+ThirstyMick Posted February 12, 2009 Posted February 12, 2009 (edited) Why only male geocachers? I was a girl scout. It only lasted maybe 6 months though... all my troop did was crafts projects, and while I'm happy to spend an afternoon drawing or building something, gluing macaroni to a jewelry box wasn't my thing But I hear there are more outdoorsy girl scout troops! (just maybe not in the city ) Edited to add in college I was a brother of APO, a service fraternity founded by scouts and based on scouting. I used to go to cub scout meetings on tuesday night. Had fun teaching/quizzing them on things and helping out with projects Edited February 12, 2009 by ThirstyMick Quote
+WebChimp Posted February 12, 2009 Posted February 12, 2009 >How many of you guys were Boy Scouts, and how far did you get?< Made it to First Class in the 1960's. Made it to Scoutmaster in the second millennium. Quote
+WebChimp Posted February 12, 2009 Posted February 12, 2009 Why only male geocachers? I was a girl scout. He included Girl Scouts. OP ended with "How many of the ladies here were in Girl Scouts and how far did you get in it?". Glad you replied. Quote
+edgeseekers Posted February 12, 2009 Posted February 12, 2009 I'm an Eagle Scout, class of 1989, as is my brother a few years earlier. OA Vigil honor and Founder's Award recipient in Kelcema Lodge as well as a past Lodge Chief, lodge was merged back in 1995. Also went on the Philmont Trek and Natl Jamboree in 1989. Served 2 summers on staff at Fire Mountain Scout Reservation in NW Washington. Served as Asst Scoutmaster for a few years and then changed to Sea Explorers where I met my wife and we had a blast learning to sail the big boats on Puget Sound. I had the best times in Scouts, it definately set me up for success in life. I'm already teaching my 5 year old the principles that I learned and wait eagerly for the day he becomes a Cub Scout. Quote
+cooshiker Posted February 13, 2009 Posted February 13, 2009 Cub scout, Boy Scout First Class and OA. Quote
Ugandaman Posted February 13, 2009 Posted February 13, 2009 I started as a cub, then scouts and Verturers, getting all awards I could. before becoming a Scout leader for only 28 years. Was a Sea Scout Leader and Land Scout Leader . Got Wood badge and Silver Tiki award before giving up. For the last 4 years also helped run the Cub Pack as well as running Scout Troop. Received Good Citizen Award from the Local City Council for my years work to the youth at Scouts. I went to 13 Jamborees around the World and at home. Quote
+ben94gt Posted February 14, 2009 Posted February 14, 2009 I think I might be one of the youngest on here, I achieved Eagle in Sept of 2004, 3 months before my 18th birthday! Stayed active in venturing until we all split up to go off to college, have not been too active since, maybe I will become an AS once i graduate and settle somewhere. Quote
+Seeker_Knight Posted February 14, 2009 Posted February 14, 2009 I was a cub scout, weblo and boy scout. Made it to the rank of Life. I still remember most of the stuff they taught us in scouts too. In fact I shocked a friend of mine one day when I spouted off the Motto and oath. Some stuff just sticks I guess I'm kind of curious as I was in scouts and earned Eagle Scout in 1986. I remember a lot of what I learned at summer camp being used in various ways in geocaching. <BR><BR>How many of you guys were Boy Scouts, and how far did you get?<BR><BR>How many of the ladies here were in Girl Scouts and how far did you get in it? Quote
+Hiker1965 Posted February 14, 2009 Posted February 14, 2009 I was in Cub Scouts from bobcat to Webelos. Earned my Arrow of Light and joined Boy Scouts. I only earned the Life rank, but loved scouting. I then joined the Army and made a career out of it. Stayed in for 20 years. Retired in 2004 and have only been Geocaching since 2007!! I love it!! Quote
