by Curious George:

Here is a link to the http://www.igorilla.com/gorilla/animal/2002/cougar_attack_vancouver.html.


This is excatly the story I am talking about. Scary busniness when you really think about it. The scary part for me was the fact, for some unusual fact, I took my knife off my belt and left it behind. When I do that ysualy, I will stick it in my back pocket for short juants. The fact that I was weaponless striked me hard after the encounter. My advice to anyone that venture out there should carry something even if it's a stick. I haven't felt so so vulnerable in my life than that moment.


Yes I'm sure bearspray will work on anything, better than being emptyhanded. I will be picking up a small can of it real soon.



Here kitty kitty kitty. icon_razz.gif


wow, I carry a knife twice the size as the person in the story, but doubt I could have done any better then he did. I don't really carry a knife for my personal protection, but to protect the people I am with. Now however I think I'll carry it for my protection as well, just learning I'm not bullet proof.


I see your lips moving but all I hear is blah blah blah


Originally posted by eroyd:

I'd hate to think what could happen if a family with young children encountered that same cat.


If it would have happened in a populated area such as cloce to town, then I think yhat is when to take care of things.


I was way back inside Vancouver Island. That is their territory/ hunting grounds and I'm tresspassing.


If you were to bring your family where I was, hopefully you're well prepared for near anything, cause there's hardly a soul out there to help you.


This encounter will not stop me from doing what I love best of all things, the great outdoors. Heck! There's people out there more dangerous than that cougar.


"Every cache has it's rightful place."


Originally posted by Jolly B Good:

dadgum. I was going to post the picture of the really scary spider I ran into this morning.


Just carry a can of Raid at all times.


"Every cache has it's rightful place."


Cats can be scary, and are one of the few animals that scare me somewhat in the backcountry. One thing I know is that you don't want to run when one is around. They can pounce on running prey instinctively.


One story I heard on the news a couple years back that I always get a kick out of involving a cat can be found here:




You've got to ask yourself what the odds are on a story like that.


That is a great shot. I would have given my gps to be there. I am glad you're ok and the only shot you took was with the camera. I am a huge fan of the big cats, but living here in FL I will probably never see one. Too many people shot with a gun instead of a camera and now the FL Panther is all but extinct.With only a handful left in the whole state, chances of seeing one are somewhere between slim and none.


We used to be directionally challenged, now we have a GPS, and are high-tech directionally challenged. At least now we know where we are when we are lost.


OK Guys ... I know I'm on the wrong side of the Pacific at the moment ... but try as I might the Chinese internet will not let me complete the link to see the Cougar pics ... can someone post them somewhere other than Yahoo or be so kind to email them to me ... I sure would appreciate it. Sounds like impressive pics.



Co-founder of the "NC/VA GEO-HOG ASSOCIATION"

... when you absolutely have to find it first!


Originally posted by M15a4spr:

Originally posted by Bluespreacher:

Originally posted by Woodbutcher68:

Needs more than a knife! A knife will only make the cat more upset. A .357 would be much better!




I'm not a gun owner, but that might have me reconsidering! Only problem is a scared gun owner (and who wouldn't be!) might have killed the cat and not really needed too.

Maybe that's the problem. Every year here in Kalifornia, we have several people killed by big cats because we aren't allowed to carry the type of "Insureance" Mr. Tahosa is refering to.


Call me crazy, but people who think it's better to have a dead human than a dead cat have got thier head screwed on wrong.


I don't think that Mr. Tahosa's insurance would be much help in a close encounter with a cat unless he used it as a club! Something with a much shorter barrel might help. icon_wink.gif


You mention that several people each year are killed by cats in California. I don't live in your state, but that seems quite high. My understanding is that human-cat encounters are rare.




"We've got the hardware and the software, the plans and the maps ..." -- Citizen Wayne Kramer


icon_cool.gif It would appear that this cat was comfortable around humans and I doubt it was stalking ZZ ... if it had been stalking it would have taken the first opportunity to attack undetected. I would guess it has been raiding campsites and has begun to associate humans with food. Such animals are often dangerous ... especially if they get really hungry. But it was not that hungry this time. I would want to carry a pistol in a place like this ... if nothing else a shot in the air could scare the cat off.





Hard to say - this location is pretty much in the middle of nowhere so it's not likely that the cat has had much interaction with people.


A pistol would be great but up here about the only people who can carry them are police officers and armoured car drivers.


Well, if you had a .357 with you when you noticed the cat, a shot into the ground would have either scared it away, or at least let you know what you were dealing with.


"I'm 35 Years old, I am divorced, and I live in van down by the river!" - Matt Foley


Dang. I thought we were gonna have one less lion.


It is never been normal to see cougars close up in daylight here, and we have always had plenty of cougars. In my neck of the woods, we consider a sighting like this as indication that there are too many cougars. The way I figure it, if I'm seeing one that close, it needs killin'.


"...clear as mud?"

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