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Nice protective box...

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Hi all,


I'm sure many of you have already seen them, but for those that have not, REI, Sportmart and other outdoors stores have a really neat product called an "Otterbox." They are a crushproof, waterproof hard plastic box. There are a few different sizes, and there's one large enough to fit most GPSrs along with a couple extra batteries. It's a great way to store your GPSr going to-and-fro the cache sites when you're out for the day. It's nice to keep it tossed in the backpack without worry of it getting damaged. We carry a lot of stuff/people, and it's nice to not have to worry. Sure, it's in the car-mount while driving but it's even nice to have it safely packed in the house. Maybe useful for some, maybe not others. The ones big enough for the GPSrs run a little under $20, but if you're not using it at camp, that's a nice insurance policy. icon_wink.gif They'll fit the eTrex line, I believe the GPSV and the SporTrak models. They're a great stocking stuffer around this time of year! icon_wink.gif Affordable as a gift, and definitely appreciated by the receiver!


Grandmaster Cache

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Pelican also produces boxes that are similar, but I get the feeling that they are a little stronger. The lids on some of the pelicans are clear so you can see the content inside www.pelican.com .


For your PDA armor by otter makes a neat case that I am looking into buying http://www.armorbyotter.com/heavyarmor.cfm .


Wyatt W.


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Yes, REI also has the Pelicans. I believe they are a bit more $$ but they are real sharp, too. Both are foam-padded on the inside, but some Pelican models actually feature a "purge" valve - I thought that was kinda neat. With either of them, there's no need to worry if the GPSr is safe inside and ya drop it. We even bring it on the trail, so if we deside to kick back we can safely tuck the GPSr inside and set it down. Even though we have the neoprene case, that's like wearing polyester slacks on a motorcycle. icon_wink.gif


Grandmaster Cache

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I actually bought & returned one of the PDA Armor cases. It's actually a $15 armor box with a section of the front lid removed & then they give you the proper insert for your pda and charge you a whole lot more for a cheap piece of polycarb that gets marked up. The problem is that the polycarb face piece gets damaged when you try to write on it with your stylus. It's about the same thickness as the plastic blister pack that you throw away after you purchase any small electronics off a rack in these days. It really doesn't transfer the pressure well to your pda screen and your stylus leaves white stress indents in it that eventually obscure the use of it. Better off to get the plain box of the same size to protect your pda & just open it when you want to use it. icon_mad.gif


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