+ScoutingWV Posted February 14, 2009 Posted February 14, 2009 Just saw this thread - what do you mean "were in Scouting"?? I have 34 years, my son has 14, and my dad has 65 in the program. All of us are OA members, my dad and son are Vigil. Son is Eagle with one palm, was our Council's Eagle Scout of the Year a couple years ago, OA Founder's Award recipient, two-time vice-cheif of our OA lodge, on the Native American Dance team, and is now working to help establish an Eagle Scout fraternity at West Virginia University. Dad has served as Scoutmaster, Assistant Scout Master, merit badger counselor, several commissioner positions, camp staff, received the Silver Beaver award, and was key in starting several scout units specifically for handicapped youth. I was a Life Scout, Assistant Scout Master, Counselor, held several commissioner positions, helped out with the Geocaching to Promote Scouting course at Philmont (thanks to Mousewiz and Scoutboy), and have tried to get the GLOBE project and Geocaching together in Scouting. Quote
geeojeff Posted February 15, 2009 Posted February 15, 2009 Eagle and OA in the end. Gave back later as son's began coming up through to Webelos by being committee member, Assist Den Leader then Cub Scout Pack Leader. Not sure if Scouting was instrumental, maybe more of a techo-geek, love of nature, and camping mix, but I just can't get enough of this. Just took a travel bug to the carribean on vacation with us, photos and all, just because it's goal was to "get to the beach". Simple, fun, getting out there and enjoying life. Why not Geocache? I feel sorry for all the muggles who just don't get it. Quote
+Eagle 007 Posted February 15, 2009 Posted February 15, 2009 Gee, the pic and name I chose kinda give it away. Eagle, OA Brotherhood, Summer Camp Staff member, Then Tiger Leader, Den Leader, Webelos Leader, Cubmaster, Asst Scoutmaster, Scoutmaster, District Chair, Commissioner and now I'm trying my hand at Venturing Crew Advisor. What can I say -- it keeps me off the streets . . . with geocaching, now. The synergy is stunning. The District Venturing program is about to kick-off a recruiting effort and they are looking to geocaching as the core activity. I foresee my first geocaching hides to be related this Scouting effort. Quote
+mommio Posted February 15, 2009 Posted February 15, 2009 Never a Boy Scout, BUT.... I was a Brownie and Girl Scout. I was also a Cub Scout Den Mother, Den Leader Coach, Webelos Leader, Asst. Cubmaster, District Den Leader Coach, Cub Scout Summer Day Camp Program Director, BSA District Merit Award recipient, Assistant Girl Scout Leader, and am currently Assistant Troop Leader for my granddaughter's troop. Quote
+Shady Posted February 15, 2009 Posted February 15, 2009 I went through cub scouts and webelos, but unfortunately quit after earning my Arrow of Light. Quote
+resqroz Posted February 16, 2009 Posted February 16, 2009 I went through Cubs.Scouts and Explorers. I only went as far as Star but stayed active in Explorers and OA until a young adult. I was in a mountaineering/search and rescue explorer post. We had to do a map and compass navigation course finding specific spots just given the bearing and distances from known positions. Long before GPS was even thought of. Quote
+ChicagoCanineCrew Posted February 16, 2009 Posted February 16, 2009 I was a Girl Scout for one year, a friend of mine talked me into it. I liked it and I learned quite a bit. We did a lot of outdoor type things such as learning knot tying, compass use, orienteering, and did a winter camp out which was my first and only time camping in the winter... We were in a forest preserve camping in tents, 2 people to a tent, using whatever sleeping bags we owned... Unfortunately it was below freezing with snow on the ground and the sleeping bag I brought was old and not very thick so I shivered most of the night but I still loved the experience! I don't remember any more what badges I earned but I did have fun for the year I was in it. Quote
+naroyapa Posted February 16, 2009 Posted February 16, 2009 Received my Eagle Scout in 1970 as well as the God and Country award. Also an assistant scoutmaster years ago. All map and compass back then. Used all of my old boy scout skills later in the Marine Corps and as LRRP in the Army reserve. GPS is nice, but better know map and compass if the satellites go down. Quote
+Viridios Posted September 24, 2009 Posted September 24, 2009 I was in scouts for 13 years as a youth, went from Beavers to Venturers, earned my Chief Scout Award, and am now a Beaver leader Quote
