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Hi my name is Tom and I'm a ..............GeoCacher.

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My Daughter says I'm ... icon_frown.gifAddicted icon_frown.gif to GeoCaching....I Was STUNNED icon_redface.gif Why are we always the last to know icon_confused.gif.... Sooooo I have decided to start a 12 step program...I'll Start us off with the first step. I'm sure you can help me with the rest icon_biggrin.gif ****PLEASE be respectfull of the real 12 step progams because they really work...I know****


Ok Step 1) WE have admitted we are powerless over finding out there is a brand new Cache only 4 miles from home and we JUST GOTTA get there first!!!


*****The other day I was playing poker with Tarot cards. I got a full house and four people died.*****


I am a GeoHolic, I too am powerless over the thrill of the hunt. icon_biggrin.gif But this is one good thing to be addicted to.Maybe some of it will rub off on the children,mine are 22,20,19 and think about the same but are starting to ask lots a ??? lately. icon_wink.gifoh well I am ready for the next steps... see ya soon. icon_cool.gif


When all else fails Geotry again.


Convert everyone you know into goecachers so now you will be in the "norm"


Cache you later,



Two Wrongs Don't Make A Right, But Three Lefts Do.


GO to the 12 step program cache in Missoula, MT for an AWESOME Geocaching Addicts Syndrome explanation. WE are on Step 9 currently, and plan on finishing the program by next summer, Then we can claim to have GAS!


...help a lot of people deal with their addictions. I know that your intent was humorous, but there are those of us out here who might find 12 step jokes to be offensive.


Thankfully the hidden 13th step is to be able to laugh at yourself icon_smile.gif


Actually... I didn't really become so focused on Geocaching until I learned about that blasted insidecorner/geocache site.


Being #1 in Memphis, and #6 for Tennessee isn't easy. Once you get a position, then it's like you HAVE to cache ro retain your standing. (Else all the hard work and effort was for naught).


There's a LOT of "UBER-cachers" out there waiting to take the pole position!

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