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posting parking coordinates to keep cachers out of trouble.

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The reason there is a rating system is for cachers to have other variables by which to determine whether or not to seek a cache. Simple geographic location is not enough.


Do we also need a rating system on parking coords? I think not.


On most of the caches I've found, parking coords have not been listed. In fact, I would estimate that <5% of my more difficult finds included the use of parking coords. Do I care that they aren't there? Not particularly.


If we were to get that picky and REQUIRE parking coords, I could just see where this would take urban micro caching.


--If you park at Nxx xx.xxx Wxxx xx.xxx, you'll be approx. 17" from the cache. However, if you want to up your cache difficulty, park at Nxx xx.xxx Wxxx xx.xxx and you'll be approx. 17' from the cache. Caution: You'll have to cross one landscaping planter if you choose parking Option 2. Be careful, or you might injure yourself on that steep climb.


The bottom line, as others have said, is that not everybody is going to be pleased with how all caches are done. Some prefer (parking) coords, others do not. Personally, I don't see a need for them in most situations, except for areas where even decent maps make it difficult to discern (primarily rural caches). I enjoy urban caches, but really prefer the rural caches, due to the physical demand required in order to achieve the goal and log the find. For me to expect parking coords at any cache is to say that I'm too lazy to look into it myself in order to determine the best route/parking for the search. There's plenty of resources available on the 'net that will provide just about every answer to a question.


If you don't want to take the time to look for the best starting point, don't expect others to do your homework and tell you where to search. It's about as lazy as asking for a bright strobe light on the cache itself so you can easily locate it at night.


billybob, I'll say this again and hopefully you grasp what I'm trying to get across. If you want to get flamed, continue 'speaking' to the community in the manner which you have chosen. If you want a reasonable dialogue with everyone, please try to be less abrasive in how you approach situations. It's almost like giving yourself a bath and using an 80-grit wet/dry sandpaper instead of a washcloth. While it gets the job done, there are much better ways to accomplish them.



Team A.I.

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Originally posted by Brian - Team A.I.:

to get that picky and REQUIRE parking coords, I could just see where this would take urban micro caching..........


If you want a reasonable dialogue with everyone, please try to be less abrasive in how you approach situations..............



Team A.I.


Quote is incomplete to save space!


I think Billy has left the room, but I would like to say:


As a newbie and reading alot (maybe too many) of the topics/threads it does seem that a qestion or idea put forth is subject to instant vilification and derision. I simply made a statement of an idea

that I had about having the option of having the parking coordinates emailed to bring it into the discussion. I was not promoting this idea, at the bottom of my post I stated this is just an idea.


In fact since I have several finds under my belt they do not seem as needed. And for putting an idea into the discussion, I got a LOL (doesn't matter who and I am not going back to look) and felt as tho I was perhaps bringing ruin to this hobby. I enjoy the woods, fields and the more woods the better. The further from the trash and so called progress of man, the better the cache. The first cache that I went for was in the city, and being really dumb I went to it as soon as my Merigreen started going up in distance instead of down. This past weekend I had so many maps in the truck, I could not keep up with cache sheets for the 4 caches I was after.


At any rate, I want to learn from these forums and contribute to the discussion if I can. but, niether can happen if the experts (experts = he/she knows more that I do at the moment) and those more thoughtful than I, don't at least try to accept our postings as serious discussion with no hidden agenda. Billybob can speak for himself, this was not in his defense but only a newbies observation. And this is not directed at anyone in particular and not Brian for sure. I simply point out a trend that I have seen/percieved on these boards.

Thanks for the help when I ask.


I have flouted the wild, I have followed its lure, fearless. familar, alone; yet the wild must win,

and a day will come when I shall be overthrown. By: Robert Servic

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Originally posted by Dersu:


At any rate, I want to learn from these forums and contribute to the discussion if I can. but, niether can happen if the experts (experts = he/she knows more that I do at the moment) and those more thoughtful than I, don't at least try to accept our postings as serious discussion with no hidden agenda. <>


Whenever I joined a forum, BBS or Email list (in 17 years there have been many) I lurked for a long time. The shortest time from lurk to post for me was 1 (one) month. The longest was 1 (one) year. That gave me time to learn the local ways and the players before I opened my mouth.


You can learn a lot by reading and searching.


I go by the simple rule.


"When in Rome do as the Romans do"



As always, the above statements are just MHO.


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a local cache states in the cache description where to park (no coordinates, but something to the effect "Park on "X" street to the north of the cache location"), yet in the logs are statements to the effect...."Easy find, but had to run accross multiple lane highway"


I guess everyone has their own way of caching.


"Could be worse...could be raining"

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Originally posted by cachew nut:

If you can't find the geocache with the coordinates given, what makes you think you will find the parking spot with the parking coordinates?


One would think that the parking lot may not be hidden under a tree or a pile of rocks but rather visible to the naked eye.


Lack of planning on your part does not constitute an emergency on mine.

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Originally posted by Rygel:


One would think that the parking lot may not be hidden under a tree or a pile of rocks but rather visible to the naked eye.


Lack of planning on your part does not constitute an emergency on mine.


Darn, I forgot to put a smiley in my previous post, hope no one gets the wrong idea of what I'm trying to say.


The cache that's hidden under a tree, or pile of rocks, is more or less a byproduct of getting to the location.


Once you are at the location, your GPS isn't going to sniff out the cache for you, you do that with your senses - sight, touch, smell etc.


Getting to the location is half of the game. Those coordinates are speaking the "Language of location" and your GPS is pointing you to that location. If you can't get there in a straight line, then go around the obstacle, your GPS will still point to the location.


I don't have a problem with parking coordinates for those who want to provide them, I do that myself on a couple of caches. On others I don't.


One of my caches has parking in a hint, because I feel that spot is safer than the parking lot. My other cache has suggested starting coordinates, because of the greater chance of seeing deer.


I do have a problem if the site provides a field to fill out in the form, even if it's optional. People will fill in that field just because it's there. The game will have changed from what it is now, if I can use the word cheapened.


I'm one of the newer ones, but the old timers here did not have the luxury of parking coordinates. They worked for their caches, figuring out not only where it was hidden, but where to park too. The new cheapened finds will not have the same value as the older ones. Oh yeah, this is just my opinion.

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If the game was "Adventures in Parking", then I could have a lot more fun and reward at a mall.


I make a point of entering my parking coordinates in my On-Line logs and I make a point of reviewing past logs for comments on parking experiences. The last thing I want to do is exacerbate a situation with an irate land owner. On the flip side, you can find out about illegal No-Trespassing signs put up without the true owner’s permission.


A common situation that I've encountered when I have to travel a ways to a cache is coming to grips with local road conditions that are not reflected on maps. For example one way streets, closed roads, paths that are marked as public roads, new construction, and unmarked fences can obstruct a planned approach. These are things that locals know as a matter of course, but can aggravate visitors from out of the area.


Just need enough information to get me to a good safe spot where I can start walking.

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