+isuquinndog Posted September 24, 2009 Posted September 24, 2009 (edited) Earned my Eagle Scout in 1996 (I think) from Troop 53 in Rome, IL. I'm extremely proud of my award and when I was looking for a job and had it on my resume got more than one comment from people doing interviews about it being impressive. The troop folded a few years later. Edited September 24, 2009 by isuquinndog Quote
Troop76 Posted September 25, 2009 Posted September 25, 2009 Had to log in using our Troop handle vice my own (Soloban). I earned my Eagle in 1981 and have been the Scoutmaster for Troop 76 for seven years. Our Troop is located on Fleet Activities Sasebo, Japan. We camp monthly and geocache on many of our camping trips. We have a successful active program. Soloban Quote
+WebChimp Posted September 25, 2009 Posted September 25, 2009 How many of you guys were Boy Scouts, and how far did you get? Still in. Scoutmaster, Troop 45, Council 691. Quote
+DragonsWest Posted September 25, 2009 Posted September 25, 2009 I was a scout 2nd class for about the duration. I couldn't give a rat's patoot about merit badges or advancement up the chain, I was there for the hiking, camping, ghost stories around the camp fire, fishing, getting filthy and coming home dog-tired. I'm still up for it. Got my backcoutry permit for the Grand Canyon in November. There's some vituals down there I means to log. Quote
+Count Fartula Posted September 25, 2009 Posted September 25, 2009 Got as far as 1st Class in scouts. I just lost interest and started skateboarding a lot. Quote
+humboldt flier Posted September 25, 2009 Posted September 25, 2009 Eagle Scout'83, Brotherhood OA, Philmont trek '80, 50 mile afoot/afloat award, three times (twice on foot, once by canoe), mile swim also. Queen's Scout 1962, Silver Beaver, Vigil Member O.A. Orca Lodge, Philmont Camper 1962, Philmont Modern Day Treks 2002, 2009. Philmont Advanced Outdoor Leadership Course with Mini Back Country Trek 2006. Multiple 50 milers. Son is a cacher >> he is a 5 Palm Eagle Scout 1999, Brotherhood Member O.A. Orca Lodge, Philmont NJLIC 2000, Philmont Trek 2002. Multiple 50 milers Cache On Quote
+JackQuest Posted September 26, 2009 Posted September 26, 2009 Eagle Scout (2 palms) 1979 and in the process of reconnecting with local district, time to give back. Quote
+jicknarson Posted September 26, 2009 Posted September 26, 2009 Why only male geocachers? I was a girl scout. He included Girl Scouts. OP ended with "How many of the ladies here were in Girl Scouts and how far did you get in it?". Glad you replied. To add another twist - and this may have been addressed earlier, but I am joining this topic late... How about female geocachers involved in Boy Scouts? I was a Cub Scout den leader for years, and was also actively involved in Boy Scouts. I just wish I had known about geocaching when I had a den of boys to entertain and enlighten - this would have been a great activity! Quote
wkonrad Posted October 21, 2009 Posted October 21, 2009 28 years of Scouting, including Cub Scouts, Boy Scouts and Venturing. Made it all the way through the Cub program and earned the Arrow of Light. As a Boy Scout, I made it to Star, plus a few more merit badges. Got re-involved when my son was in first grade. He made me proud when he became an Eagle in 1999. Since 1988, I've been a Den Leader, Webelo Leader, Cubmaster, Scoutmaster, Asst. Scoutmaster, Committee Member, Venture Crew Advisor, and a District Volunteer. I'm still actively involved even though my son hasn't been for almost 7 years now. Still enjoy camping and hiking, backpacking(Did 50+ miles of backpacking on Isle Royale back in July), etc. Geocaching gives me another oppertunity to be outdoors. I consider Scouting to be one of the best investments we can make in the youth of America. Quote
+Chiefy268 Posted October 21, 2009 Posted October 21, 2009 I first started in Beavers which is the equivalent to Tigers in the US, but in Canada, I then moved to the US and was involved with Cubs all the way to Scouts, I did not get far in Scouts. I moved back to Canada joined Scouts for a while, but left and joined the Royal Canadian Sea Cadets. Long story short... Yes! Quote
bradly22 Posted October 21, 2009 Posted October 21, 2009 I did it! made it all the way to Eagle Scout then we started moving around and didn't get to finish, i still have all the books though Quote
