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stats page


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Hey guys. I know that I have manned the stats page for quite awhile now (about a year or so?) but I think it's about time for me to pass the mantle on to someone else.


I'm just finding myself with no time or desire to respond to people's requests and make updates. I think that I'd be able to help out with adding features - but is there anyone else with the time, skills and energy to be the point-man?


I don't want the stats page to go away - the reason I created it was because it filled a need that *I* had, and I still want to check things.


The site runs with a MySQL database and uses Perl for the front-end. I've had some thoughts about porting it over to J2EE and JSP but again - no time.


So, anyone interested?

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I would like to thank you for all the hard work you have done in the great sport, and if some else picks it up they will never be able to over shadow the fine work ethic you have had with the stats page. I do understand the amount of time it takes to do something like this. THANKS………………JOE

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I too wouldn't know what myABC's over my Ps and Qs or XYZ's was, otherwise I would like to help you out. I still can't even figure out my web page, which I didn't set up. I hope you find someone to take it over so it stays around.

Thanks again for all you've done!


Cache you later,



"To err is human, to forgive....$5.00"

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I have to agree with the others about this. You have taken the lead with a job very

well done.


I also have no idea how I would be able to help. If I remotely understood what you programmers do and how you did it and I had the equipment to do it with, I would accept the challenge.


I hope someone gets the ambition to take over your idea and can continue your fine work..


Thanks for your time and efforts up to this point and have Happy Holidays. icon_biggrin.gif


Later, logscaler.

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I'm a retired engineer and really enjoyed checking out your stats page. You have really done a nice job with it and it provides a very useful service. Now that I know it exists, I plan to make use of it. I don't recall seeing any reference to it while roaming about geocaching.com. You might ask Jeremy to place a pointer on the home page so more people would become aware of it. Then put a plea for help on the stats page. That may help you locate a replacement.


Charlie Trail Duster - Buxton, Oregon

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I wanted to thank you too for creating the stats page. I'm forever fascinated by stats, and you filled that geocaching void perfectly.


Your site inspired PaterQuest whereby I took over the Mississippi state lead, which has since been taken over twice again. No doubt the other leaders have checked the stat page countless times to see just how far they are ahead or behind.


Basically, your site has been a big push for geocaching in Mississippi.. if that means anything.




IS... cool. Glad to see you're willing to take the responsibility.



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I can't host it, but I'd be willing to chip in programmer and admin hours to help someone else. I do Perl, but not really SQL. (I'd made a similar offer to Dan a few months ago and then got distracted by GPSBabel.)


So if you "merely" need someone to help keep things running and deal with users and have infrastructure to delegate that sort of thing (ssh, patience to explain setups, etc.) just bang my gong.


And even if you pull the plug tomorrow, I'll thank you for offering a great service. When planning a trip, it's really nice to be able to slurp up recent logs for an area...

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