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So what have you used your GPS for?

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Just got back from the park with my wife and daughter:

  • Hide and Go Seek with waypoints

  • Determining the speed of the swing (daughter - 4.1 mph, me - 6.4 mph)


Be Seeing You!


About 3 years ago I worked a crash of 2 F-16 fighters. We used the GPS to plot the debris patterns of both aircraft, then uploaded the waypoints to plot the debris for each F-16.


This was at a local state park. I enjoy the tobaggon run about, oh, maybe one time. It is kind of fun but a little bumpy and it's a LONG way back to the top (you have to carry - not pull - your tobaggon). I thought it'd be neat to see our max speed. Unfortunately, we had to try both runs, several times, to see if we could beat our previous time. Next time, I'll just hand over the GPS and let the others figure it out. My back hurt for a week and I don't even remember what our best time was.


I can't complain too much though, the weekend also gave us our first (successful!) geocache hunt. That was the whole reason for the GPS in the first place.


GeoMedic - team leader of GeoStars


While organizing an orienteering meet, I used OziExplorer to scan the map. Then I placed all the points as waypoints on that map. Making a route of the course, gave me the course length immediately.


Second, I downloaded all the waypoints to my Vista, and brought that with me when I checked up all the points before the meet took place. Very handy, if you get in doubt about which boulder is which, or something like that.



Originally posted by majicman:

My GPS sharpens knives, chops food, replaces my hammer, but best of all...



...makes mounds and mounds of julian fries!


Will cache for food


Originally posted by Cheesehead Dave:

I carried mine while mowing the lawn the other day. I got to see the top speed of the mower, how far I actually traveled, and with the track log, saw my zig-zagging path around the yard.


My wife thought I was nuts.




I tried that last time I mowed! put my GPSIII+ on a string around my neck... didn't work very well... just a couple random lines. I'll try a different mount next time.


Originally posted by majicman:

...impresses cute stewardesses!...


I don't know. A couple of weeks ago on a Delta flight between Florida and NY the stewardess saw me operating my Garmin Vista and told me to shut of my cell phone! When I explained it was a GPS she said matter of factly, that well OK, then turned around, walked away and didn't even smile. The nerve!


That Vista cost a lot of money! (Maybe it was me.) On the other hand; hmm, Excuse me while I go check out the warranty sheet regarding "returns due to defects".



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