+johnab7 Posted October 21, 2009 Posted October 21, 2009 Was never in the Scouts as a child but I have now been a Beaver Scout Leader for the past eighteen years. Cheers JohnAB7 Quote
+Seab3 Posted October 22, 2009 Posted October 22, 2009 No Eagle Scouts where I'm from. I was in Scouts for 6 years, and am currently a leader... (The equivalent might be Chief Scout, which is awarded by the Gov General, I never reached that rank) Quote
+skeezicks Posted October 22, 2009 Posted October 22, 2009 I was a cub scout back in the 70's.One of my friends parents was our scout leader.Somewhere in her box of important items,my mom still has my scout shirt with all my patches sewn on it.I still have the cub scout tie clip in one of my dresser drawers.I haven't thought about those times in forever...thanks for bringing back some great memories! Quote
+WIIarefamily Posted October 22, 2009 Posted October 22, 2009 I am an Eagle Scout and very proud of that. Quote
+maggi101 Posted October 22, 2009 Posted October 22, 2009 Nope. Never a day. BUT, I learned about GCing at one of my boys troop meetings. Does that count? Quote
+di10on Posted October 22, 2009 Posted October 22, 2009 I made it to First Class Girl Scout, which was the highest award at the time. I am currently a Senior Girl Scout Leader. The girls are working on the High Tech Hide and Seek Interest Project (basically a geocaching badge). We can geocache on just about any outing. We have a camping trip coming up in November, with several caches in the area. They are also preparing to hide a cache locally. The cache will include a travel bug that they hope to get to Savannah Georgia in time for the start of the Girl Scout 100 Anniversary kick off, next October 31. Wish us luck! Quote
+Crafty Turtle Posted October 22, 2009 Posted October 22, 2009 I was a scout in two different countries! Started out as a jealous too-young sister of a brownie, and made my way up to leader / camp counselor. PS. Australia, in it's attempt to be politically correct, has opened the old "boy scouts" to girls, but funnily enough, the brownies and guides are still for girls only. ?! Quote
+Matt_B_Good Posted October 22, 2009 Posted October 22, 2009 Warning don't read the following statements if you don't like a negative view: I was in it up to Weeblo or whatever it was maybe higher i don't really remember the ranks all that much. At the end I was pretty upset with the group and I threw all that junk away. All we ever did was meet and pay meeting dues for some reason. Not even once did we go camping or any outdoor activity other than once we had a Bonfire at the pack leader's home. Oh boy! :sarcastic: The dues were only 50¢ but as a 10 year old that was alot of money. I could have saved that from 10 meetings and bought a he-man action figure which I would have enjoyed more than those boring meetings. If I left it in package I could sell it on e-bay right now for a killing. I grew to hate scouts. The only reason I even stayed with it so long is that we were promised outdoor activity. Just a big ball of lies as far as I was concerned. A Geocaching club would be a far more useful group than scouts. Quote
+WeeWillie Posted October 22, 2009 Posted October 22, 2009 Warning: Don't read this if you have a chip on your shoulder The fact that you did not enjoy the activities that Webelos offered is not a deficiency in Scouting. Not every boy enjoys Scouting. You could have passed this discussion by, but instead you joined in with an insult. During your limited experience in Scouting you missed out on one of the values Scouting fosters, namely courtesy. Webelos is a family oriented program, so what did you and your family do to contribute to its success? I have 11 years experience as an adult leader, including being a Webelos den leader. My experience is that the kids and parents that do the least, complain the most. BSA does not stand for Baby Sitters of America. Quote
+UPSgirl Posted October 22, 2009 Posted October 22, 2009 I started out in Bluebirds, then switched to Girl Scouts. My troop wasn't very active, but my best friend's troop was. I'm still friends with some of my former troop members. My favorite GS memory was a huge camping outing where we slept outside, under the stars. All-in-all, Scouting was a good experience. It is amazing how many people don't "leave the place cleaner than you found it." My last camping trip, we got the last available spot. After I settled in, I took a walk around and discoved the hunters had left eight deer legs, organs, and part of a hide behind. My dog Max had fun carrying the legs around. Blech! Quote
