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Spoiler pictures- do I delete?

Team GeoCan

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Am I mistaken, or is posting spoiler pictures of the cache containers and contents in bad form?


I have a couple of Caches that I have really worked hard to make them NOT look like caches, but everyday objects which "should" eventually be discovered as caches.


Most people find these in less than a few minutes and seem to always comment on how "well hidden" they are in plain site.


This week however a cacher photoed most of my caches and posted them in the logs, which in these cases is a major spoiler.


Is it courteous to delete the photos, and NOT comment, or do I make a NOTE on the cache page NOT to photo the containers? (This seems like what I would LIKE to do).




Trash-out, EVERYtime




Geo-cach-er, n. generally a highy technically competent person with lots of free time. (see also- "Unemployed", Computer administrator, aircraft technician- defense worker- dot-com executive- systems administrator, et.al)


I have no qualms posting a picture of a ammo can, but I would never post a picture of a specially designed container.

I think deleting a picture of a specialy designed container is perfectly fine.


Agreed. Edit the cache page to make the comment and then delete the picture.

I would also send an email to the cacher who psoted it explaining why you did it. Although it's not necessary it may help keep the peace.


I recently deleted a log on one of my caches where the person warned others about driving up a particular road to find a leg of the multi because he was accosted by an unhappy land owner.


Turned out he was on the wrong road. I figured it out becuase of his description of the road and I emailed him to let him know what I did and why. He was OK with it once he realized the error he made.


I'm sure whoever posted the picture probably didn't mean any harm. They probably just thought it was a cool container and didn't think twice about spoiling the hunt for others.


Put in your cache description the spoiler photos will be deleted if posted. That should prevent them from being posted. If not, you have the power...delete.





Fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me.




One thing to remember is that everyne has their own ideas about this sport. I have no problem with you deleting photo's of your cache, but I guarantee others will.


I see your lips moving but all I hear is blah blah blah


If you feel that the photo gives away the cache then delete the photo and send an e-mail to the person that posted it. Politely explain that you feel the photo is a spoiler and it's your hope that they don't object that you've removed it. There's no need to post a note on the cache page.


You'll probably find that the person will understand and it won't be a problem, especially if it's a newcomer to caching -- they'll probably appreciate your letting them know what's acceptable.


If it's the photo with the Garmin Legend on the cache, I would have no problem deleting it.




Why not e-mailing the photo taker asking them to delete the photos first and then if they don't respond you should go ahead and delete the photos. Just seems like a little more pleasent way going about the samething.


When in trouble, when in doubt, run in circles, scream and shout!


Originally posted by Trogdor!:

Why not e-mailing the photo taker asking them to delete the photos first and then if they don't respond you should go ahead and delete the photos. Just seems like a little more pleasent way going about the samething.


Are you saying that you think most people post spoiler photos (or logs) by accident? I don't think so, unless the offender is a newbie.


Experienced cachers who post spoilers do so intentionally, so there is no need to even contact the offender. Delete it.


I did our local contender for the "world's smallest cache" the other week. When I found it, I was really tempted to take a picture, because it was tiny, and it looked cool. It was only on second thought that I realized it was obviously going to be a spoiler, so I wouldn't be able to post it anywhere. I don't think my enthusiasm could have lasted all the way to actually posting the pictures, but it's possible this wasn't done out of malice, just a lack of thought about the consequences. And, well, there are plenty of newbies around too.


But I'd still delete the pictures before asking, because as long as they're sitting there, people may be viewing them and gettig spoiled!


I deleted the photos that were obvious spoilers, (showed the whole cache with contents laid out)


I then added a note to each page to PLease do not post photos of the cache containers.


I also had not realized that the "closest point" that most people find while driving up to this cache and the other nearby, is ONthe freeway, and people were parking on the Freeway, hopping the fence and walking to the cache.


I have also posted directions on how to approach the cache, and even have posted which exit to use.


It seems this is getting more complicated as time goes on.




Trash-out, EVERYtime




Geo-cach-er, n. generally a highy technically competent person with lots of free time. (see also- "Unemployed", Computer administrator, aircraft technician- defense worker- dot-com executive- systems administrator, et.al)

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