+the_bell_dingers Posted October 22, 2009 Posted October 22, 2009 I am a Scout. And a Geocacher! The Best Combonation! Quote
+Eagle and the nuts Posted October 23, 2009 Posted October 23, 2009 I became Eagle in 1971. I got into geocaching thru scouting. Last December I was with my son's patrol on a hike and the scoutmaster had his GPS with him. He mentioned a geocache along the trail that he had looked for three different times. I had never seen a GPS receiver before and was very intriqued by that "fancy electronic compass" he had. I guess I talked about it at home a lot, because my wife and sons gave me one for Christmas. I didn't really have a chance to work with it until a family campout in April. After an unsuccessful attempt at finding our first cache that my Magellan Triton kept telling me was miles away, I found the format wasn't set properly. I made the change and we went out again. We found the cache and a new hobby. Quote
+dibug Posted October 23, 2009 Posted October 23, 2009 Since I am not a male I will respond like this. I am a Girl Sc out. Was a Girl Scout as a child and have progressed to being a leader. Geocaching helps to keep my scouting skills well oiled. I am the grandmother of a cub scout that had fun teaching his fellow scouts about geocaching. Quote
+Robfire Posted July 24, 2010 Posted July 24, 2010 Eagle Scout (1989) here. I used my map and compass skils finding geocaches in my area before getting a GPS. I found several but never logged them and most have been archived at this time. As a scout leader now I stress the use of map and compass knowledge. Most boys will ask why not just use a gps and I ask what do you do when your only set of batteries is dead? Rob Quote
+bittsen Posted July 24, 2010 Posted July 24, 2010 How come the title only addresses "male" scouts? Ever hear of the Girl Scouts (They are the ones who sell cookies, not peanut brittle). Hrmmmph!! Quote
+TABjuggler Posted July 24, 2010 Posted July 24, 2010 (edited) I am an Eagle Scout with 2 palms. I was also in Sea Scouts for a bit after that. I am also Brotherhood with the OA. My father was an Eagle Scout (and Brotherhood), his brother was an Eagle Scout (and Vigil), and his other brother was very nearly an Eagle Scout, but his troop collapsed before that happened. Both my brothers are Eagle Scouts (and Brotherhood). You could say that I come from a pretty scouting oriented family. I gained a lot from scouting and I definitely plan to put my kids through scouting if I can find a good troop when that happens (I'd say 7-10 years from now). edit: Forgot: I have been in scouting since Tiger Cubs and also worked one summer as staff (CIT) at Sand Hill in Brooksville, FL Geocaching has re-kindled my love of the outdoors from way back in my Boy Scout days. College and law school and career demands had caused me to lose touch with what was really important to me. I'm back in touch now. This has been wringing so true with me for the last couple months since I started caching. Edited July 24, 2010 by TABjuggler Quote
+birder428 Posted July 24, 2010 Posted July 24, 2010 Hubby was a Boy Scout, I was a Girl Scout and daughter was a Girl Scout (Gold Award) and we all love caching. Son was a Boy Scout (Eagle, OA) but just tolerates our caching adventures. He thinks we look 'sketchy' when we cache. But he's a good sport and comes along anyway. Quote
+aimeemyarickhelena Posted July 24, 2010 Posted July 24, 2010 Eagle Scout Rick check in in to roll-call Quote
+JL_HSTRE Posted July 24, 2010 Posted July 24, 2010 (edited) I was never in Scouts nor was my geocaching buddy. Our two female friends who we introduced to caching that love it were never in Girl Scouts. The four of us have a mutual friend that was a gold project Girl Scout but she's not really interested in geocaching. Edited July 24, 2010 by joshism Quote
+nekom Posted July 24, 2010 Posted July 24, 2010 I was when I was a kid. I have some fond memories of day camp. Quote
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